Imams, ministers and a rabbi staged a “pray-in” here at Reagan National Airport yesterday morning, demanding an apology from US Airways for removing six imams from a flight last week.

They also called on Congress to combat religious and racial profiling.

“Whether it’s driving while black, flying while Muslim or traveling with a Torah, racial and religious profiling is not acceptable in America,” said Mahdi Bray, executive director of the Falls Church, Va.-based Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation. “I believe we can protect the safety of our nation and still treat our Muslim citizens fairly.”

The removal of the six imams from the Minneapolis-to-Phoenix flight after several passengers reported “suspicious” behavior – and US Airways’ refusal the next day to let the men board another flight even after police had cleared them – has become a cause celebre in the civil liberties and civil rights communities.

The imams, who were returning from a religious conference before Thanksgiving, laid out mats and prayed in the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport. After boarding the flight and attracting additional notice for purportedly making anti-U.S. comments, among other things, they were escorted off the plane, handcuffed and questioned for several hours by federal and local law enforcement officials.

You have to wonder what sort of white bread resides in the skulls of US Airways’ officials instead of brains? Refusing passage to the same group of Imams — the following day — after everything is sorted out with the Homeland Insecurity crowd is dumber than the original farce.

  1. Matthew says:

    This is probably the easiest way to get added to the no-fly list.

  2. mcjj says:

    I want them off my plane, they should have Muslim only flights. And keep them HEAVILY guarded!

  3. Adam Shields says:

    We need a must allow to fly list! This restriction of freedom is crazy. If you can’t fly when you have an Arabic T-Shirt, or if you stop and pray while waiting, or if you just look like you might be Arabic that is just plain discrimination. It should be no more legal than pulling someone over because they are black in a predominately white neighborhood. But we know that both will continue until the government starts enforcing non-discrimination laws. By the way there is going to be a pray-in at Regan tomorrow to protest this.

  4. Venom Monger says:

    I’m not sure all the facts are in on this one, or will ever be.

    From some accounts I’ve read (biased, perhaps) it sounds like they contrived the events leading up to their expulsion from the flight to cause as much controversy as possible. Maybe they wanted publicity, maybe they’re just assholes.

  5. Roger M says:

    #4 Agree. They want attention.
    Anyway, praying is proven useless, other than personal well feeling. So what the hell is up with all that praying?
    Why don’t they join reality and face the world’s real problems. Like people of faith willing to blow them selves up in planes or whatever. That’s the real world.
    Besides, I thought they had specialized houses for praying.
    It’s just such a hassle having to jump over/walk around them praying all over the airports….

  6. mcjj says:

    last I checked there is no law that prevents “pulling someone over because they are black in a predominately white neighborhood”, but you know it is going to happen. No way can we ever pass moral laws. And on the same note the bearded browns are going to have to deal with a few missed flights and if you don’t like it get your own plane or stay out of out of our beach community I mean US Airways.

  7. Busdriver says:

    There is a whole bunch of straw to go through looking for one small needle. With limited resources (and the TSA I would say VERY limited) I think they can not pay so much attention to the retired Brooklyn school teacher, and maybe a little more to people acting a it out of the ordinary.

    It is the price you pay when you religion name is becoming synonymous with terror. I am not saying it is right, but it is a reality in this day in and age. All and all, a small price to pay to be safe going from point A to B

  8. Arbo Cide says:

    Why were they asking for seatbelt extenders? And why were they moving into first class with coach tickets? If this is flying while Muslim, then deport them all.

  9. Richard says:

    my… all you guys are SO intellegent… “Real World” haha.. please.. show more of your arrogance!

    on a serious note: I dont know how many restrictions would make our “freedom” “secure”… Screw our government for constantly feeding us with fear… I LOVE AMERICA the one in the 1980s.. now all our politicians are douche bags and bush jr.

    *coughs* … rant over…

  10. Roger M says:

    I don’t know who claims to be “intellegent…”.
    All I am saying is that if it’s OK to fold out the carpet and start praying wherever, whenever, it’s going to be kinda unpleasant to head to the airport.
    Imagine in ten years, if there are ten times more muslims, (or whoever have to pray “visibly”), and head to the airport.
    I think it’s only fair to say that if they are free to make airports into mosques today, they will.
    Now, is it arrogant to say “NO” to turn airports into mosques or the likes? Not in my opinion.
    Say what you want about our government. But to give them credit for the jihads are to stretch it a tad….

  11. Named says:

    This was the strangest comment thread EVAR! It’s like revenge of the angry redneck! I had NO IDEA that praying caused American’s such distraught! And to think someone attempted to pray in a public area.. SHOCKING! You’d think Americans (actually amerikkkans in this thread) weren’t so stupid, but here you have it!

    Let’s start…
    2. Good idea! Fascism and racial segregation is what the US is all about! Maybe a redneck flight for you and your wife / sister is a good start?
    4,5. Better ways to get attention than praying. And 5, you answered your own question. You feel good about yourself. Getting on a plane that is airborne only by the amount of thrust it can generate is nervewracking enough… Getting on one where you know you’re being watched for being darker or hairier is even worse. I’d pray too, and I’m not even religious. Hosipitals have specialized rooms for praying but airports don’t. And if you don’t know, muslims have to pray 5 times a day. I have to walk around fat ass Americans, but I don’t ask them to be sent to their own holding pen…
    6, no there isn’t. But America is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty… Or Black, brown, mexican chinese etc. White makes right? Why should an innocent person going to meet their family / friends / wives / lovers / partners / business deals / etc have to suffer because of ignorance? Why don’t YOU stay home and let the brave walk the street and fly in planes?
    7 Media is all about helping keep that perception. Blacks are only portrayed as criminals, mexicans as illegals, chinese as shopkeepers and jews as Good Ole American boys.
    8, What you talking about? Got some links other than Freerebuplic?
    9. Thank god someone showed up with brains…

  12. Named says:

    uh… 8, that’s freerepublic.

  13. Roger M says:

    Where the hell did the race card come from?
    You’re ranting badly, and putting words in peoples mouth.

  14. Howard says:

    Passengers and flight attendants told law-enforcement officials the imams switched from their assigned seats to a pattern associated with the September 11 terrorist attacks and also found in probes of U.S. security since the attacks — two in the front row first-class, two in the middle of the plane on the exit aisle and two in the rear of the cabin.
    “That would alarm me,” said a federal air marshal who asked to remain anonymous. “They now control all of the entry and exit routes to the plane.”

    According to witnesses, police reports and aviation security officials, the imams displayed other suspicious behavior.
    Three of the men asked for seat-belt extenders, although two flight attendants told police the men were not oversized. One flight attendant told police she “found this unsettling, as crew knew about the six [passengers] on board and where they were sitting.” Rather than attach the extensions, the men placed the straps and buckles on the cabin floor, the flight attendant said.
    The imams said they were not discussing politics and only spoke in English, but witnesses told law enforcement that the men spoke in Arabic and English, criticizing the war in Iraq and President Bush, and talking about al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.
    The imams who claimed two first-class seats said their tickets were upgraded. The gate agent told police that when the imams asked to be upgraded, they were told no such seats were available. Nevertheless, the two men were seated in first class when removed.
    Hre are the FACTS
    A flight attendant said one of the men made two trips to the rear of the plane to talk to the imam during boarding, and again when the flight was delayed because of their behavior. Aviation officials, including air marshals and pilots, said these actions alone would not warrant a second look, but the combination is suspicious.
    “That’s like shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater. You just can’t do that anymore,” said Robert MacLean, a former air marshal.
    “They should have been denied boarding and been investigated,” Mr. MacLean said. “It looks like they are trying to create public sympathy or maybe setting someone up for a lawsuit.”
    How many of you America-hating leftists bothered to check what really happened before jumping on the pro-Islamist band wagon?

    Let’s get this straight: What leftist liberals love most about America is what Islamists hate most. This is not about civil rights; this is about Islamists and the “useful idiots” who support them undermining the will of Americans to defend themselves against an enemy dedicated to global jihad and the eradication of western civilization.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 It’s just such a hassle having to jump over/walk around them praying all over the airports….

    That’s why I wear these steel toed boots.

    #6 And on the same note the bearded browns are going to have to deal with a few missed flights and if you don’t like it get your own plane or stay out of out of our beach community I mean US Airways.

    I’m not sure how to do the slash through trick… However, I am refraining from berrating your racist comment because I think it might be better to applaud your satirical comment. (It was the words “beach community” that tipped me off 🙂 )

    #7 It is the price you pay when you religion name is becoming synonymous with terror.

    Islam is synonomous with terror because we’ve made it that way. It might be more accurate (although just as absurd) to say Arab is synonymous with terror because the majority of these terrorists have been Arab and Islam’s demographic makeup is only 20% Arab. Consider too, Islam is a much larger faith than Christianity, so why then are terror attacks so infrequent and carried out by a very small group of Arabs.

    The IRA was a terrorist organization. Is Catholocism also synonomous with terrorism?

    Islam, like all religions, is a primitive holdover from an era when men were ruled by superstition and a belief in the fantastic. It seems particularly effective at controlling populations around the globe, but as economies expand in these dark regions, you’ll witness Islam wanr as Christianity has.

    I assure you, the overwhelming majority of Islamic people want to live peacefully, have good careers, and raise families. Just like the rest of us.

    #9 I LOVE AMERICA the one in the 1980s..

    Wow… The 80’s… That’s when I learned that is wasn’t unpatriotic to dissent. Were it not for Bush, I’d still be lambasting Reagan as the worst president on the last 100 years. It was a corrupt and jingoistic time. The 80’s are when when republicans finally went public and quit trying to hide the fact that they hated minorities and the poor and sought only to amass all the wealth in the US for themselves…

    Although there were some really cool bands in the underground music scene.

    Fuck the Man! Revolution Now!

  16. mcjj says:

    Last I checked we are still at war folks. Brownies that are not found behind the counter at 7/11 in America are 9 out of 10 up to no good. If don’t get on board with that, there will be a lot more 911s to come. Lets all see you talk PC after that has happened.

  17. Roger M says:

    “I assure you, the overwhelming majority of Islamic people want to live peacefully, have good careers, and raise families. Just like the rest of us.”
    I agree completely, and I embrace them.
    Unfortunately, these people are not the reason for the security measures forced upon us.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – Hopefully the newly elected Democratic Congress will repeal the law that protects asshats from lynchmobs.

    #17 – Neither are the terrorists the reason.

    Bush, being the king of asshats, prattles on with BS like “they hate our freedom.” When he’s done, the “Islamofacists” are gonna wanna cuddle with us all night long.

  19. JimR says:

    If what was posted on #14 accurate, I see nothing wrong with the actions taken.

    As my protest against the protesters, I’m going to do my atheist thing at the airport. I will walk around and chant:

    “Allah is fake, God is fake… May the power of aerodynamics keep me aloft, may the jet be structurally sound.
    Allah is fake, God is fake… Oh fate, immutable law of the universe, get me home safely… or not.”

    I repeat that verse in random directions, at random speeds and a random number of times (but more than 100), to represent the randomness of the universe.

    Roger and OhFTLO, you are welcome to join me at Regan tomorrow, 10 am. If I’m late, start without me.

  20. Howard says:

    Note that “OhForTheLoveOf ” has posted twice since I posted the details of this case at #14, but he or she hasn’t bothered to comment on whether these people really seem to have been hassled simply because they were Muslims.

    Why address the facts, when the same mindless slogans that leftist radicals have been spewing since the 60’s feel so much better?

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14 & 20 Howard,

    Bull crap. Although I’m sure Fox Spews and Limburger and the ilk have been suggesting just such crap, I haven’t read any of it in the real news media. I also notice that your explanation of the “facts” doesn’t have a link.

    The first class passengers actually did have first class tickets.

    The passengers that asked for the extenders were heavy. Since the extenders place the buckle off to the side, many find them more comfortable.

    There is nothing wrong with criticizing Bush or the Iraqi war. It seems to me that a lot of people did just that a few short weeks ago.

    This “Robert MacLean” is just another talking head and NOT an authority.

    Your moving around the cabin is the first I heard about this. Probably the last too.

    But the biggest piece of bull? Thinking that any hijacker wants to draw attention to himself.

    These aren’t facts you have presented. They are excuses to discriminate so you have an even better excuse to continue with your bigotry.

  22. Howard says:

    OK, MF, enjoy:

    The Washington Times reported these fact on two separate days, so I doubt if they have any question in their minds that they’ve got the story right.

    Now, for the handful of open-minded Dvorak readers out there, if it turns out that this is an accurate account of what really happened on this flight, ask yourself: Why weren’t these details reported more widely? The main stream media is Liberal, Elitist, and Lazy, which is why leftist have worked so hard to turn conservative news outlets like Drudge and Fox into smirky punchlines. Controlling the information that the woefully ignorant vast majority of Americans receive is the left’s most important political weapon. That, and the willingness to buy votes with tax dollars.

    Don’t get me wrong. Did the Republicans deserve to be punished earlier this month? Yes. Will the Democrats offer any solutions that are good for the future of our country? No. Really sad.

  23. Roger M says:

    Thanks for the links.
    I enjoyed your #14 also. At least above the “======”
    But I sincerely fail to look at the incident differently no matter how “democratic” or “republican” I try.
    The Washington Times describes a few muslims apparently trying to heckle the safety measures at airports. We might wonder why, and how to handle the situation. Personally, I really think the right action was taken.
    I just hope politics doesn’t blow it. Crazy muslims (to say it bluntly) should get a clear message that their actions are not tolerated.
    We must not go belly up for them like we did concerning the stupid cartoon incident.
    Just imagine if JimR and the rest of us (say a hundred more) went to Regan and started ranting with prays and what not. We’d probably be thrown out pretty fast (I hope), not least because we’d have no holy crap to hide behind. And no Jesse Jackson to cry foul play.

  24. The other Tom says:

    “No way can we ever pass moral laws”

    So what has the Republican party been doing since the early 20th century? It sure hasn’t been reducing that budget.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, The Washington Times is the same as Limburger or O’Really. They are not a true news source. Maybe that is why this has not been reported in the regular, reputable news media.

    This was a bigoted act by the airline. It is a bigoted act to try and justify it using bull crap from the right wing agenda Washing Times. It is a bigoted act to use them as a source KNOWING they like to invent the news.

  26. Roger M says:

    So, what you’re saying is that the “right wing media” is fabricating the story to justify the actions taken?
    The references to passengers and flight attendants are all bogus?
    To maintain/increase/establish the publics fear?

    Are you saying there is no need to fear any action from any shade of muslims?

    Or is it just a matter of “pray wherever, whenever and however you want”? Some kind of “freedom of pray”?

    Is it all a matter of understanding and acceptance?

    Again, I’m lost reading between the lines here as it seems to me that political ground is dictating how the matter is supposed to be looked at. I am puzzled because I don’t look at it as a political hot potato at all.

  27. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #20 – Ok Howard

    I didn’t pay that much attention because I don’t care about the specific incident. The incident wasn’t about Islam or Imans or prayer. The incident was about six individual men and the reaction of the airplane’s crew to their actions… And I am oh so painfully obviously an athiest and have no sympathy for infractions against prayer.

    What I am saying is that America’s enemies may be Islamic and Arabic, but the enemies are not Islam and Arabs. And why is it so freaking hard for you jingoheads to understand that.

    Timothy McViegh blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. He was a white Christian. Am I to believe that all white Christians pose a threat to the Federal government? Hitler murdered 6 million Jews. He was Roman Catholic. Should I be nervous about living next to a Catholic Church? I don’t blame millions of anonymous people for the actions of specific people. Why do you?

    There is only one reasonable conclusion to draw from the comments in support of racial and religious profiling. That is that the commentors are racists and bigots. Our enemies are specific people. We need to focus on those people and bring them to justice. Unless you yourself would like to kneel and face Mecca five times every day, I suggest you get past your ignorance and your barbaric allegence to a failed foreign policy… because “they” outnumber us dramatically. And despite the bullshit rhetoric that spews from the uneducated mouths of American simpletons, most of “them” still want peace and harmony with Americans and Christians. If that changes, we are done… and the fact that I was right won’t save my neck when the fight comes to my doorstep, and since I like being alive, please shut the fuck up until you can wrap your head around a reality that is actually larger than just four airplanes and 3000 lives.

  28. Howard says:

    Ignore the facts and flail wildly at your favorite strawman.
    Muslims pray in American airports every day without incident.
    The air marshall in the article specifically states that the praying alone would not have caused them to be removed from the flight. For whatever reason these guys decided to test the system. That test was a form of psychological terrorism, by itself. The air crew acted correctly.

    But America’s leftist media and bloggers have, as usual, failed. They have responded as expected: Giving comfort to the enemy and undermining our ability to directly confront those who dream of Islamic global domination.

    At this point in the thread, I think it’s pretty obvious that we’re just talking to each other, with a small number of amused onlookers.
    I’m done until next time …..

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #29 – That’s fine… You have your talking points and they aren’t about what I’m talking about… so see ya later.


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