– Amsterdam Closes One-Third of Prostitution ‘Windows’ in Famed Red Light District — Since this has been going on since the 14th century I doubt it’s going to end just because the Dutch are taking a cue from the religious right. Apparently there is a money laundering problem. This is not unusual with a cash business.

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands — The City of Amsterdam said Thursday it is shutting down nearly one-third of the 350 prostitution “windows” in the city’s famed red light district, as part of a crackdown on crime in the area.

The city said a 2003 law allowed it to deny or revoke prostitutes’ licenses when it suspected operators would use them for money laundering or other illegal financial activity, “which in concrete terms means that those involved won’t be able to continue their businesses” after Jan. 1, the city said in a statement.

The Dutch government legalized prostitution in 2000 with an eye to making it easier to tax and regulate. Even before then, Amsterdam’s Red Light District was tolerated by authorities and had become a major tourist attraction.

related link:
Guide to the district

found by Joel Shore

  1. Roger M says:

    That’s a shame. I’m sure the easy access might have kept some clients from going bonkers 😉
    On a second note, it should give even more business to the remaining ones……

  2. Frank IBC says:

    The only “religious right” in Holland are the Muslims.

  3. joshua says:

    #2…Frank….and guess who one hell of a lot of the customers are??
    Every time my mates and I have been to Amsterdam, we saw primarily Muslims and American tourists going into the brothels. Figures, since these 2 groups are the most sexually backwards and repressed in the world.

  4. Smartalix says:

    At least they’re not closing any of the coffee houses…


  5. KB says:

    The city said a 2003 law allowed it to deny or revoke prostitutes’ licenses when it suspected operators would use them for money laundering or other illegal financial activity

    Still, with “suspicion” being the basis for shutting down businesses, you can’t help wonder if the real crime will involve who gets to decide who gets shut down.

  6. Cognito says:

    Are you completely sure it wasn’t Microsoft complaining that the Dutch Windows was affecting the reputation of their ‘Windows’?

  7. John Paradox says:


    At least they’re not closing any of the coffee houses…


    Comment by Smartalix — 11/30/2006 @ 5:55 pm

    Actually, they are


  8. Dallas says:

    Ohhhh… Is THAT what those ladies near the windows are for ….

  9. Named says:


    In Amsterdam, when you join the sex trade you get rights, union and all the benefits of a salaried career. No pimps (except for the government, who pimps us all) and the rest of the stuff that happens when it’s illegal. Prostitution is the oldest trade. And why can you give it away for free but there’s a moral issue with selling it?

    You can send your daughter into the sex trade if you like. It’s your choice after all. Others make different choices. And some children grow up and WANT to be in the sex trade. Sometimes they have no choice due to bad environments / situations / choices. But, it’s legitimate, which is a huge benefit.

    And the Dutch government has swung very far right as of recent history… standard operating procedure for humanity. A big swinging pendulum.

  10. Religious Right? There? Seriously, is the air that bad in California?


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