Hey, I don’t write ’em, I just find ’em.

Are George W. Bush lovers certifiable?

A collective “I told you so” will ripple through the world of Bush-bashers once news of Christopher Lohse’s study gets out.

Lohse, a social work master’s student at Southern Connecticut State University, says he has proven what many progressives have probably suspected for years: a direct link between mental illness and support for President Bush.

Lohse says his study is no joke. The thesis draws on a survey of 69 psychiatric outpatients in three Connecticut locations during the 2004 presidential election. Lohse’s study, backed by SCSU Psychology professor Jaak Rakfeldt and statistician Misty Ginacola, found a correlation between the severity of a person’s psychosis and their preferences for president: The more psychotic the voter, the more likely they were to vote for Bush.

  1. ECA says:

    Its not Bush they voted for, it was his cabinet… the one with the pretty doors.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Zuke: The reason for more stories attacking Bush and Republicans should be too obvious to have to even mention, but I guess I have to. He and they have been in power for the last six years. They are the ones pulling all the crap that gets written about that we then post. Hard to do too much that impacts us when you aren’t in power. Simple as that.

  3. JimR says:

    What I like about this blog is that there are genuinely interesting stories on technology and life, but it isn’t so prudish and dry as not to mix in a little “believe it or not”. I can only read so many pages of Scientific American or computer articles before I start nodding off.

  4. RBG says:

    31. Zuke: This blog has already admitted its left-wing bias. No doubt John has chosen the other editors for their left-wing credentials and all have agreed to the over-all editorial slant. That’s why JCD does not have to babysit each & every posting.

    But this definitely is the attraction here. How boring would it be if we all agreed? How boring would it be if this weren’t a lefty hornets nest?

    Let me show you how this works with an example:

    15. “Yes, but the reactions elicited from right wing reactionaries is priceless.”

    Ah, but that pales in comparison to the left-wing anarchist reactions to the right-wing reactionary reactions.

    Sorry, that was a second example.


  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, ECA. C’mon, no jokes while I’m swilling coffee. Now I need to change. Damn, that was funny.

  6. BgScryAnml says:

    #33, Reminds me of when as a small child I complained that there was nothing to do. Before the sentences could be completed my point was rebuffed. If I was board, it was my own fault.

    Uncle Dave et al., is whining that there is nothing better to do than pick on the Republicans. They are merely making excuses for their blatant liberal bias. It’s a big world with a multitude of options yet Uncle Dave has a Republican fixation.

    What would Sigmund Freud say?

  7. Zuke says:

    #33 Uncle Dave – Thank you for clearing that up from the Source. I can be a little thick at times, besides all the other posters chanting “There is no bias, Republicans are evil scum. Plain and simple!” I can have a different perspective now on these postings, and not just get upset thinking it’s turning into another Left-wing propaganda machine. I can look forward to enjoying future posts on the antics of that whacky Dem-controlled Congress now, right? 🙂

    #35 RBG – I agree with you often and thoroughly enjoy watching you often go it alone against a herd of liberal posters. You sure can hold your own!

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    #37: Not “nothing better to do.” Just easy. But, you’re right. The election has neutered them so I can ease up as long as they stop doing stupid things until the Democrats start doing stupid things and I can start in on them such as the crap my Senator, Harry Reid, has been up to of late. And given their track record, a year from now, I bet Dems will be complaining I’m too hard on them.

    For the record, I think Hillary is smug, self-serving and would be a disaster, Kerry is a joke at this point, Gore talks a good game, but doesn’t seem to have the backbone needed for the job. And Obama, while as charismatic as a movie star, is a complete blank slate on what he stands for, plus he has very little experience. Now as for the Republicans…

    In short, I don’t want anyone I’ve heard or read about who is testing or plunged head first into the waters for ’08. Anyone for creating a middle of the road party that takes the best from both sides and tosses the rest?

  9. BgScryAnml says:

    #39. I concur with your last paragraph and appreciate your canter in the second. None of these sentiments have ever come though in your numerous post. With the surgical precision you have employed in selecting the editorialized propaganda posted on this site please forgive me for misunderstanding you. In the future, it would serve human interest best if your selections conveyed a quest for unbiased fact instead of political spin.

  10. Smartalix says:

    For the record, I think the Democrats are spineless wimps and the Republicans are evil hypocrites.

  11. joshua says:

    And Uncle Dave…..get used to hearing about John McCain….****he be da man!!!!!****

    Wonder if psychotics will like him to?

  12. ZeOverMind says:

    #41: For the record, I think the Democrats are spineless wimps and the Republicans are evil hypocrites.

    Comment by Smartalix — 11/29/2006 @ 7:19 pm

    Republican evil Hypocrits? Oh come on now! What about the Democrats coming into power in Congress?? I read that Pelosi is swearing to have the most ethical Congress ever and the first things she pushes is to support Murtha of Abscam fame as the Democratic Leadership position and then she supports Alcee Hastings, the impeached ex-federal judge for the Intelligence committee chairmanship! Republicans got their butts canned for some obvious ethical shortfalls and the Democrats are off to a stellar start in their new reign of power. Hypocrisy and politics on both sides go together like America and apple pie.

  13. Uncle Dave says:

    #40: Unbiased means not having an opinion and presenting dry facts without comment that would ruffle anyone’s feathers. Unbiased means when you present a negative (or positive) post on one side you next provide the same for the other side despite possibly a dearth of such being available.

    I’m not running for office or trying to get hired by a network or newspaper or anything. It’s not my ‘job’ here to present my views as I did, I did so to make a point in this one, tiny case. It’s not my ‘job’ to be unbiased or anything other than interesting and thought provoking to whatever readers decide to read what I post.

    I’m curious. Scratch that. Fascinated Why do you and others feel the political coverage here needs to be unbiased? We don’t have a requirement (from John, the FCC, CIA, etc) to be such. Other than John, we editors are not professional reporters, and even he isn’t required to be unbiased by anyone. This is his personal space that we editors have been invited to participate in, in part, because we have opinions which lead to biases that lead to picking interesting things to post. If all of us have any particular political bent it’s — as John himself has said — against stupidity, greed and lunatic thinking. From all sides. And since the Republicans have been in power there has been a vast over abundance of all of that to report on.

    Being unbiased — assuming it’s even possible — is boring. Fox News is anything but unbiased and they are often the most entertaining because of it. Having an opinion is what makes editorial pages worth reading. It’s how you learn about things because someone with a slant presents a biased view of a situation so you see a side that may not be your own.

    Viva la bias! And crankiness. Can’t forget crankiness! Not on this blog!

  14. Mucous says:

    #39 – I actually agree with most of this post except the part about Gore talking a good game. He supports taxing gas to “discourage” use. He also supports smaller vehicles. This goes against everything that makes America the greatest nation on Earth.

    As to bias, those on the opposite side of consistent bias tend to get tired of being the “loyal opposition”. It’s nice to agree with someone once in a while. (On the other hand , Liberals are much easier to needle because they take all this stuff soooo seriously. )

    One thing about this blog is certain: it may get frustrating, but it’s rarely boring.

  15. ZeOverMind says:

    I’m curious. Scratch that. Fascinated Why do you and others feel the political coverage here needs to be unbiased?

    Ah the key question, I’ll try to answer that. I read DU daily, almost daily and it’s by and large one of the better blogs out there when it comes to talking about technology. I think everyone here would pretty much agree with that. I’ve been a faithful reader of Dvorak for years and I find a lot of the things he writes about a pretty good analysis of what goes on in the tech world, which is why I come online here to see what other things are talked about. What bothers me is that when it comes to the politics of the blog it’s one that really turns me off. I’m a conservative, and what I mean by that is I believe in a strong America, limited govt, etc.. blah blah blah. I care little about religion and I don’t care as much about the political/social agenda of the GOP. Quite frankly when I was politically active I met some folks who were religious conservatives who made me rethink a lot about the politics of religion and what I saw was not pretty, but I digress… my point is you guys tend to slam republicans and it puts me off. I don’t have to read the articles here and a lot of the garbage you guys post turn a lot of the readers off. It’s your constitutional right to post whatever you want here and that is the great thing about America. But on the flip side you guys do little or nothing to present the hypocrisy and stupidity of the left and there is a LOT out there that goes unsaid here. You’re right Dave.. it’s not your job. I guess I’d feel that if there was an editor on DU to provide that balance that would go a long ways to addressing what a few readers here feel is bias. I don’t mind seeing stupidity being picked on and I encourage it. What I don’t like is when that viewpoint is constantly being driven from one side. As editors you guys set the agenda for the dialog. You point out the need to change this or that part of how we do things in this country and yet when change does happen, (like Democrats winning the House and Senate) I don’t really see one of you guys posting something like this: Democrats Reject Key 9/11 Panel Suggestion

    And you guys hammer Bush and Republicans all the time about doing stupid things and in a lot of cases you’re right. But I don’t see the same zeal when it comes to nailing the other side for their myopia.

    It’s not so much of an issue of bias – everyone has bias one way or the other, it’s more of a question of balance. At least that is how I view the issue. (Anyone else out there who disagrees with my analysis feel free to post a contrarian point of view.)


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