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Very funny but this incident is crazy and there is something very strange about him on Letterman
Just imagine Michael Richards working at Starbucks:
He should have stuck with acting… unique and brilliant. As a stand up comedian, he’s just an idiot, even without the racial slurs.
LAMO at the video. Verrrry funny.
This was him just trying to get back at people who were pissing him off. He chose the quickest, easiest way by going after race.
If it was a fat guy he would have called him a fat ass. A woman he would have called a cunt. a Mexican, a spic and so on.
get over it.
If it was a fat guy he would have called him a fat ass. A woman he would have called a cunt. a Mexican, a spic and so on.
All of the above is seriously wrong Craig.
Life imitates art.
I guess the “Serenity now” thing really doesn’t work.
I’ll never look at a fork the same again.
7 All of the above is seriously wrong Craig.
Well, duuhh…
But I agree with Craig that people trying to verbally twist-the-knife on someone are likely to go for what they hope are the hot-button insults for their intended target.
I agree with a point made by a commentator back when this was first news: Is it worse to be prejudiced or to be caught being so? I’m not sure it really matters in the end.
#7, I think Craig is right.
You make a good point and the reasoning doesn’t excuse his lapse of judgment.
I have trouble with the fact anyone cares what this guy says or does to begin with.. He’s an actor..
I agree with Craig, and I think it explains many other situations as well, such as Mel Gibson’s rant and Hillary calling someone a fucking Jew bastard. A little different but throw in John Rocker from years back. It’s like Wolz in The Godfather: “I don’t care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come crawling out of the woodwork”
Tom Hagen:”I’m German-Irish.”
Wolz:”Well, listen here, my kraut mick friend.”
Yes #1 Brilliant!!!!
While I agree on one hand with #7, I also agree with #6. What ever happened to
Stick and Stones may break my bones
Name will never hurt me.
In general we are a very violent society, more so now where people are easily banished for not controlling their tongue.
I don’t like seeing people hurt people in any way. But there is also something to be said about people not taking offence, being thick skinned and having some perspective. It’s still try today, it take two to tangle.
Someone seems to have changed the comment guidelines. Normaly these get censored on the spot.
The “hanging upside down with a fork up your ass” comment was funny and he should have stopped it there while he had the audience laughing. The rest was enough to get Jesse Jackson involved and I hate when that happens. sigh
Yeah, Jesse might tell us about how he hates Jews again.
#11, Mike Voice, But I agree with Craig that people trying to verbally twist-the-knife on someone are likely to go for what they hope are the hot-button insults for their intended target.
Bullshit. When you use racial slurs, your intended target becomes everyone of that race. You reinforce prejudice and contribute to nonsensical, baseless hatred. It is selfish and ignorant to use such language.
Los Angeles, CA., Author H. Lewis Smith has written a thought provoking, culturally divided book that will not only spark heated conversation, but can also bring about real change. The N-word is often used in the African American community amongst each other and is generally not a problem when spoken by another African American. However, once the word is used by a Caucasian person, it brings on other effects. The question is “who can use the word and why?” Smith believes it is a word that should be BURIED!!!!
The book is written in a manner that all can understand. The points are well-taken and the wording is easy to follow. There are quotes from great people in our history including Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, James Baldwin and many, many others. Smith has mixed history with honesty, love with life, education with effects. This is a great book for educators, parents, managers, professionals, newsmen, and anyone else wanting an in-depth look at the N-word, the effects and the solutions. A MUST READ!!!!
To learn more about Bury that Sucka, please visit
Kramer and Mel Gibson and Trent Lott are racists. So are many other white bread honky crackers.
Gotta watch those comedians from Seinfeld, which even did episodes about how nobody has any black friends. Those ex-Seinfeld has beens are universally lame and pathetic.
I watched Jerry Seinfeld try to bolster that new talk show host guy who used to be a writer for Seinfeld. I felt massively uncomfortable with the whole thing, both guys were boring as F.
#18: I’ve been out of town and haven’t been able to check on what’s happening. Even so, given what’s being commented on, I think it’s OK to go farther than usual (ie, context). However, some people have their heel on the line with the toes well over it, so watch it.
Jesse Jackson should’ve made him a crow sandwich and spit on it first, and watched the hymie eat it.