1. JimR says:

    The ultimate retaliation for resisting Islam will be pale by comparison. Likely, or unlikely?

  2. Mucous says:

    Cool, but the video was too short.

    Iran will launch one in the next few years, but it will be very small by comparison. (Of course that wont matter to whoever’s under it)

  3. doug says:

    I gotta say, that’s pretty cool. But anyone looking to use a mini-Hiroshima type bomb should probably keep in mind that the US probably has a few of those blockbusters, too.

  4. mcjj says:

    we need to nuke them before they nuke us…

  5. Venom Monger says:

    Iran will launch one in the next few years

    Who told you that?

  6. ECA says:


  7. Jägermesiter says:


    Glenn Beck and other fear scaremongers.

  8. James Hill says:

    Stupid question.

    If this is true, why hasn’t it been used? A nuke that can cause such destruction with minimal fallout seems to be the ultimate weapon.

  9. The video wasn’t exactly amusing, but this article on the madness that engulfed, Eatherly, one of the pilots, is entertaining, in a psychiatrically disturbing kind of way.

  10. Steve S says:

    Here is a link to more info on this bomb. The links a the bottom of this wiki page include additional videos.


    Big Bada Boom!


  11. ECA says:

    Consider something about LARGE bombs..

    they have found that they can drop MORE smaller bombs, do more damage, and kill more then useing 1 BIG bomb.
    Its like a Pizza.
    a 15″ pizza is 2x larger then a 12″…
    In Nuke terms it takes 10 times as much material to make the bomb 2x larger effect.
    they found that dropping 10 100K bombs will do more damage then 1 10 megaton.. between the blast effects and radius of damage…its cheaper also.

  12. B. Dog says:

    Yo, #11, that bit on Wikipedia plugging Nintendo is pretty droll.

  13. Jägermeister says:


    Why didn’t you list Pakistan? Or Israel? India? China? U.K.? France? Russia? U.S. (the only nation who actually used them in anger… twice)?

  14. Mucous says:

    Hmmm, the US didn’t use them in anger. They used them to end a long, bloody war and thank god they did.

    Pakistan might be the first to let go, but Iran and N. Korea are the most obvious because they are led by the most obviously insane leaders.

    At least, once the nukes start flying, the dust clouds will slow Global Warming (TM)

  15. Dugger says:

    Beavis: “Fire, Fire !”

    Butthead: “That is the coolest thing I have ever seen…”

  16. Mike Voice says:

    Building them is one thing, being able to deliver them is another.

    They built something so huge that the only plane capable of carrying it aloff was assured of being able to escape the blast.

    If “suitcase” nukes actually exist, they make much more sense.


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