1. profoundID says:

    A real blast to watch.

  2. Jim W. says:

    Maj. T.J. ‘King’ Kong
    eat your heart out. 🙂

  3. traaxx says:

    I predict that this will be the next extreme sport, parachuting from space. It’ll give new meaning to crash and burn, or will be crash dive? The Russians will be the first to capitalize this sport, they seem to be the new free market champions of the world.

  4. Scottelsdon says:

    Beautiful and sad at the same time

  5. Danijel says:

    You lied! The video is over 6 minutes long!

    Still, fun to watch. From the space shuttle, Florida looks exactly like on Google Earth…

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: The video is over 6 minutes, but from rocket launch to splashdown is 4.

  7. Aaron says:

    The camera couldn’t have been in a better position!

  8. Gigwave says:

    What is the music in the background? Not that thumping thing at the front but the classical singers halfway through?

  9. Gigwave says:

    Nevermind. Saw the credits.

  10. Hans Friedman says:

    Hate say something I don’t believe in, but I just wanted to be the first….

    This is obviously a fake.

    Your common paranoid liberal reader.

  11. Erik Blazynski says:

    What’s so sad about it? Do you cry when boyscouts help little old ladies across the street?

  12. Dugger says:

    If only Slim Pickens can ride this puppy down, the video would be perfect.


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