Living la Viagra loca!

The mayor of a small Brazilian town has begun handing out free Viagra, spicing up the sex lives of dozens of elderly men and their partners.

“Since we started the free distribution of sexual stimulants, our elderly population changed. They’re much happier,” said Joao de Souza Luz, the mayor of Novo Santo Antonio, a small town in the central state of Mato Grosso.

Souza Luz said 68 men over the age of 60 had already signed up for the program, which was approved by the town’s legislature and has been dubbed “Happy Penis,” or “Pinto Alegre” in Portuguese.

But the program has also had the unforeseen consequence of encouraging some extra-marital affairs, Souza Luz said.

“Some of the old men aren’t seeking out their wives. They’ve got romances on the side,” he said.

To discourage such illicit canoodling, Souza Luz said the city had decided to begin distributing the Viagra pills to the wives of the men who signed up for the program.

“That way, when the women are in the mood, they can give the pills to their husbands,” he said.

Now, there’s a politician who really understands the meaning of “values”.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    It’s good to see that somewhere on Earth is a place with a healthy attitude about sex…

    Now come here and give me some sugar, baby….

  2. Roger M says:

    And the old lady said:
    “No Hon. I’m not hungry. But please, have some more gravy.”

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    70yo men should understand that 3 orgasms in a row sound like a good idea but in reality their hearts won’t be able handle it.

  4. joshua says:


    Ahhh…which older people…..the men or the women????

    How many 70 y/o women, who have had 40 years of giving it up to her husband on demand(we ARE talking Hispanic culture here folks), do you think are thrilled that the old bastard can get it up again???

  5. Er… sorry, joshua, we’re not talking hispanic culture. Brazil and Spain have very, very few cultural similarities. And especially in this part of the country, I guess Italian is a better match.

    Which doesn’t make it better, and you have a point. Many guys probably thought of grabbing 20-somethings in their cars late at night behind a closed convenience store. But the popularity of the program speaks for itself, right?

  6. rjisinspired says:

    Say someone has trouble swallowing pills. If the pill gets caught in the throat does this mean that you would get a stiff neck?

  7. joshua says:

    #6…Tiago Silveira…Ok…you made me go look it up….lol
    Apparently by todays usage, I’m wrong….but until Portugal became independent of Spain in 1640….anyone from the Iberian Peninsula was considered an Hispanic. Since Eastern Brazil was colonised by Portugal in the early 1500’s, that would make them Hispanic. Of course, when you throw in all the other ethnic mixes, they could be Nigerian by 2006.

    So…let me rephrase myself…..***we are talking about a South American culture here***…same thing.

  8. James Hill says:

    Now we know where Dvorak went during his last trip to Brazil.


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