Let’s see now, how does that go? Ah yes.. Never ass-u-me….

PETA Lambasts Church for “Living Nativity”

The pastor at Anchorage First Free Methodist Church was mystified. Why was the activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals chastising him? No animals are harmed in the church’s holiday nativity display. In fact, animals aren’t used at all.

The Rev. Jason Armstrong was confused by an e-mail this week from PETA, which admonished him for subjecting animals “to cruel treatment and danger,” by forcing them into roles in the church’s annual manger scene.

Jackie Vergerio, PETA’s captive animals in entertainment specialist, said her organization tracks churches nationwide that use real animals in “living nativity scenes.”

Maybe in the future, Ms. Vergerio and her elk, I mean ilk, will pick up the phone and ask before jumping to conclusions. Or just go learn a little bit about church traditions. Sheesh!

  1. Ab Ce says:

    People are animals too.

  2. RDaneelOlivaw says:

    I was thinking the same thing. hehe.

  3. ghm101 says:

    PETA is just another form of fundamentalisim

    I say, get all the fundamentalists (christian, islamic, animal rights, pro life, pro choice etc etc etc ) and stick them all on an island somewhere (lost?) then they can all go round getting angry at each other.

  4. KB says:

    [sarcasm on] Stop insulting the animals. [sarcasm off]

  5. Juan Cardona says:

    Couldn’t agree more, ghm101. Then they can hit each other in the head, bite, stab, etc. to death and common sense may be al little more common in the rest of the world that it is now. I bet we’ll first run out of common sense than oil, the way things are going.

  6. rctaylor says:

    I’m beginning to believe when human populations reach a certain density they all go nuts, like lemmings over the edge.

  7. Cognito says:

    Don’t want to be all Politically Correct here – why start now? But, wouldn’t the CHURCH have a CHRISTMAS nativity display?

  8. Gregg says:

    PETA serves a vital function in helping to protect animals from abuse. Unfortunately, somehow the nuts have taken over the asylum at PETA, and some of the statements that come out of that organization are ridiculous. This was a knee jerk reaction on PETAs part.

  9. jim says:

    Ah John, but Conclusion Jumping is one of the great American Sports.

    Where would the news media be without some idiot jumping to some conclusion or another.

    Emily LaTilla lives!

  10. Arbo Cide says:

    Let’s drop PETA off in a jungle, and see if they’re still nice to animals.

  11. Gig says:

    PETA serves a vital function in helping to protect animals from abuse.

    No they don’t and probably never have. The Humane Society does a perfectly good job of that. PETA is a bunch of fanatical nuts.

  12. Larry says:


    “It’s a Jump to Conclusions Mat. Get it? Jump…. to conclusions?”

  13. Frank Baird says:

    Why in the world is it cruel or dangerous to have an animal stand there at a Nativity scene? I can’t see that it’s wrong regardless of whether it’s animals or people. Wouldn’t a donkey be subjected to much more danger while packing supplies into a canyon than standing in a Nativity scene? If the donkey is kept in a warm barn with lots of food, but no water, that would be cruel. But just standing there? This is just stupid or perhaps PETA just doesn’t like Christians.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    Sounds like all that sillicon found on Pam Anderson’s T*ts have finally migrated to her brain.


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