Despite being only 640×480 and having recently bought a very nice, 5 megapixel, shirt pocket sized camera, I had to order a couple of these. It’s small enough and light enough to always carry around (stash one in the car, one in the computer bag) to catch that car accident or wacky sign or take a shot of your buddy who won’t remember that he did what he did at the party unless you can show him a picture. And hey, if you lose the sucker, it was only three bucks.

Buying last (or before last) generation hardware has long been the way to go for those who who can’t afford or don’t need the latest and fastest, but with the price of a lot of brand new tech falling to astonishingly low prices (just also bought a 32″ LCD TV for $600 from Costco), I bet we’ll see a lot more near-free priced stuff like this soon.

Anybody else found ridiculously low priced items you want to share?

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Scary to me, how inexpensive these things can be churned-out…

    Sensor, lens, USB connector, 2M memory, etc… = $3.00 retail.

    What is the wholesale/manufacturing cost on these? $2.45?? 50-cents????

    Can be used as a webcam? Has two video “quality” settings… crappy and crappier?

    How much straight-to-GooTube video will there be when everyone carries something like these, or a cellphone camera? 🙂

  2. Floyd says:

    Could be worthwhile to carry one in a car/truck, all the time. Use it for instant documentation of an auto wreck, news item, or other such incident.

  3. Shane says:

    I have had one of those same things for a few years. They work pretty good.


  4. Danno says:

    How can they be that cheap? I ordered three. Why three? There’s only one of me. I can’t pass up a deal – someone cut up my credit cards for me. Damn you Uncle Dave!

  5. Danijel says:

    I had one of these. It looked exactly like in the picture. I gotta say it’s total crap. Completely useless as a digital camera. It was more useful as a USB webcam (drivers included) but with such low quality I don’t think anyone would you it unless they have to.

    BTW, i think i found info somewhere (it was on the producers website) that you can buy 1000 of those for less than 1000 bucks, so someone tripled his income on you…

  6. ECA says:

    Here is a company from China, that has a Store and site in the USA.
    They make copies of everyone ELSE, and market it…

  7. RBG says:

    Geez , a32″ LCD for $600.

    And I was so proud of myself for having just “scored” a 32″ Sony Wega CRT at $450. A set that was selling for $1500 just a couple of years ago.

    This is an big oversimplification but, when you consider that large scale integrated circuits are nothing more than a printing process, it becomes more understandable the direction of technology and prices.

    I can remember owning a radio that bragged “10 transistors!”


  8. Mike Voice says:

    6 Here is a company from China, that has a Store and site in the USA.


    As I stated in #1: Scary to me…

    A “professional” tripod “4” Digital camera/camcorder… $9.95

    These items will be shipped to US customers from our company’s headquarter in Columbus, Ohio, United States… (We have added the shipping discount in the item price)

    … is the shipping from Ohio to Oregon [in my case] included in the $9.95 ????

    In case we don’t have enough stock, occasionally, we’ll ship the items directly from our factory warehouse in Hongkong. And to save costs for customers, we’ll ship these items directly from Hongkong to the international buyers.

    “3-8 Days Air, Normal” = $16.95 for first item, $15.95 for each additional item.

    That would suck… tripod is $10, shipping is $17. Buy 2 for $20, and shipping is $33…

  9. ECA says:

    Thats why you call and ASK…
    If the item is instock, in the US…

  10. bill says:

    Has anyone actually gotten one of these from this site?

  11. James Hill says:

    I’m looking for a decent price on a NAS device that includes an iTunes server. So far, no luck.

  12. joshua says:

    I bought this device about 4 years ago for 11 dollars. Damn thing does a good job. Obviously not Pulitizer prize winning pics….but geez….11 bucks, now 3 bucks. I use it as a web cam when chatting with my friends in Europe, it’s black and white, but they say the image is very clear. You can even count the hai…..ummmm….n/m.

  13. andrewj says:

    Best Buy had a 7 hour sale today, Toshiba notebook for $249, out the door.

  14. C0D3R says:

    Uncle Dave, are you really buying something from This is a gag right? Did you see their ads for commercial software? Or their ads for bundles of GNU image utilities? Please let us know this was a gag before people get ripped off.

    Then again, I could use a product guaranteed to “Make Your Emails Safe For Just $3.95.” Quite a bargain.

  15. AB CD says:

    I bought a cheap camera for $10 many years ago. Had 125Kpixels has its fine quality, with a built-in card only. It was terrible, but with a tripod, it wasn’t too bad.

  16. B. Dog says:

    #14, I’ve used Serif Page Plus for years. The software worked pretty good. I ordered 5 cameras.

  17. Gregory says:

    Perfect stocking fillers!

  18. ECA says:

    why not a wireless Audio sender…and use the computer.

  19. ECA says:

    Try these guys if you dont like the others.

  20. rjisinspired says:

    I think I used their programs some years ago and they weren’t too bad. Do they still offer their freeware versions of programs?

    I like the “slowdown cowboy” script, lol. I had to go back to correct a typo.

  21. dave says:

    You motivated me to buy one like that! I a camera that was very similar years ago but it was not XP compatible when I upgraded my computer! It looks like the original camera is now sold out so i went on ebay and found this little zippo style one ( ). I don’t know why but i just need little cameras like this!

  22. DogWings says:

    Ordered 3 of them 5 minutes after reading about it here. Just today the order got canceled on the other end. I guess it was too good to be true.

  23. David says:

    Does anyone have the drivers for this camera? I can’t find them anywhere!

  24. john brosnan says:

    I ordered two of these before xmas for my kids and never received them.

    John Brosnan

  25. soma says:

    Uncle Dave, are you really buying something from This is a gag right? Did you see their ads for commercial software? Or their ads for bundles of GNU image utilities? Please let us know this was a gag before people get ripped off.


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