(See John’s Previous Post for what this is all about.)

SN contributed the following observation:

Update: One has to wonder how genuine this apology is…

New York Daily News:

And the famous Laugh Factory in West Hollywood, where Richards went on his racist rant Friday and performed again on Saturday, said he “is no longer welcome here.”

“He told our management that he was going to go out on Saturday and apologize for what he said a night earlier,” said spokeswoman Jackie Plaza. “We even invited back patrons from Friday night. But he never apologized.”

  1. Jägermeister says:

    #32 – One of our favorite rap groups in the early 90’s was NWA, do you know what that stands for?

    Neutered Without Anesthetic – The toughest guys… eh… girls… eh… whatever… on the block…

  2. DNN says:

    We interrupt this Michael Richards apology after a rare outburst with a few breaking news stories. There is a war going on in Iraq and a black man called a white boy a “cracka” today. Where are the news vans?

  3. LoveGod says:

    It is a shame that in todays society we still can’t go out and have a good time without racism playing a part. One of the funniest men on Seinfeld that I and my children watched, laughed and loved. I can no longer see him as the same way again, so I or my children can never watch him again. Yes he apologized but he had no choice. His career is at jeporady. He forgot that night on stage that he has a Big house that has to be payed for. So do I think that this apology was genuine? Who is to say but the good Lord himself but what I can say is…… this hate that he displayed on stage that night is embeded in him and have been. People can only hide their true selves for a period of time. When that person is challenged the true them is exposed. He said nigger too easily and way too many times. So what do you honestly think?

  4. GIBS says:

    Ok first of all I agree with everyone who can realize that the hecklers obviously went too far and the Comedian snapped. On top of which I believe the Comedian was justified in doing so. Just about everyone understands what it is like when you’re livid and how hard it is to control what it is that you’re saying. However, and this is a big however, your thought process dictates the type of person that you are and when you’re mad the first thing that you think comes out of your mouth. Yes, it is usually a derogatory statement but when the first thing you have to say to someone when you get angry is something regarding the person’s race then it shows that your mind is too focused on that detail. You do not have to be as extreme as a Klan member to be a racist and I feel that the way he showed how his mind works does in fact reveal him to be somewhat of a racist because he showed too much emphasis on the hecklers ethnic background by using the N word and talking about “The Man” assuming that all black people refer to white people as “The Man”.

  5. poorwhiteboy says:

    I don’t understand our culture either. I grew up in a black high school (I am white). Our school was about 40% white, 60% black. When a black man can call another black man n___r, and it is funny between them. But let that word pass a white man’s lips, and he is racist. But black people can call white people honky and all kinds of derogatory names and they are immune from racism. Why?

    Racist means to treat differently (inferiorly or derogatorily) because the other person is of another race. Doesn’t that apply to black people who get hot and bothered when a white person uses this term? Isn’t that racism in itself? (To tell white people they cannot say certain words that blacks use all the time.) If white people could use the term as freely as black people, then there would be no racism here. But the racism is all around. (1) the guy using derogatory language against others. (2) Blacks (and some whites) who get up and walk out. (Of course in our day, maybe they were not offended, just hoping to get through the exit doors before this guy pulls a gun and really shows us something.).

  6. blackman says:

    I am a black man or Afro-American, or African American, which ever seems easiest at the time to use. I know who I am because my mom rasied me not to accept someone else identification of me but know who I am in God’s eyes. I am not a nigger, whether being called on from a white or black person.

    To educate some people the word “nigger” comes from the french word “niger” that translates into the english word for the color “black”.

    It amazes me how so much eviland hate stems from a word. It is not so much what the word means as much as what emotions and value system it connotates to those who use it and receive it. I am an american who has an african heritage becuase my ancestor were born in Africa. They descended from one of Noah’s son Ham (which means “dark skinned”). So called “white” people or caucasians descended from Japeth, which means “light skinned” and Shem means medium or asian color, and Japheth or Japhet means “fair”.

    We all descended from the same family, why do we put so much distance because of our skin color?

    Know this. If it was not our skin color that would divide us, it would be the long hair against short hair, or the skinny against fat, or somehting else. We have this need to degrade someone else instead of honest with ourselves.

    I know who I am regardless of who is calling me what. It shows Micheals own insecurities with who he is that he or anyone else allows themselves to spew that evil from their mouth’s. That is not ‘funny’.

  7. Dan says:

    I’ve watched the video’s and read the comments. Comics have said the N word many times, it just so happens he said it this time and may have meant it a little because of the rudeness going on up in the balcony. Then the so called “victims”, who probably can’t sleep at night because of this Haines crime made it a bigger deal than it is. In fact I bet now they’re so devastated that they’re trying to sue the man. Come’ on, lets call the ball on this, he simply screwed up and made it worse with the nervous back pedaling. If the victims would have chose to laugh it off, everyone else would have too. I’m sure later that night, Good ole Richard would have gone as far as hugging the guys and shaking hands, buying drinks. As far as I’m concerned Richard is the victim here, victim of temporary stupidity and victim of media and someone thinking they may get rich over this. Lets face it, in today’s society whites are faced to walk on glass around the N word, its stupid! Its just a word, you sure as hell don’t see the black man holding back on the white cracker ass, honkey BS. For instance take commercials or TV shows these days. You can have 10 black guys, all just cool as hell, and then one white geek in the mix and it would just be insane funny. You do that with opposites and see if its not on Oprah the next day. It BS, Blacks are Nigga’s, Mexican’s are Beaners and Whites are Cracka’s.

    PS. If your any type of Asian, to the other races, your Chinese deal with it.

    Says Dan

  8. rob says:

    there is a fine line between what is funny and what isnt.. im jewish, and i watch south park where nearly each episode has some jewish remark,,,,i recently watched ricky gervais live, and in that, he mad a joke about the holocaust…. in the contet they were said, and listening the the way, in particularly how the rest of ricky gervais act went on, i could laugh off their comments and find it funny to an extent… ve seen chris rok and others live and they to use as some guy previously has said the ‘n’ word, but in the context they say it, if forms part of an act whcih they have control over. Richards outburst was not funny. It showed no wit, humour or integration into his act or even part of a improvised comical session. You dont need the media or whoever to blow this out of proportion….ive seen the clip….Literall, 5 minds ago, i read that mel gibson was feeling sorry for this dude and undertstood whathe was going through…heres a guy who says he isnt racist, makes continual apologies, but continues to say what he does…its pathetic… and, as for the person who mentioned borat, listen to his act, the racism he speaks of is 100% directed ast everyone else to hopefully make them appreciate it. He ‘gets away; with it as you put it because there is honesty and intellect behind it…not mindless slurrring…

  9. rob says:

    excuse the awful spelling in that post 🙂

  10. Jasmine says:

    Its not okay…. what he did was horrible and extremly racist maybe you should do a little reasearch and check out Merian Webster for the meanings Nigger is “the most offensive and inflammatory racial slur in English”” it is otherwise a word expressive of racial hatred and bigotry. ” The man responded by calling him a cracker because the word Cracker is from the sound made by the whip of the slave owner not from the color of a persons skin…unlike what you shallow people may believe

  11. J carl Graham says:

    Another liberal going nuts. What I find amusing about the Seinfeld show, the only black of any prominence was a sleazy lawyer and he wasn’t Woopy Goldberg if you know what I mean.


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