Now THAT’S ugly….

Related Link: El Niño in the News
“(CBS/AP) The mild 2006 Atlantic hurricane season draws to a close Thursday without a single hurricane striking the United States — a stark contrast to the record-breaking 2005 season that killed more than 1,500 people and left thousands homeless along the Gulf Coast…. Florida State meteorologist Ben Nelson gives credit to El Nino and more desert dust than usual in Africa.”

  1. ryan says:


  2. traaxx says:

    Yeah, there’s more dust and the moon wasn’t just right and a butterfly didn’t flap it’s wings in Asia, whatever.

    Really in 70’s we were having an Ice Age, now were having a hot gas age all in the name of social control and political agenda to take us back into the dark ages. I’ll go along with stuff when China and India voluteer to meet the exact same emission standard that are to be imposed upon us, of course if the UN was a true Global Government they could just tax us under the grave ( oh wait that’s the plan isn’t it).

  3. Mark Derail says:

    I know lots of Canadians jealous that the States are getting more snow, sooner, longer than us (Montreal & Toronto).

    Seriously, I have 2 months less to ski every year. Our slopes are often more than half artificial snow.

    When all the Monarch butterflies die in Mexico due to sub-zero temperatures, when will the governments wake up?

    Yes, high altitude dust from the Sahara’s prevent hurricanes by causing earlier precipitation, the rain removes heat energy. Discovery Channel.

    Looking forward to those awesome videos this winter of Americans that don’t know how to drive on snow & ice. Wiiiiiiiii

    Finally, FINALLY, some insurance companies here actually give you a substantial rebate with proof of purchase/installation of winter tires.

  4. Cognito says:

    #2 Do you mean the exact same emissions per head? or per country?

  5. Hugh Jass says:

    Wow, that is some lunch muscle!

  6. moss says:

    #2 — I have to admit I’m glad you’re around, traax. It’s like an F1 discussion group having a NASCAR fan on the periphery — or, say, having a creationist walk into a classroom reflecting on the latest findings in paleontology.

    El Niño, of course, is a measured meteorological phenomenon — not an aspect of climate findings other than as result, not cause. Folks who understand this make use of projections based on such information all the time.

    In my neck of the woods, it means a warmer winter and probably a bit more precipitation — always welcome.

  7. Venom Monger says:

    It’s like an F1 discussion group having a NASCAR fan on the periphery

    I don’t care who you are, now, that’s funny.

  8. Roger M says:

    #8 (#7)
    Not just funny. moss is damn frekkin’ right….

    Although how welcome the changes are, varies. We haven’t even started to see the real results yet.

  9. Chris Evans says:

    Funnily enough, all the doom-sayers who were so vocal at the beginning of this hurricane season about how “it will make last season look like gentle spring showers” are nowhere to be heard.

    And yet, people still listen to these whack-jobs.

  10. Mark says:

    6. Hugh Jass: Man you win the prize for funniest name on this blog.

  11. Roger M says:

    And yet, people still listen to these whack-jobs.

    So, the “Global Warming” phenomenon is a myth?
    Have you started your “See/Hear/Say-Nothing Club” yet?

  12. TJGeezer says:

    #`0 – Funny, I never heard any such predictions. I heard \that when you throw more heat into a heat engine, the results tend more toward chaos. Substitute “less predictable,” if that is easier to understand. “Haw haw, no hurricanes” kinda misses the point.

  13. James Hill says:

    By definition, you’d think liberals wouldn’t be so afraid of change.

  14. cheese says:

    There were nine named storms, five of which did become hurricanes. Two were major. No major hurricanes came ashore this year.

    That’s OK; we needed the break anyway.

    Right now, I’m in a blizzard. Sigh. Just never enough global warming when you need it 🙂

  15. camlv says:

    #2 it is that exact single minded view that makes the rest of the world hate Americans.

    “’ll go along with stuff when China and India volunteer to meet the exact same emission standard that are to be imposed upon us”

    Imposed??? by who? America don’t do shit. China’s and India’s economic situation is very different and America are the ones that need to show the initiative to make a difference


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