1. Luís Camacho says:

    LMAO. Now seriously, these have to be the most realistic graphics ever! Xbox 360 or GeForce 8? NOWAI, hamster all the way!

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    This is yet another sad and pathetic example of how far this nation has declined under the so-called leadership of George Bush. Under the influence of these scumbag neo-cons and religious nutbags, our nation thinks nothing of the senseless torture of an innocent hamster.

    This is a prime reason why the liberal agenda including proposed legislation from PETA making it a capitol crime to torture hamsters needs to be passed right away.

    Thank you Uncle Dave for making the ignorant American sheep aware of this tragic reality. Surely the doom of mankind is upon us, and frankly, I think we have it coming.

  3. Reality says:

    Kill it! Where’s my Wii controller?

  4. ^^^ says:

    It’s spelled ‘hamster’, not ‘hampster’.

  5. 2xbob says:

    Holy smokes, did you see the shadders at work on each individual hair, not to mention all those times the hamster “appeared” to look over the edge of the ground was the most ground breaking 3D ever. This can only be the work of the ZOMG PS3 !!!!11!!!!111!!!1!!!one… Oh, and my girlfriend thinks it cute but what does she know about such stunning graphics.

    Thanks for the find Uncle Dave, my day was made a little fuzzier

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Nice. Shows that the good folks on Iceland got too much time on their hands. 😉

  7. Mark says:

    “It’s spelled ‘hamster’, not ‘hampster’.” Yeah, Uncle Dave, now I dont feel so stupid for making fun of you use of pr0n. Unless of course you need a cyber nanny version of hamster.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Uh… It’s “Hamster” not “Hampster.”

  9. ECA says:

    If you only got 2 ways to point, you will never know where you are standing.

    Everyone else…
    i hope you realize that Its a real cage someone made.

  10. sdf says:

    anyone recognize the music?

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    What is with you people? Don’t you recognize the world famous Hampster the Hamster? He’s a legend among video gaming rodents. Sheesh!

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    I just hope that no zeros or ones were hurt during the making of this game.

  13. Reality says:

    I still want to hit him with my Wii controller.

  14. Molloy says:

    Videogame in question is Monty on the Run in case anybodys interested. Magnificent music courtesy of Rob Hubbard.


  15. Erik Larsson says:

    #6 – lots of time because it’s dark here for six months of the year. We pass the time by building adventure worlds for our pets, and talking about cod.

    We also have Hard Rock Cafe jumpers instead of t-shirts because it’s so cold.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – ECA

    You know that I was joking in #2 right? 🙂 I think extremes are funny.


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