The Nintendo Wii’s wireless gyroscopic controller, which you can swing to simulate a baseball bat, golf club, and so on, is great fun. That is, until someone gets hurt. Someone being your TV screen!

Seems that some overenthusiastic gamers are whipping their controllers around a bit too hard; straps are breaking, remotes go flying, and crack goes the screen. At new site you’ll see several stories of Wii woe.

Remember: It’s only a game. Hang on to those controllers a bit tighter, kids.

The site is crashed, this morning. Apparently THEY have a problem.

  1. Roger M says:

    Seems like have a problem to me…

  2. John says:

    Being fortunate enough to have played one, not breaking your TV is pretty darned simple. It’s not a slippery device, the only way it can fly out of your hand is if you’re like this guy: , or if you’re foolish enough to think the wrist strap means you can just toss it full force.

  3. Roger M says:

    OK, being picky here;
    If Wii has problems, it should be
    If Wii users have problems, it’s OK with
    Seems like it’s the latter. Phew, I was getting worried about my Wii 😉

  4. moss says:

    Uh, Roger — I just think the dude was being cute and imitating “Houston, we have a problem”.

  5. Roger M says:

    #4 Yeah.
    No word about the controller, eh?
    But just the fact that it actually broke the glass is impressive in it’s own merit.

    If I didn’t have one, I’d definitely get one. Go Nintendo!

  6. James Hill says:

    As a friend of mine posted on another message board…

    “You have a ‘strap’ with a Wii? How gay can this thing get?”

  7. natefrog says:

    This is hard to believe. That glass is too dang thick to be hurt by a wimpy plastic controller. I have a friend that attempted to shoot a monitor’s glass front with a 12-gauge out on his farm and the BBs bounced right off and hit him…without causing any damage to the monitor.

    I imagine I could toss the Wiimote at the TV all day and only break the remote…

  8. natefrog says:

    From looking at the site… It appears all the broken TV’s are plasmas or LCDs. Figures…

  9. John S says:

    re #4 wasn’t the line “houston we have had a problem”?


  10. John S says:

    the real words spoken not the movie version I mean.


  11. Chris Hayashida says:

    #6: As a friend of mine posted on another message board…

    “You have a ’strap’ with a Wii? How gay can this thing get?”

    My strap-on Wii is not gay…

  12. Me says:

    Their site is working.


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