1. JimR says:

    Okay creationists, here’s your PROOF of macroevolution. Man is God.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    Hilarious! 😀 A motorcycle that can walk all over you… 😉

  3. John Paradox says:

    I try to visualize the evidence if someone were ‘run down’ by that…


  4. KB says:

    There should be some kind of punishment for posting such a video. ROFL!

  5. noname says:

    Who say the Japanese aren’t inventive. This is a real technological feat (no pun intended), move over Harley Davidson.

  6. KB says:

    You know, I’ve always viewed the British as having the best humor, but maybe it’s the Japanese.

  7. Drew Nichols says:

    Crazy! Who knew the Japanese were so creative.


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