As the article states, there will eventually be 37 versions of the coin, each having a different president on it starting with Washington up to Nixon. Four per year until the last.

New Dollar Coin Hides “In God We Trust” And Will Feature Nixon And Others

Despite past failures, the U.S. Mint announced at a ceremony at The Smithsonian Institution on Monday that they would try again. They will begin circulating a new dollar coin on February 15, 2007. It will still be the same size as the 1979 Susan B. Anthony and the 2000-2002 Sacajawea. The coin will also be made of the same gold colored material as the Sacajawea with an additional compound added to the metal to keep it from tarnishing as fast as its predecessor did.

Here’s the really interesting part — check out the edge.

The timing would seem to indicate that the announcement was held up until after the November 2006 elections. The religious right wing of the Republican Party is sure to be outraged when they notice that “In God We Trust,” while still on the coin, is no longer featured prominently.

Here’s the Mint’s site on the coins.

  1. airwhale says:

    Most religions subscribe to the notion of “God”, so the statement on the coin is actually pretty generic, isn’t it?

    “May your God be with you!”


  2. AB CD says:

    I’m guessing these will be more popular than the Sacajawea travesty. Can we just pass a rule that says no women on money.

  3. Named says:


    What’s wrong with women? I love them! In fact, I would love to see women on my currency. I’m pretty tired of old white guys hanging out in my wallet…

    But, I guess you have your preferences, and I have mine.

  4. gquaglia says:

    The timing would seem to indicate that the announcement was held up until after the November 2006 elections. The religious right wing of the Republican Party is sure to be outraged when they notice that “In God We Trust,” while still on the coin, is no longer featured prominently.

    I doubt it. Non issue. Haven’t heard anyone complaining about it. I do like the coins though. Coins are far more interesting then dirty old dollar bills. I surprised they are not doing Regan. It says the President has to have been dead 2 years and by the time they reach the end of the series, he would more then qualify.

  5. Named says:


    Which Regan? The gunslinger?

  6. BgScryAnml says:

    #5 Well, if it is truth your looking for, they should place a hammer and sickle in the background of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt coin.

  7. Mark says:

    In God we Trust. Nixon, however, is cash only.

  8. meetsy says:

    ABCD…ahh, I see your preferences are close to Angel Wong’s… a distain for the feminine, and an attraction to old white guys….

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, I think he hates his mother. He has a lot of hate in him.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, In God We Trust, all others pay cash. Somehow, very fitting when done by the administration that has put the country into so much debt.

  11. Named says:


    What does FDR have to do with Regan again? Were they both commies?

  12. sirfelix says:

    Canadians have been using $1 and $2 coins for years. The coins cost more to make but last so much longer it comes out cheaper for the mint to issue coins over paper.
    Americans need to embrace change, thats the only path to improvement.

  13. AB CD says:

    Well you psychotherapists out there, how many of you have dollar bills? How many of you have dollar coins with Sacajawea? What should people conclude from this?

  14. anothergene says:

    “Most religions subscribe to the notion of “God”, so the statement on the coin is actually pretty generic, isn’t it?”

    Depends whether you captialize the G or not. Small g – generic, your god, my god, etc. Big G – God… as in the father of Jesus…depending on who you ask.

  15. anothergene says:

    “Canadians have been using $1 and $2 coins for years”

    Try going to Switzerland. They have a 5 Franc coin. The stupid part about this is that when you get back into the rest of the EU and try exchange them, none of the money shops will exchange coins. Now I’m stuck with 9 Swiss Francs sitting at home doing nothing.

  16. Mike Voice says:

    12 Canadians have been using $1 and $2 coins for years.

    And they developed “cute” nicknames for them: “loonies” and “toonies”….

    Ours will be “deadheads” 😉

  17. Thomas says:

    I see no point in a one dollar coin. Coins are a pain compared to paper money. You end up carrying a jingle machine in your pocket. Not to mention Americans are not used to having one dollar coinage so they invariably screw up when giving out change. Every time I’m in a country that has wide use of coins (European countries, Australia, Canada etc.) I always get as much of my change as possible in paper which generally annoys the local populace.

  18. Mike Voice says:

    18 I think they should have a short quote from each prez on the edge.

    That would be fun with the Tricky Dick edition, and we all know what would be on Bubba’s… 😉

    …and Yes, I know he is not included.

    What would Millard Fillmore’s be?

  19. RBG says:

    IN GOD WE TRUST in capital letters, alone on the edge? Far too unnecessarily prominent. Next they’ll be putting the Ten Commandments in courthouses.


  20. traaxx says:

    You could put “In Cash We Trust” or “In Science, which ever version is current, We Trust”. Another good term would be “In Mother Earth We Trust”, or more fitting to today’s way of thinking we could substitute a man and woman having sex with whatever other perversion, (oh wait alternative lifestyle) on the opposite side. I’m sure any of these changes would lead to a better overall World View and conscience within society.

    Evidently the Atheists, don’t believe in God and thus shouldn’t be bothered about His existence, can’t stand the idea that others won’t submit to their Science Religion. Really, it’s sad when you have people so caught up in themselves that to continue to live their lives they have try convince themselves that there is no God. What could such obsessed individual have done, or be doing, in their life to cause such a guild response.

  21. Tom says:

    Who the hell actually uses these stupid coins anyway, its like the sacajawaya coin or susan b anthony dollar which are all useless unpopular superficial coins, I’m running out of adjetives, but i just wish they would stop making these coins, and just stick with originals, which are the only ones that will keep in circulation long enough to be used.

  22. Thomas says:

    > Evidently the Atheists, don’t believe in God and thus
    > shouldn’t be bothered about His existence,

    That people belief in a deity or deities does not bother atheists. Rather, what bothers us is that the people that do believe this clap trap try to cram it down everyone else’s throat. Who said there was one of these deities anyway? What about “In Gods We Trust” or “In the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny we trust”?

    > …they have try convince themselves that there is no God.

    Since the onus is on the person making the claim to provide evidence to support that claim, atheists are awaiting evidence to support the existence of this deity(ies). We are not trying convince ourselves there is no God, we are waiting for people to convince that such a thing exists in the first place (defining what exactly is meant by “god” would be a good start.).

    Getting back to coinage, I can carry far more one and five dollar bills than I can one and five dollar coins. Coins are a pain. Europeans have convinced themselves that they are good just because they are slightly cheaper to maintain than paper. From the perspective of the user, they suck. I’d much rather move to a point where I never have to carry money, coinage or otherwise.

  23. RBG says:

    22. “Who the hell actually uses these stupid coins anyway”

    There are people who remember when a bottle of pop was 10 cents. I had to recently buy one for $2.00 US(!) The fact is, inflation is making the dollar coin into the dime of yester-year. The question is really, what the hell do we need a penny for? I laugh when I see Canadian fuel prices showing up as 109.9 cents a liter or anything priced with .99 as the last two digits.


  24. cybernezumi says:

    I’m in Japan and I love the higher value coins they have here. The lowest denomination bill is 1000 yen (along the lines of a $10). Below that there are 500, 100, 50, 10, 5 & 1 yen coins. The last two are pretty useless (just like the penny and nickel), but since stuff like cans of soda are usually 120 yen, you use the 100’s all the time. Much easier than messing with bill changers (although they actually work here, unlike in the US). Consider how much less frustration you’d have with vending machines if you had larger value coins. Also remember we used to have coins like the half cent.

  25. Dallas says:

    I think it’s a great idea to place the religious script on the edge. It should be a win-win for both the separation of church-state crowd as well as most bible thumpers.

    You will never satisfy the church=state republicans and never satisfy the left wing atheists so you might as well discount them both.

  26. Smartalix says:

    Vending and other automated cash-acceptance devices would benefit the most from this, as it gets very difficult to determine the authenticity of a bill as it gets old. Coins may be heavier, but the ease of positive identification make them better than bills.

  27. Stiffler says:

    #23: “Rather, what bothers us is that the people that do believe this clap trap try to cram it down everyone else’s throat. Who said there was one of these deities anyway? What about “In Gods We Trust” or “In the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny we trust”?”

    And what about that blasted pyramid with the eye on the back of a One Dollar bill? I can’t believe that they’re trying to cram that down our throats as well! You know as well as I do that it’s a figment of someone’s imagination! The onus is on them to prove that it exists! How dare they put something that doesn’t exist on our money!

  28. Mike Voice says:

    28 The onus is on them to prove that it exists!

    And then, they can prove George Washington really existed, and is not just a myth perpetuated by the “our country tis of thee” cultists…. 😉

  29. RonD says:

    I think a big reason the Susan B and Sacagawea dollars weren’t accepted is that they were nearly the same size as the quarter. The Mint should have made them much larger than the quarter, but smaller than a half-dollar. But the Mint doesn’t seem to learn. The new presidential dollars will be the same size as the previous two . I predict it will fail also.

  30. Harry D. Martin says:

    I will not accept one of the new dollar coins because it doesn’t have “IN GOD WE TRUST” emblazoned across the face of the coin.


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