Definition of “looking down your nose at someone.”

Union Leader – Gingrich raises alarm at event honoring those who stand up for freedom of speech – Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2006 — While not using the word abolished, you can see where he is headed with this. Exactly how any of this will prevent a terrorist attack is unknown. But abolishing Freedom of Speech will certainly allow the government to turn into a virtual dictatorship. Apparently this is where the Republican Conservative movement has taken us.

MANCHESTER – Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.

Gingrich, speaking at a Manchester awards banquet, said a “different set of rules” may be needed to reduce terrorists ability to use the Internet and free speech to recruit and get out their message.

“We need to get ahead of the curve before we actually lose a city, which I think could happen in the next decade,” said Gingrich, a Republican who helped engineer the GOPs takeover of Congress in 1994.

Gingrich spoke to about 400 state and local power brokers last night at the annual Nackey S. Loeb First Amendment award dinner, which fetes people and organizations that stand up for freedom of speech.

For starters it just means the end of this and other freedom-loving blogs as is the case in the UAE.

found by Tom Henderson

  1. Max Bell says:

    Given that he’s not exactly relevant these days, he probably needed the attention.

  2. joe says:

    I’m all for it. Lets start by restricting republican/evangelical/conserative speech first.

  3. Improbus says:

    I think the city we should loose in the next decade is Washington D.C. This should be done during a State of the Union speech so all of the rubbish can be removed at the same time.

  4. roto-san says:

    The title of this post should be changed to “More anti-American nonsense from another right-wing fascist douche bag.”

  5. Miguel Correia says:

    Jesus, how did you survive with these people in power for so long??

  6. Bobkat says:

    I’m new to this blog but I love Cranky Geeks. Have you blogged on this travisty from the MPAA YEt..
    [just did thanks]

  7. Dallas says:

    Is the GOP now into recycling? Bringing back disgraced leaders hoping the public forgot?

    Getting rid of freedom of speech ?? Wow. I suggest the democrats cleverly insert gun control in that bill.

    Oops.. that darn, the line item veto.

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Freedom of speech protects speech you hate, not speech you like.

    Didn’t Bush and his fundamentalist Christian group made sure about that?

  9. mxpwr03 says:

    Yea, obviously this can be interpreted as Newt trying to abolish the freedom of expression.

  10. Sundog says:

    At least the guys not trying to hide what an asshole he is.

  11. mxpwr03 says:

    BryanP I think the blog needed a anti-Republican Party story and this was at the bottom of the stack. I wouldn’t look to much into it, at least the first ten commentators got their rants in.

  12. tkane says:

    Hey, FUD is what this blog aspires to create. That’s not always a bad thing, keeps us thinking.
    BTW, I like to think this is where NEOConservatism has lead us. Goldwater and Reagan didn’t pull boners like Bush 2 has.
    Finally, Newt’s not staring down his nose – he’s hiding chin #2 is all.

  13. Curt Fields says:

    nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. That describes you and your ilk, John. Only this time, somebody lied.

  14. RTaylor says:

    He probably gets what, $10K or so for these lectures. Hell you pay me that much for a nights work I’ll tell you what you want to hear also. I’d goose step around the dais if you like. The key here is former Speaker of the House, aka political has been.

  15. joshua says:

    Sounds like old Newt is stirring the pot once again.

  16. Arbo Cide says:

    If you look at his specific statements, he actually called for more freedom of speech by repealing McCain-Feingold. That means John Dvorak won’t have to register with the FEC for making some comments on a blog, etc.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – If you are callous enough to believe that money equals speech…

    Which it doesn’t.

  18. Roc Rizzo says:

    WTF does that Newt care… He uses the Constitution for toilet paper.

    He should just sell GEICO insurance, and stay out of politics!

  19. Max Bell says:

    24: No, you’re over-complicating the idea by restating the same thing, twice.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, 12,
    I just read the effing article three times over.
    I still would like you to show me where the QUOTE him as saying free speech should be reduced.
    I’m not a fan of Mr. Gingrich, but I smell FUD, and it isn’t coming from him.
    Comment by BryanP — 11/28/2006 @ 3:16 pm

    The very first paragraph of the article. While not a direct quote, is the journalist’s summary of Gingrich’s speech.

    Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich yesterday said the country will be forced to reexamine freedom of speech to meet the threat of terrorism.

    The opening of the Editor’s comment,
    While not using the word abolished, you can see where he is headed with this.

    Now, try reading the “effen” article a fourth time with your eyes open this time.

  21. Vic says:

    Painfully obvious where this will lead .
    So if you speak out against the gov you will be considered a terrorist.

    Sad 🙁

  22. meetsy says:

    PARENTS and parents to be WARNING: DO NOT name your child makes them act like jerks for the rest of their lives.

  23. Ed says:

    The level of speech in the world has been dumbed down enough already, so if this proposal means it stops people like Bush from freely expressing themselves badly, then go for it.

  24. Arbo Cide says:

    OFTLO, you’re not allowed to run ads mentioning an officeholder by name. They also came close to regulating internet websites. Also, they’ve banned negative ads, or at least any ad that doesn’t have the candidate saying he approves the message.

  25. Spencer says:

    Why does Newt or anyone else think that the government regulating speech will prevent any terrorist from committing his acts?

    Does any sane person actually think terrorists are going to say “Well, the US government does not permit certain ideas, so we will not set off our bombs?”

    I am old enough to remember when “Banned in Boston” on the cover of a mediocre book book was enough to turn it into a best seller. Banning a bad idea never stops an idea, it only gives it legitimacy.

    The best way to combat a bad idea is to leave it out in the open, where it has to compete in the marketplace of ideas. Bad ideas examined wither away, good ones rise to the top. The same with ideologies, ultimately they fail the test of time and wither away.

    We did not defeat Soviet Communism by banning discussion of it. But Communism did not allow honest examination of other ideologies, and it ultimatly lost — big time.

    We will lose big time also if we allow the government to tell us what we can read and write. We will lose our most basic and precious freedom. The terrorists will have won more than they ever dreamed, and they will have been helped by Gingrich and the other fear-mongers.

  26. Freedom of speech is everything we as American citizenship stands for!

  27. Smartalix says:

    What Spencer said.

  28. Mucous says:

    If all you lefties love free speech so much, why is “hate speech” banned?

    If speaking out against someone simply because they’re gay or a different race or religion or their eyes are too close together or whatever is really bad, the marketplace of ideas will defeat it.

    “The Evil Right (TM) is trying to take away all or freedoms…” – fortunately my tinfoil hat protects me from these kinds of fears.

  29. The other Tom says:

    You know, we had a good run with the whole “free speech” thing. Did anybody expect it to last this long?

    I, for one, welcome our new…
    Wait, hold that shit. I’ll resist til the day I die to say what I want to say and let others do the same.


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