All Headline News – Romanian Woman Received Dad’s Remains By Mail – December 1, 2006 — An eye-roller. Makes you wonder about some cultures.

A Romanian woman is threatening to sue a local priest after receiving the remains of her dead father by post after a cemetery was sold to developers. A report by says Aurelia Cenusa from Severin, Romania was informed of the clergy in her father’s hometown of Darvari, some 300 miles away, that the graveyard where her father was buried, has been sold and his body exhumed.She said the priest asked her to come over to collect the remains of her father, the late Rafaila Cojocaru, or the clergy will send it by mail. Cenusa thought the priest was just joking.

She told, “I had entered a lottery a few weeks ago and when I got the large parcel I thought I had won something. Instead I opened it up to find a banana crate containing the bones of my dead father. You could still even see bits of his funeral suit even though he died 16 years ago.”

  1. Roger M says:

    Dead people are serious business and shouldn’t be taken as a joke. Her own fault. Totally.

    However, it’s her own father for crying out loud. Shouldn’t she show some passion? She’s rejecting her own father now?Jeeeeze.

    On the other hand, maybe her father could earn her some big bucks…..

  2. Tim Champ says:

    This begs an important question – how long does someone have the right to have their loved one interred? I mean, we could conceivably take up some major land with such things over time.

    There should be some type of law about after some time, say 150 years, a cemetary can either reuse the plot or sell the land to someone.

    Anyway…. this story is a wow kind of moment. I guess the laws of romainia have some work to do on this type of thing.

  3. Charles says:

    It’s a complete waste of land to have people buried now adays. Imagine if everyone from the beginning of time till now wanted a burial plot. The world would be one big cemetary.

  4. JimR says:

    Cremation is the way to go.

  5. Too much time on hands says:

    Number 3,

    My Guess is a cematary roughly 180.67 mile square would hold a plot for everyone ever. Based on 40 billion people, 3 x 6 plot, figure 1 foot spacing. That comes to 910 billion sq feet or 32,641 sq miles.

  6. JimR says:

    #5, you could reduce those numbers somewhat by factoring in those who died on the pilgrimage to visit aunt Martha and were eaten by vultures.

  7. TJGeezer says:

    #6, that very thing happened to my Uncle Larry but I didn’t know it was so common.

  8. JimR says:

    #7, I should have mentioned that I was imagining a cemetery of 32,641 square miles. Did Uncle Larry get the proper co-ordinates?

  9. RTaylor says:

    “Eah, you can bury them up there, but the don’t come back the same. Sometimes dead is better” 😉

  10. JoeB says:

    “Golf courses and cemeteries…
    the two biggest wastes of prime real estate.”

    -Al Czervik (Rodney Dangerfield) “Caddyshack”

  11. Les says:

    I think in the movie Poltergeist, they moved the markers, but not the graves 🙂


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