Titanic mechanism “devours” its prey – a bulldozer!

[T]he biggest MOVING machine build by humans would be the giant bucket wheel excavator “Bagger 288” built by Krupp in Germany in 1978.
Once in place it started to bite into the coal, rock and earth with the vengeance…

But as the following chilling series of photographs testifies, it was chewing up not only the scenery, but an occasional stray bulldozer.

Follow the link for more photos.

  1. Anonymous says:

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  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    I wonder how many male country singers are lining up to buy one?

  3. tallwookie says:

    bah osx sucks – upgrade to a ti92, next question

  4. glenn says:

    “(T)he biggest moving machine build by humans” ?
    Who else? Does this means there are bigger machines not built by humans or built by other creatures?

  5. Jägermeister says:

    Does it do a burp sound?

  6. noname says:

    Uhmmmm, crunchy, and love that soft creamy filling (bulldoser human operator). Are there seconds?

  7. Esteban says:

    so….. friggin’….. awesome!!!!!!!!!

  8. SN says:

    God, I’ve always wanted a bulldozer. I always thought, what could stop a bulldozer? Snow? Nope. Ice? Nope. Rain? Nope. Mud? Nope. But apparently the Germans figured a way.

    Now all I want is a Bagger 288!

    Anyone know what gas mileage it’d get?

  9. Uncle Dave says:

    #9: Something like 3 gas stations per mile.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, LOL, now that is better then my morning coffee. Excellent quip.

  11. MikeR says:

    Let’s soup up that baby and invent a new sport – dozer-tossing.

  12. Zuke says:

    Holy cr*p!!!!! AWESOME!

    I laughed reading the write-up, where it said obviously the Bagger couldn’t steer around objects, so it drives straight to the next mine and they have to pad the roads and re-seed the fields in it’s wake.

    Man, that’s like a sci-fi movie CGI monster! Unreal! Speaking of which, it would destroy all the hero bots in the upcoming Transformers movie. LOL!

  13. DeLeMa says:

    Yow !! They must have a little coal too ?? Seems like we have a few tons laying around our country also, which makes me wonder when we’ll build one.

    Ok, I just gotta know…#3. Angel…what the heck do you mean/imply by that comment ?!? Why only males and why only Country Western singers ?!? If troll thy dost and troll thy must….I’m still curious…


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