Whatever Happened to Prolog?

I first heard of the language Prolog in 1982 when the Japanese were making a lot of noise about its upcoming Fifth Generation Computer Project. In 1982 we were freaked out about anything the Japanese were doing since they were looking like world beaters at the time. The Japanese economy was going great. We had just left a miserable decade and we were told that the Japanese could do no wrong and we could do no right. Worse the Japanese were seen as Japan, Inc. and feared as a tough rival. If they said they were going to develop a Fifth Generation computer, then we were sure they would do it.

Whatever Happened to… archives

  1. J says:

    I loved Prolog!!!!!

  2. Peter Rodwell says:

    I wrote some really neat stuff with TurboProlog, way back (it was neat because of what Prolog could do, not necessarily because of outstanding programming skill on my part!).

  3. mrmigu says:

    worst language ever

  4. J says:


    I still have the Borland Turbo Prolog book and disks sitting on my shelf. I have had them since the mid to late eighties

  5. Reality says:

    Most awesome product ever invented!


    oh, wait…


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