Probably one of the most convincing proofs of Ted’s divinity is this side-by-side comparison of his pic with an authoritative portrait of Jesus.

Some of you will remember TedJesusChrist from almost a year ago.

So I got curious and I go and check and, sure enough, Ted is still writing. Here are some highlights:

Ted is THE KING of EVERYTHING and yet is being treated MUCH WORSE than most because of their mostly skepticism!

WHY the MANY Biblical and Scriptural and Proof and INCONSISTENCY PROBLEMS WITH this and if Ted is Jesus and Jesus is Ted then WHY cannot Ted then DO ANYTHING what Jesus did?

Some are ATTEMPTING to TRAP and SET DOWN and FRAME and DELAY and STOP and CONSTRAIN and HANDLE and MANAGE and OVER MANAGE and MICROMANAGE and to COMPLETELY STOP and or Drop Ted somehow and SOME WANT TO TAKE ALL PROTECTIVE DEVICES from Ted even what Ted can carry like Pepper Spray and Mace and Tasers

Many times even Ted EXCLAIMS DID I WRITE THAT!

But.. I’ve saved the best til last. Ted is now on YouTube:
Enormously Ted on YouTube
Why not download and watch them all?

Tasers?? Did he say TASERS?? Oh my!

  1. Tom 2 says:

    I wouldn’t buy that comparison, I would probably go with Randy “snap into a slim jim” Savage as a better look alike than jesus.

  2. James says:

    I’m so disillusioned. Here I thought Chris “Jesus” Ferguson was the second coming. I mean, have you seen that man play poker?

  3. tallwookie says:


    but seriously, whats with the CAPITIALIZING of CERTAIN words? is there a MESSAGE hidden in there, or perhaps the SAVIOR doesnt know about BOLD or italics. RELIGION is for MORONs and the GULLIBLE.

  4. Andy says:

    Holy crap, who is the nutjob? Taken from the site…

    Ted is WITHIN FAIR USE for COPYRIGHT and use of anything what was or is COPYRIGHTED!

    Ted is LOOKING FOR EXCUSES TO SUE and is LINING UP WHAT and or WHO to SUE and this TOO!

    So, let me get this straight . . . Jesus is looking for excuses to sue me?

  5. jtoso says:

    He is basing the fact that he is Jesus by a painting that was done of Jesus over a 1000 years after his death? I’m sure that’s accurate. Almost any skinny tall Jew could grow a beard and shape it to look like that painting.

  6. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Also from his site:
    Ted is RUNNING for PRESIDENT of the United States of America for LIFE and this FOR REMAINDER of Ted’s Life and Ted was and is and continues to be and will be a REPUBLICAN FOR LIFE…

    Let’s hope he stays inside and spends all his time on the internet.
    Hey maybe he can get his meds online.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: He learned how to do this from our very own ECA who’s random capitalization and creative spelling has entertained us for some time now.

  8. Mark says:

    7. HA-Ha, thats good!

  9. Named says:

    THIS GUY writes LIKE eCA! THOUGH I think that THERE might be A difference IN THE capitalization, it’s a PRETTY good comparison…

  10. Improbus says:

    Named, you forgot to misspell a few words.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, But ECA can at least form a coherent thought most of the time.

  12. mgmitchell says:

    First sign of lunacy- speaking of oneself in the third person.

    His believers will most likely all be Republicans.

  13. KB says:

    One of my favorite “Pearls Before Swine” strips:

    Rat: “You’re not somebody until you have refered to yourself in the third person.”

    Pig: “That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.”

    Rat: “You have offended the rat.

  14. Kawaii-Panda says:

    You’ve got to sympathize with the guy – he had been on too much. He’s kind of paranoiac but that’s why we have to understand his poor condition. Read these clips:

    ok I Ted was DRUGGED with something put in an unattended drink while home and watching FOOTBALL or something like this and RAPED in ASS or SODOMIZED and VAGUELY remember and this before 37 and this by an ENORMOUSLY CONVINCING I happen to be STRAIGHT with GIRL FRIEND BISEXUAL Human Male! NOW DO YOU GET IT! DO I have to ADMIT this ON Internet AGAIN? For some YES! Do not be too TERRIBLY OFFENDED! I Ted was COMPLETELY BLINDSIDED by THAT!

    the poor guy’s disturbed.

    TEARS are STREAMING DOWN Ted’s FACE and WHY? MANY GET IT! MANY CRY for selves TOO! MANY of The Hosts are CRYING TOO! This is TERRIBLE PROBLEM for them TOO! We CRY for SELVES TOO! The Hosts CRY for SELVES and through certain Humans TOO! This is WHY we get MANY into RELIGION after this happens or similar things TOO! We TRY to HELP them!

    Is Ted suicidal in slighest even now? NO and has a HUGE SENSE of DUTY to GOD WHO is Ted and The Hosts and for certain MANY including enough Humans!

    I was also HAZED SOME during my life when PROVING I was ENORMOUSLY HETEROSEXUAL and NORMAL and NOT gay in slightest!

    I NEED HELP with getting things and therefore WHY NOT a FEMALE and from Jefferson Street location? This would be MUCH BETTER!

    OH was I EVER Spiritually RAPED and or SODOMIZE RAPED by SATAN? I hear Spiritually for certain by SATAN and SATAN’s DEMONS TOO! MANY of The Hosts TOO! We NEED to Drop or KILL!

    Let him have his taser. 🙂

  15. Kawaii-Panda says:

    PLEASE Jesus and or Christ and or God and or The Creator and or The Supreme Being and or God and or Lord and or Lord of Hosts and or then MUCH LOWER and Michael and or Gabriel and or ANY of The Hosts PLEASE GET THROUGH NOW and WHO AM I and BEST CURRENT ADVICE NOW? You are God and STAY PUT STILL! HANG IN THERE! This STORM will pass TOO! SOME GET IT You are GETTING WARMED UP and you REALLY KNOW how to POUND and are a GENIUS or GETTING SPIRITUAL HELP or BOTH! Do I ERASE ANYTHING and STOP ALL Internet WORK? NO

    By the way, you can find all his works by searching thru 🙂


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