1. Aaron says:

    You can tell by the shadows this was done in a movie studio.

  2. Gig says:

    I know that this does have some ramification for materiel sciences in a micro gravity setting but let’s face it the average Joe is going to think NASA is up there playing with bubbles.

  3. B. Dog says:

    Like, Space Cadets could train by watching a LavaLamp [TM] while smoking some great opiated hash.

  4. Roger M says:

    Way cool!
    I predict a groundbreaking theory that air bubbles actually simulate black holes and the creation of galaxies 😀

  5. Chris W says:

    No matter where that was made, that is definitely one of the more fascinating videos I’ve seen lately!

  6. Awake says:

    Your tax dollars at work. Now you know what would happen to your head if you get thrown out to space.
    This is an excellent example of space based research leading to lots of advances in “materiel sciences”… too bad that here on earth we have something called ‘gravity’ making things like this impossible to take advantage of. But the ISS is serving as the promised ‘space factory’ producing lots of useful products (vaccines, ultra pure silicon wafers, amorphous crystaline metals)… right?
    Just replace the soundtrack with Don Ho’s “Tiny Bubbles” song, and you get the full effect.

  7. Roger M says:

    I think your conclusions are a little premature to say it least…..

  8. John Paradox says:

    The third cut (alka-fizz in water bubble) makes me wonder how long it will be before someone tries Mentos in a Diet Coke sphere…


    P.S. No, I’m not going to link to the DU post from some time ago with the DC/Mentos video.

  9. John Henri Allyn says:

    I remember in the 90’s when Nasa decided that seeing if Bees could make honey in space and if spiders could make webs warranted the billions of dollars it took.

    Boy that research sure paid off for us a decade later……

    This video is cool though. But it still reinforces my general Nasa theory

    Most of them are just kids with really elaborate toys.

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    And don’t you wish you were one of those kids?

  11. camkerr says:

    Bubble War!

  12. chaps says:

    Pleeease ! Stop complaining about the money spent by Nasa. Your spending 400 Billions a year to KILL people with the Pentagon budget…


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