Back in 1998 during my writing of the Whatever Happened to… column for Computer Shopper I did IBM and the Seven Dwarfs. This was the insulting moniker given to the mainframe business from 1960-1980. I am in the process of re-publishing all the Whatever Happened to.. columns and this is the first installment.

You can start here with the fascinating sotry of Burroughs, dwarf number one.

The Dwarfs: Burroughs, Sperry Rand (formerly Remington Rand), Control Data, Honeywell, General Electric, RCA, NCR

  1. bill says:

    I love mainframes… I miss my white lab coat. and all those punch cards!
    They made great notepads! If anybody has a source for 80 col punch cards, post it here!
    happy holidayz.

  2. Smartalix says:

    I picked up a bunch of punch cards on ebay for my collection.

    Great computing retrospective, John. An entertaining and informative read.

  3. Venom Monger says:

    I miss the good old days. Sometimes.

    Do you have ALL of your old stuff archived, John? I’d really like to re-read some of the stuff from the late 70’s and early 80’s. Weren’t you the first Spencer Katt? What magazine was that? PC-Week?

  4. Venom Monger says:

    Most of my material is written for the moment and simply isn;t interesting 10 years after the fact.

    Maybe not for most people. It would be for me, I think. I hate to be one of those old farts who talks about how much better things were back in the good old days, but… it just seemed like the community was a lot cooler then. Ok, “cool” isn’t the word. But a lot fewer boneheads. (Except for Will Fastie, who was always a bonehead. I had this weird feeling that he grew up and became Jerry Pournelle, but that’s another story. I wonder if Pournelle named his toilet? “This is ‘Mr Wiggles’, my Kohler Premier toilet, which they kindly lent me for review. Just $399 at your local retailer.”) Sorry, where was I?

    Oh, BBS’s. Andy Fluegelman. 1-2-3. 5.25″ disks. Wordstar. The good they die young.

  5. You’ll probably like this preview then:

  6. Bill Pogue says:

    Great idea!

    I enjoyed reading those columns (although I know I missed many) –
    PC Shopper was really my introduction to computer magazines (and John Dvorak) and the “Whatever Happened to?” was a highlight.


  7. Cognito says:

    Five and a quarter inch floppy disks indeed. I worked with the seven inch variety in the lateish ’70s. Now there was a good sized disk, modern PCs couldn’t fit a drive inside.

  8. bill crosby says:

    you left out Amdahl

  9. Amdahl came AFTER the Seven Dwarfs. Gene Amdahl was still at IBM inventing the 360.

    Amdahl was during the plug-compatible days… a different era which would have included iTEL and others including DEC, Data General and the minicomputer folks.

  10. #8 — those floppies were 8-inch not 7

  11. Ah, but I had the pleasure of working with those glorious IBM Disc Paks on the giant System 36… crap, I’m old!
    I guess I shouldn’t mention the old TWX machine that I have in the attic…

  12. rctaylor says:

    Does anyone else remember the Christmas wreaths made from used punch cards? They used to bend them, staple them to a cardboard round, spray paint and apply glitter. Someone around most data processing departments made the things.

  13. B. Dog says:

    I kept one of my 8 inch floppies for a souvenir. I remember taking a tour of a magnetic core memory factory as a kid.

  14. noname says:

    Good write up John.

    Univac was indeed a great computer. I have fond memory working on the Univac 1219, in the Navy (81 -87). I had the great opportunity and training to repair (all discrete transistor, wire wrap back plane) and write simple programs.

    Univac lost in the market, in like manner to the VHS/Beta Max debate, superior technology or product doesn’t always win in the market. However, the market doesn’t always work that way case in point, Ford, GM and Chrysler; quality product build and design (low gas milage) does matter.
    Friedman Archive

  15. Scott says:

    I became obsessed this Christmas to find blank punch cards for my father (retired IBM’er) as a gift. I too grew up in a household where there was an abundant supply of blanks for note cards. There was a holder with blanks by the phone for message taking.

    I brought me back to a ‘remember when’ moment. I actually ordered myself a box, as I still think they are the best ‘daily’ note card to carry around in your pocket. They stand up to a day’s wear and tear and are pocket friendly.

    If you order some tell Bob that Scott from MA sent you and you’ll get the same rate I did, list price.

  16. Scott says:

    Opps, forgot to leave the web address ~



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