World’s First Creationis Museum to Open Outside of Cincinatti. — I seriously want to visit this place. It’s apparently over-the-top nutty.

The world’s first Creationist museum – dedicated to the idea that the creation of the world, as told in Genesis, is factually correct – will soon open. Stephen Bates is given a sneak preview and asks: was there really a tyrannosaurus in the Bible?

Just off the interstate, a couple of junctions down from Cincinnati’s international airport, over the state line in rural Kentucky, the finishing touches are being put to an impressive-looking building. When it is finished and open to the public next summer, it may, quite possibly, be one of the weirdest museums in the world.

And exactly how do they deal with the fossil record?

Theological scholars may have noticed that there are, in fact, no dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible – and here lies the Creationists’ first problem. Since there are undoubtedly dinosaur bones and since, according to the Creationists, the world is only 6,000 years old – a calculation devised by the 17th-century Bishop Ussher, counting back through the Bible to the Creation, a formula more or less accepted by the museum – dinosaurs must be shoehorned in somewhere, along with the Babylonians, Egyptians and the other ancient civilisations. As for the Grand Canyon – no problem: that was, of course, created in a few months by Noah’s Flood.

But what, I ask wonderingly, about those fossilised remains of early man-like creatures? Marsh knows all about that: “There are no such things. Humans are basically as you see them today. Those skeletons they’ve found, what’s the word? … they could have been deformed, diseased or something. I’ve seen people like that running round the streets of New York.”

Yes, this is exactly the kind of “education” the American public needs more of.

related links:
Creation Museum Blog
World Began in 4004BC — Here’s why.
Dinosaurs were “in great abundance” 4000 years ago too! A fact!

In fact, dinos were all herbivores and our friends according to many creationist experts

found by William Taylor

  1. Tom says:

    This museum may even be more popular than a wax museum but i doubt it.

  2. Sundog says:

    25. You know I’m just rubbin ya er ah ribbin ya.


  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    All dinos were herbivores? The Earth is 6000 years old? Man and dinosaur lived together? A magic man lives in the sky and he killed everyone with a flood then he killed his son and cares who you sleep with?

    If thumpers want to know why they are made fun of… that’s why.

    It is not wrong to ridicule the stupid for being stupid. They deserve it. They need to be marginalized in our society to minimize the damage their impact has.

  4. Dinosaurs came after Adam and Eve. The creation was perfect. The fall of man brought a near infinite number of mutations to the plant and animal kingdom. We don’t know why God allowed the plethora of bizarre, derived animals to develop to the aberrational extremes that they did but it’s clear that God eventually chose to destroy them all by a worldwide flood.

  5. Roger M says:

    You ARE kidding, right?
    Please tell me you’re a stand up comedian, or something. Please.
    I mean, you would kill……..

  6. Sundog says:

    34. Ive always wondered. About that Adam and Eve thing. OK, let me get this straight, They had two sons Cain and Abel. Then…………….Cain did Eve or………….

    Youve been a great audience! Thanks for coming folks, Good night!

  7. Chris says:

    #19: Finally, a christian with some scientific awareness…i didn’t know they existed

  8. Stiffler says:

    A few things:
    While Ussher may have calculated the creation to 4004 BC, he was by no means the first do date it to a few thousand years BC; the jews recon the current year as 5767; from the creation of the world. Admittedly, whether or not the days were literal 24-hour days or epochs is a matter of debate, even between creationists. What is NOT debatable though, is if the mechanism of evolution is responsible for the wide spectrum of life that we observe. That all life came from a single organism is absurd; particularly troubling for this argument is the Cambrian explosion, whereby in a period of only about 50 million years (evolutionist argument) we go from sponges amd jellyfish like creatures found in the Pre-Cambrian period to over 50 different phyla or major divisions of organisms. Even more troubling is that each of the phyla are clearly identifyable, with no examples of one phyla undergoing change to become another. Instead, all of the phyla “suddenly appear” in the fossil record without any record of evolution. Of course it all could have “just happened”; but even with my public school education, I can calculate the odds to find that it is so improbable as to be laughable; I’ll hedge my bets by sticking with creationism

  9. #35. I have no problem with God killing confused species of animals and their mad scientist creators who seek to obliterate the distinction between humans and animals.

  10. James says:

    Do you have any idea what the odds are of a creature actually being fossilized and then found? I’m going with lower than the odds of evolution. Do a little research into what it takes to fossilize a creature. And then compound that with the odds of finding that specific creature under miles of rock all over the world. If you still think that we would have found every missing link to every evolutionary chain already you are seriously inbred.

    And yeah, the odds of particals randomly forming complex life is astronomically low… but that doesn’t disprove anything. Infact, it shows that it’s a very real possibility given that NO OTHER KNOWN PLANET HAS LIFE. If every planet had some form of life I would say that promotes creationism.

    Next time you want to make a wild claim about a specific fact, GOOGLE it first. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

    Einstein was a very religious man. He studied the sciences, as many do, not to disprove god, but to better understand the world god created and how he went about it. Why would you assume created meant winked and it happened? When you create there is a process, and given the image we have been made with it would be logical to think god follows the same process. Albeit on a more magnificent scale.

    More specifically on the subject of evolution if that micro-evolution (the adaptation and mutation of a species) is proven and beyond argument. Macro-evolution (the process of one species becoming a new species) is still on the table. It cannot be proven in such a short time given the theoretical process take eons. 50 million years is a very very long time. To expect an observation of this process is foolish. Maybe in a few hundred years we might observe fruit flies become something else in a lab. But even that is unlikely.

    To all you creationists that think science is hooey, do you read about it? Or just assume since you are so very right there is no need to understand the theories of the non-believer? Because most of what I’ve read show little to know knowledge or understanding of what you are arguing. I guess it’s your every right to remain ignorant, but if you choose to do so, please refrain from intelligent debate. Thank you.

  11. traaxx says:

    I know we are going to continue to go over and over the dinos, but again the Bible is not a science book. Just because someone in the 17th century calculated a certain earth age, they also individuals that were atheists/pagans that thought the earth was flat. We’ve had individuals begin brand new religions based upon an angel of light, actually there have been two religions, giving secret information to a prophet.

    For atheist to be so open minded they seem to be more upset the idea of any other ideas for the origin of life. Science has at different times claimed that Blacks were closer to Darwin’s original man, that women weren’t as intelligent as men, and that the cities listed in the Bible didn’t exist. Science has been proven wrong each time.

    How old is man, I don’t know and the bible doesn’t say. Was there Dinosaurs and did they live at the same time as Man, I don’t know and the bible doesn’t say. Did the dinosaurs become extinct when man was cast out of Eden, I don’t know and the bible doesn’t say. The Bible is a message from God, to man, on their lost relationship with God and how we should live in relation to God and our neighbors.

  12. ERB says:

    Something to consider,
    First, if God created the heavens and the earth, than true science, includind the laws of nature, were all set by, and cannot contradict him.
    In the original tongue, the Bible says in Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
    Gen 1:2 says And the earth BECAME without form and void…
    (The 7 days of Creation were literally 24 hour days from the usage of the wording “the evening and morning were…”)
    No one knows how much time transpired between Gen 1:1 and 1: 2 as the Bible does not say.
    BUT Adam and Eve were told to “be fruitful and multiply, and REplenish the earth.” If something had not “plenished” the earth previously, than He would have said “populate the earth, or something similar.
    When Satan rebelled and was cast out of Heaven, the war that followed destroyed whatever life there was on earth. This leaves plenty of room for cavemen and dinosaur remains in the fossle records.
    Many think that Genesis says that God created each of the six days, but if you read it, create appears only 3 times. The rest of the times, God spoke it into being. (create means to bring into being that which never existed before.)
    Think about it….

  13. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #41 – Was there Dinosaurs and did they live at the same time as Man, I don’t know and the bible doesn’t say.

    You don’t know if dinosaurs lived at the same time as man? I’m not surprised. If you didn’t pay attention in English class, you probably didn’t pay attention in science class either.

    We never lost a relationship with God because we never had a relationship with God because there is no God other than the God’s man has created. The Bible is exceptional work. Some one, some human, took the written works of several of Christianity’s marketing team over the course of a few hundred years and created a book. It was then rewritten and reinterpreted several times until King James finally had it rewritten again to fit his political needs.

    I don’t mind that you believe in a god. It’s cute, actually, that in the 21st Century such primitive superstitions still endure. It isn’t even an affront that you might mention to smarter people that you believe in a god. But you cross a line when you push fairy tales as truth. You cross a line when you push mythology as science. You endanger the human race when you try and coerce children into believing in magical beings and boogeymen.

    For atheist to be so open minded they seem to be more upset the idea of any other ideas for the origin of life.

    You confuse the words athiest and scientist, although I agree that any self respecting scientist should be an athiest. We aren’t upset about other theories about the origin of life. We surely wouldn’t shun new evidence that changes our ideas about the origin of life. What get’s under the skin of thinking people is when invented fantasy bullshit like Adam and Eve, UFOs, creationism, the virgin birth, ghosts and vampires, Moses parting the sea, zombies, elves, unicorns, and the baby Jesus gets offered as though it were science, without the appropriate disclaimer -> “This BS is crap we made up because we are too chickenshit to accept our inevitable deaths and because we are too stupid, or too mentally ill to think on our own and draw conclusions without the guidence of a charismatic leader driving a Mercedes Benz.”

    Sorry to be harsh. It wouldn’t have to be this way if it were just your silly delusions… But the Fundie Xians hatred for gay men and women, the hypocritical attack on a woman’s right to choose, the unholy crusade in the Middle East, the undermining of the educational system with creationism, and the war to subvert our free culture into a theocratic gulag makes it so that I just can’t be too civil.

    FACT: Dinosaurs existed for millions upon millions of years and died out about 65 million years ago. Primitive man appeared millions of years later and evolved into modern man. You might not like it, but that’s just too bad for you.


  14. Hugh Bastard says:

    I drew a saw of T-Rex on the wall of the local Supermarket. Irrefutable evidence that T-Rex’s existed in the 21 century.

  15. Hugh Bastard says:

    I saw a drawing of T-Rex on the outside wall of the local supermarket. Irrefutable evidence that T-Rex’s existed in the 21 century.

  16. Jägermeister says:

    NIce… a quasi science museum… stupidity collected in one place for all to see…

  17. S says:

    “BUT Adam and Eve were told to “be fruitful and multiply, and REplenish the earth.” If something had not “plenished” the earth previously, than He would have said “populate the earth, or something similar.”

    So as I understand it they had 2 sons and 0 daughters and would like you to proceed from there. At that point (admittedly its been a long time since I’ve read the Bible) how exactly does this work. Are you saying that Adam was not the first man as I was always taught and Eve not the first woman. And the rib thingy and Jeezzzz……………….help me out here. I am the dumbest person I know.

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #46 – So as I understand it they had 2 sons and 0 daughters…

    They learned the rib trick from Adam.


    They travelled to Canada and adopted kids from some heathens.


    Both of the above alternatives.

  19. Stiffler says:

    40: “Do you have any idea what the odds are of a creature actually being fossilized and then found? I’m going with lower than the odds of evolution. ”
    The problem (again) is that we find no trans-phylum life forms. As one of evolution’s tenents is that many mutations were required in order to “improve” or create new species, we should expect to see all kinds of fossils in transition. However, what we do find are scads upon scads of species; already fully developed with out any interviening individuals. No matter how you calculate the odds; it is so improbable as to be impossible. Again, I commend you on yor faith as it has to be strong to support a belief in evolution.

    “If you still think that we would have found every missing link to every evolutionary chain already you are seriously inbred.”
    I’m not talking about every missing link; I’d be happy with only being shown a handful; then again, that would have serious implications for the foundation of taxonomy.

    While I have no objections to so called “micro”-evolution, all that we see is variation within a species. Sure, you can breed new traits in, but what we don’t find is transition between families: “macro”-evolution. Sure, 50 million years is a long time, but regardless, there should be SOME evidence of species in transition. The Cambrian age is one of the most fossil populated in the geologic record, but again, nothing in transition; despite the fact that there would have been ample time for fossilization of multiple mutations as a species evolved.

  20. JimR says:

    #38 Stiffler,…we go from sponges and jellyfish like creatures found in the Pre-Cambrian period to over 50 different phyla or major divisions of organisms. Even more troubling is that each of the phyla are clearly identifyable, with no examples of one phyla undergoing change to become another.

    It’s clearly apparent that you don’t understand evolution. A simple model would look like a very large and bushy tree. If you follow any one branch, it splits into several which in turn split into several over and over with numbers too great to comprehend. Many routes come to a dead end while others continue to split and split. At every new branch is microevolution. There is no place on the “tree” for macroevolution to take place. Macroevolution describes one path only through billions of microevolutions. So you will never “see” a transformation from a sponge to a phyla, or a chimp to a homo sapiens sapiens because at the node where the branches diverted they were almost identical, were not chimpanzee or humanlike, and did not show any dramatic differences for eons and many thousands of different pathways and splits later.

    However, we have found enough evidence in fossils, and through experiments on the microevolution scale, to prove that evolution is a fact.

  21. oh brother says:

    “It would be unsurprising if Noah, who was chosen over the other wicked men for his unique righteousness, would see fit to choose those individual animals that were themselves righteous, leaving the wicked, carnivorous ones behind to perish. Strong evidence for this hypothesis is the fact that Noah and the other animals weren’t eaten, or else we all wouldn’t be here today.”

  22. meetsy says:

    you DO realize that the “bible” was translated from a different language…and the translator chose the words….not “god”…so if he said “populate” “repopulate” “postulate” or “pork” or just “leave me alone”..may never be known….
    Don’t take those words to literally now….some goofus translator chose them…

  23. Mark says:

    OFTLO- I will, for a change, take exception to your posting. A scientific one if you will. I belive there definitely is an afterlife, energy cannot die, but transforms, it cannot be terminated. Physics confirms this.

    Actually I do believe in a supreme type force, just not the old man with the beard, or even the heaven/hell scenario. I think (in my opinion) the Universe is much stranger than we can comprehend, that because of this we have made up or embellished stories to fit our perceptions.

    Obviously, you have not had an experience out of the so called “normal” or call it paranormal. I shall go out on a limb and say that it has happened to me, and if you like you can call me crazy, idiot, delusional etc. The only problem is, others, totally seperate physically from myself experienced the exact same phenomenon, in a different location. First let me say that I am ex-military and very familiar with conventional aircraft. Before you roll your eyes, I need to say that what I experienced was NOT like anything you can explain conventionally, and while I somewaht dismissed it at the time, because it did not fit into my realm of perception, The day after ran into others who saw this from different areas of the island, (at the time I was living on St. John in the US Virgin Islands). I asked them to tell me what they saw without prodding and was amazed at the similarities. And then, it was reported in the newspaper describing the same.

    So please, dont be dismissive of all thats not understood. If you think that we make this up because we are afraid that there is nothing beyond this world, Then I would respectfully, strongly disagree. Physics is now postulating that many more dimensions or multiple universes’ (if you will) exist, than we can comprehend. Keep your mind open. And keep the flaming to a minimum.

  24. Milo says:

    If the history of these things is anything to go by then this thing will collapse under massive fraud.

  25. Jon says:

    #51 No the guy isn’t serious…. the whole website is a very brilliant and well done joke

  26. KB says:

    meetsy (#52),
    Slap yourself. King Jimmy is the one true bible, God himself did the translation, and those who worked on it were merely innocent bystanders.

    “Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps.” –Psalm148:7

  27. Stiffler says:

    #50 – JimR: “A simple model would look like a very large and bushy tree. If you follow any one branch, it splits into several which in turn split into several over and over with numbers too great to comprehend. Many routes come to a dead end while others continue to split and split. At every new branch is microevolution.”

    The problem with the tree analogy is this: we have all of the ends of the “branches”, but none of the nodes or dead ends. Suppose that we have species A evolving in to species B. Then by your analogy, the fossil record should be littered with evolutionary dead-ends and instances of species in transition, providing a steady transition over the eons of time… only we don’t. We see individual species and families; which just suddenly appear (geologicly speaking) in the fossil record about 540 million years ago; and, at an advanced evolutionary stage. Realize that we’re not talking about only one species evolving into another so that we now have two species. We’re talking about thousands of species.

    “Macroevolution describes one path only through billions of microevolutions”
    By your own admission, the fossil record should show us billions of organisms in various states of transition, but again, it does not. If it did, then classification and identification of significant taxonomical differences between species would be impossible based on the sheer number of microevolutions. Instead, we have well defined species over a period of 50 million years.

  28. RBG says:

    43. OhForTheLoveOf ,

    What do you mean you don’t believe in UFOs, creationism, the virgin birth, ghosts and vampires, Moses parting the sea, zombies, elves, unicorns? Probably for some lame excuse like there is no scientific evidence for such things, right?

    Then how do you explain YOUR unshakable faith? It’s as strong as the most devout televangelist. I’m talking about your faith in homosexuality. That it’s something real and innate and not just something conveniently made up by people who practice it. So do you also believe in seances similarly?

    Let’s face it. You believe in that stuff because someone once told you it was real. Or maybe you came in contact with a lot of practitioners and they were very, very sincere and loving about it all? Now what does that remind me of?

    On the other hand, maybe I’ve simply misjudged you. Perhaps your belief doesn’t come from faith at all. Maybe you’ve had access to a wealth of scientific information that you carefully evaluated. Evidence the rest of us didn’t have – twenty five years ago… or was it earlier? – when you first climbed that mountain in your white smock and proclaimed to the heavens. “I AM A BELIEVER!!”

    Am I still invited for Christmas?


  29. A question that has always fascinated me: who brought syphilis over on the Ark?

  30. John Paradox says:

    While I hate to mix metaphors, and there was no room for them on the Ark.

    Comment by rogerg — 11/22/2006 @ 1:22 pm

    Shows Bad Design… thought there were supposed to be two of EVERY species?
    And the Unicorns?



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