World’s First Creationis Museum to Open Outside of Cincinatti. — I seriously want to visit this place. It’s apparently over-the-top nutty.

The world’s first Creationist museum – dedicated to the idea that the creation of the world, as told in Genesis, is factually correct – will soon open. Stephen Bates is given a sneak preview and asks: was there really a tyrannosaurus in the Bible?

Just off the interstate, a couple of junctions down from Cincinnati’s international airport, over the state line in rural Kentucky, the finishing touches are being put to an impressive-looking building. When it is finished and open to the public next summer, it may, quite possibly, be one of the weirdest museums in the world.

And exactly how do they deal with the fossil record?

Theological scholars may have noticed that there are, in fact, no dinosaurs mentioned in the Bible – and here lies the Creationists’ first problem. Since there are undoubtedly dinosaur bones and since, according to the Creationists, the world is only 6,000 years old – a calculation devised by the 17th-century Bishop Ussher, counting back through the Bible to the Creation, a formula more or less accepted by the museum – dinosaurs must be shoehorned in somewhere, along with the Babylonians, Egyptians and the other ancient civilisations. As for the Grand Canyon – no problem: that was, of course, created in a few months by Noah’s Flood.

But what, I ask wonderingly, about those fossilised remains of early man-like creatures? Marsh knows all about that: “There are no such things. Humans are basically as you see them today. Those skeletons they’ve found, what’s the word? … they could have been deformed, diseased or something. I’ve seen people like that running round the streets of New York.”

Yes, this is exactly the kind of “education” the American public needs more of.

related links:
Creation Museum Blog
World Began in 4004BC — Here’s why.
Dinosaurs were “in great abundance” 4000 years ago too! A fact!

In fact, dinos were all herbivores and our friends according to many creationist experts

found by William Taylor

  1. hibiscusroto says:

    thanks for the list of states to not move to, or spend money in

  2. Jim says:

    I’m a creationist. I see no problem with the fossil record being created ex-nihilo. If he could do it with Adam, it would be simple to do it with fossils. And if all of creation was made 6000 years ago, the starlight would have to have been created en route.

    thanks for the map of states to not to move to, or spend money in

  3. Mark says:

    Didnt Moses have a pet named Dino?

  4. gquaglia says:

    Yup, humans would have been a tasty treat for old T Rex. What a joke, no wonder I can’t take organized religion seriously.
    Anybody who believes this crap is a gullible as a Scientologist.

  5. rectagon says:

    Sigh. Yes, these nut jobs are out there… and they make nice easy targets (and it’s their own fault) but, honestly folks, go to for the opinions that most Christians respect.

  6. paddler says:

    – a calculation devised by the 17th-century Bishop Ussher, …. a formula more or less accepted by the museum –

    17th century thinking…. that says it all.

    Hey, they could use this in their argument against evolution. Seems (some) people in Kentucky haven’t evolved at all.

  7. Alan says:

    Dinasours are mentioned in the Bible. Unfortunately no one bothered to consult it when fossil evidence was found, and created new names. This is nothing but a name thing though, language is the point in this context, not faith.
    Be true to your spirit.

  8. Nick says:

    What kind of idiot would suggest that “dinosaurs were all hebivores”? Even the dentition of a predator would immediately peg that as false. And where in nature can you find hebivores without carnivores that prey on them? Well, you might, but it’s not common: where there’s a “niche”, sure as eggs are eggs something will usually arise to exploit it.

    Ussher had failed to understand the nature of myth when he came up with this date. Myth does not posit propositional knowledge about the world: that’s not what it’s about. Rather it gives an imaginative understanding of the world — and of Man’s place in it. This is why even now people find stories (and film and other cultural artifacts) refreshing — because they do what science cannot do. Sceince can only tell you what the world is like: it cannot tell you how to feel at home in it. To treat myth “literally” is to pervert it and to miss it real importance. This is why the modernists found myth of such interest — c.f. Wagner operas, T. S. Eliot’s “The Wasteland”, and much else.

    However, the issue here is a little parochial — as if often the case with American issues. (Forgive me for saying so: I’m an Englishman.) Looking around the world and looking at other religious beliefs that are taken far far more literally than probably anyone takes Christianity — and besides are far more worrying in their implications that anything you’ll find in, for example, the Sermon on the Mount — the complaints against this foolishness begin to look like more fuss than is warranted. It’s stupid, but that’s all.

    Worrying about Christian “fundamentalists” when far darker things are on the prowl is rather like worrying about the domestic cat when a tiger is in the living room.

  9. jtoso says:

    There has got to be a few out there drooling to defend this shit…. Come on. Where are you?

  10. Higghawker says:

    Seems the creationists are on the move! Truth prevails. For creationists this will be a grand place to take our kids. For evolutionists, you may stick with the zoo to teach your children your blood line.

  11. bill says:

    Anyone seen SUE (the T-Rex) in Chicago? With teeth like that, they were not herbivores… Most impressive creature indeed.

  12. joshua says:


  13. Al says:

    Why bother defending creationism? You guys are so sure that everthing came from a tiny bit of energy/mass exploding 200 mi^h^hbi^h^htrillion years ago. Heck what comes after trillion??? you still can’t have energy/mass turn to rocks turn to dna/rna turn to cells turn to multicells to fish to monkeys to people if you tried random processes for a trillion ^ trillion years. Do you have any idea how complicated DNA is? To think a self replicating programmed machine like DNA is going to come about from random processes is ludicrous.

    To me your evolutionary fariy tale is just that “a long time ago and far far away…” and much less believable than the Bible.

    Look at the evidence and open your eyes how can tissue survive in T-Rex bone marrow for millions of years? Get real and think about what you are claiming it only takes a second to realize how moronic it is….

    And Bill I’m glad most posters agree with you… sharp pointy teeth like those found in a panda’s mouth definitely show that an animal is not an herbivore…

  14. sdf says:

    Unless they’re going to have a “Advent of Bee Shavers” or “Baby Mastodon Diswashers Thru History” exhibit, I’m not interested.

  15. Haywood Jablome says:

    Hey #13,

    Or could it be that Evangelist Ted Haggart types just spit on a rock and the sun hatched the dinoasaurs? Of course, this was after the gay massage of the colon…

  16. neozeed says:

    They should dig a hole, and put the rest of the bronze age relics into this disaster.

  17. Roger M says:

    So, what you’re saying is that your precious god has nothing better to do than creating new strains of the flu every year?
    Or is that the devil’s work?
    Or is the “small stuff” like changes on that level “possible evolution” while more complex is “impossible”?
    I actually thought the majority of even xstians accepted evolution. Of course, the minority still consists of a considerable amount of people.
    Talk about getting real! LOL

  18. Sundog says:

    13. Al supports my “aliens seeded the planet” theory, now, who seeded the aliens. Hmmmmmmmm?

  19. Jason H says:

    As a Christian, I am always bothered by this discussion. And I’m predominantly bothered by the Christian fundamentalists. It boggles me how people cannot see the middle ground in this. I am a strong believer in the Bible and in modern science (Big Bang, Evolution, etc.). The problem with most Christians is that they do not interpret the Bible for themselves. They believe what they are told to believe by their pastor/minister/priest. The seven days of creation could easily have been the 10-12 billion years, which is the approximate age of the universe. And Genesis also tells us that man was created out of dust from the earth. My personal belief is that God created evolution himself. So it is very plausible to believe that God created man from current creatures (or dust) that were already present on earth. This is my own personal belief of course, but it is very important to know that it is 100% possible to believe in both science and religion.

  20. rogerg says:

    No mention in the Bible? Genesis 6.4: There were giants in the earth in those days.

    While I hate to mix metaphors, and there was no room for them on the Ark.

  21. Sundog says:

    20. I beleive they were talking about the Nephilum, like Goliath, not Dinosaurs. But I could be mistaken, I’m no Bible scholar. A particularly hard thing to wrap your brain around.

  22. Jon says:

    The Objective Ministries link although appreciated is a hoax site. A well done one albeit, but a hoax site none the less. It did take a while to figure this out the first time I saw it but the “Anti-Triclavianism” part of it started to clue me in. It is a brilliant site that slyly makes fun of the fundamentalist movement.. Poke around and see the Baby Jesus page.

  23. tallwookie says:

    the very last link there was very distubing – those religious ppls are nutzo

  24. KB says:

    “Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps.” –Psalm148:7

    I do believe in dragons. I do I do I do.

  25. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #13 & #2

    I fully support your views and encourage you to teach this to your kids etc.

    After all, I’ll need cheep labor when the Hispanics go away & your kids will be perfect cheep, dumb, ignorant labor.

    Remember – its not electricity -its Jesus juice!

  26. Angel H. Wong says:

    “In fact, dinos were all herbivores and our friends according to many creationist experts”

    Sure, sure, and T-Rexes were bred to develope those teeth because in ancient times bulls couldn’t make the cut in the rodeos.

  27. GreenDreams says:

    Hey, evolution is only a theory, like gravity. Anyone wishing to challenge the theory is welcome to step off a tall building.

    Earth to creationists: not everything in the Bible is true or right. Your faith survived the eventual admission that the sun, moon and stars do not revolve around the earth. And your faith will survive your eventual admission that the earth is more than 6,000 years old, that the fossils are not a trick from God or Satan, and that species evolve over time. There really is plenty of evidence, and my guess is that under the right circumstances, you would accept it.

  28. RBG says:

    Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

    Kent Hovind’s Dinosaur Adventure Land


  29. Sundog says:

    25. You used cheep, dumb and ignorant in the same sentence. Wheres that dumb speel checker when you need it?

    And, just where are the Hispanics going?


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