A US Islamic advocacy group has called for an investigation after six imams were removed from a US Airways flight and detained, due to what the group suspected was persistent “fear and prejudice” against Muslims.
The imams were among the passengers on Flight 300 from Minneapolis to Phoenix, and had been attending a conference of the North American Imams Federation. They were removed after three of them prayed before boarding the plane, a leader of the group said.
A passenger initially raised concerns about the group through a note passed to a flight attendant, according to a spokeswoman for US Airways. She said police were called after the captain and airport security workers asked the men to leave the plane and the men refused.
“They took us off the plane, humiliated us in a very disrespectful way,” said Omar Shahin, one of the six clerics. “Six scholars in handcuffs. It’s terrible.”
Mr Shahin expressed frustration that – despite the efforts of Muslim leaders – many Americans still know so little about Islam. “If up to now they don’t know about prayers, this is a real problem,” he said.
Is the line between caution and paranoia really this fine? The concern raised by another passenger was that the Imams were “cursing” America in their conversation.
Stop listening in on other peoples converations, creep! Leave that to our government — like every other patriotic American.
By the way, Phillip in LA is using the “tell a bald faced lie and talk a long time so people will lose track” trick. The Moslem world celibrated the crash of the twin towers, something that has been caught on film.
And, if “Muslims all over the world, including virtually all American Muslims, immediately and overwhelmingly rejected the notion that Islam could be interpreted to justify the attacks that took place on 9/11” then he should be able to provide cites for this.
This is the internet, Phillip, and we can fact check your butt.
#29 – I’m sorry, based on the events of 9/11 some people might be scared and have a right to bring anything that makes them uncomfortable to the attention of authorities.
Nope. Being a chickshit pussy and a zenophobe does not give anyone the right to deny anyone else of their rights.
the only problem w/ all this is that musims cant pray without bowing and mumbling & carpets and such – if they weren’t so damn OBVIOUS about it, there wouldnt have been any issues…
Eideard do you have a reference to your title statement that most Americans do actually pray before a plane takes off?
Eideard do you have a citation to your statement on the topic title that most Americans do actually pray before a plane takes off?
If they were trying to frighten the passengers, it’s a pretty ominous sign. We can expect more of this reguardless, by bring about confrontation with the secularist population they can use the very tools of the secularist against them and gain control over both the secularist and Christians/Judians that they live among.
With 26 out of 30 global conflicts being caused by and carried on primarily by Muslims we can of course trust them. We can trust them to justify killing anyone that they take into a Imams head to kill, and then dance in the street about it or hang up the dead individual for everyone to view and take a stab at. Funny they seem to only be capable of assination, ambush and terriorism each time they actually get into a fight they don’t do very well. Each time they’ve spread Islam it’s been through either the overwhelming use of numbers of terror.
It should have occurred to most people that since the portions of the Koran do talk about Jihad and killing unbelievers, while be rewarded for this action, that no matter what type of campaign you try to start they can still read the Koran for themselves and see this language. Again and again they will come to this purest reading and bring about confrontation with their neighbors, and in reality it won’t matter if their neighbors were Muslims.
The only thing we could do is to throw out all the Muslims, otherwise we will have to live or submit to either this type of confrontation or we will have to submit and live as Dihimmis, second class citizens. And as far I myself, I’m already living as a second class citizen, paying with my taxes for illegals to live on our “safety net” and to transport thousands of new third world refugees to come and live on our “safety net”, while liberals and neo-coms campaign to give anyone that happens to be here the vote. Next, up absentee ballots for people that don’t even live here, they just visited once.
Nobody prays to show off or to scare somebody else. I don’t know why you don’t use the net and check this out: Priests and preachers entering to Islam. Why is the large scale interest and conversion to islam even if its not “by the sword”? Why most of them are women converting/reverting if its such “an abusive religion”? How come from the elders of the church there are former lifelong clergymen, ministers and such choosing to come to islam “bowing and mumbling” despite all the bad PR? And then again, please, don’t confuse the real Islam with the muslims. That’s all I have to say about that. Oh, funny vid about Flying While Muslim:
Fear is a response to the unknown. While we may expect the wooses to be afraid of their own shadows, (yes traaxx) anyone praying in today’s society should not cause fear in another. Second, simply because they speak another language, especially in a large international airport, should not cause alarm.
Those that are afraid should not be allowed to fly. Because they are usually the same one that will panic if the plane hits an air pocket at 37,000 feet. Yup, the ones that scream for Jesus to save them (yes traaxx).
38: care to offer citations to prove that Koran tells Muslims to kill you?
Or are you comfortable that you don’t need to know anything about Islam, except to fully subscribe negative hearsay without checking it first?
If you want to believe all Muslims are bad and out to get you, you’re free to do that, it’s a free country after all. The problem is, normal people now see their rights taken away (a right to peacefully fly a plane) because of the hate-filled bullshit nuts like you choose to believe.
Regarding the pictures of joy after 911 in Muslim places: there are roughly a billion Muslims in the world. If 0,1% of them are nuts like you, who’d rejoice anything bad happening to your enemy, no matter how harsh – that’s 1 million people. Odds are on media’s side to find the nuts and show it.
If you choose to judge all Muslims by how the few of them are behaving – it’s a slippery road. Are you a Christian? Charlie Manson was a Christian, who believed Armageddon is imminent. By your own logic, it’s highly likely you’re also a mass murderer. Don’t get on that plane with me, or I’ll call security.
#24 – excellent point, Mark!
My opinion is that the world would be a better place if more people prayed and did their best to follow whatever teaching their religion prescribed. There’s a lot of good stuff in there, and we really should focus on the 95% that’s the common and sensible values, instead of the 5% discrepancy created by various interpretation, translation errors and deliberate adjustments to fit a hidden agenda.
I’m not too worried about Shahin’s complaints. This is the same imam that assured everyone that Muslims were not behind the Sept 11 attacks even after a few months.
>Think of how differently events could have transpired if only a small >amount of understanding and respect was shown.
Think of how differently events on Sept 11, 2001 could have transpired if only a small lack of understanding and respect was shown.
#45, AB CD,
So what you are suggesting is that if we discriminate against someone we could be preventing another tragedy?
Now that is the best argument in favor of abortion I have ever heard; abort the potential mass killer.
This whole debate has devolved into the praying issue. So the TSA made up all the rest of the behavior: All of them asking for seat belt extenders they then simply set under their seats instead of using- the refusal to sit in their assigned seats – their heading direct for exit row seats and refusing to vacate them when asked? This is all fiction after the fact? If I saw a bunch of yahoos of any race acting like these jokers did I’d be worried too.
They knew they would raise alarm. Most islamic people that are peace loving pray quietly and don’t raise alarm such as these people did. It sounds as if alot of you people have been brainwashed. Wake up and be vigilant. I will support US Airways all the way on this one.
Here, finally, is the police report., disclosed a week after the leftist elite media reported the story giving only the radical muslim’s statements.
Money quotes from a passenger:
The reaction of the remaining passengers has also gone unreported. “We applauded and cheered for the crew,” she said.
“I think it was either a foiled attempt to take over the plane or it was a publicity stunt to accuse us of being insensitive,” Pauline said. “It had to be to intimidate U.S. Airways to ease up on security.”
How many people, who saw the one-sided news coverage during the Thanksgiving travel period, will ever know these facts? My guess: One percent.