Games News – 20/11/2006

Retailers and analysts across North America confirm that the hottest selling gaming console this past weekend was the Xbox 360.

In Canada Microsoft Game Studios was offering a three game deal with a system with a 20GB hard drive and an extra controller at one retailer for $449.99. One of the free games was Gears of War and when that sold out gamers could get the new Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter and Xbox Live Arcade: Unplugged.

A quick trip around to several stores on Sunday saw all Nintendo Wii systems sold out, but the majority of gamers who were coming to get a Wii or a PlayStation 3 were taking advantage of the $449.99 Xbox 360 deal.

Microsoft also dropped the price of several of their Xbox 360 games and peripherals to try and out-market Sony and Nintendo.

As a result gamers will be hard-pressed to find an Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or a Nintendo Wii on store shelves at least for the rest of this week.

It looks like Microsoft is not going to pull a Dreamcast in this fight!

Update: There’s a report out that claims that due to decreased manufacturing costs Microsoft is actually making a profit on each 360 sold. Considering that Microsoft lost about 4 billion on the original Xbox, despite its success in the marketplace, this is good new for Gates and Company.

  1. Axtell says:

    Nintendo is having supply issues? Really, with 4 million units shipping by the end of this year (with sony praying to get to one million), it looks like sony is the only one really struggling with inventory.

    I have to call BS on Sony’s claim of 400k in the market place now, or a million by the end of the year.

  2. Null* says:

    I havent seen sales figure yet for Xbox outselling anything…considering MSN published the report.

    I doubt this is true, seing as PS2 just OUTSOLD xbox & xbox360 in the past week…so i would LOVE to see some factual data here.

  3. charles says:

    360 is not last generation and it kicks ps3 and wii up the anal passage i mean why would u pay 1000 + for a ps3 when u can get a far better console for around 450

  4. jhm says:

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