Revolting at FOX
by John C. Dvorak

The decision to publish the OJ Simpson book, If I did it, was a decision that brings Rupert Murdoch and his operations into a new light in terms of exploiting the public, but to then produce a two hour long infomercial for the book in the form of an interview with OJ on FOX makes us wonder exactly what has gone wrong with the Murdoch empire. This repulsive action does nothing more than line Simpson’s pockets with additional book sales beyond the $3.5 million he has already been paid for this ersatz confession. Crime does pay apparently.

Ladies and gentlemen, the American publishing industry has reached a new low-point in its history.

The fact is, titans of industry must show that they deserve the public trust to be allowed to exist carefree in these positions. They are not supposed to sicken us with what is nothing more than moral depravity. Does Murdoch not know this?

Perhaps there is an element of naiveté in all this. At least I hope so, because if this is all an orchestrated publicity stunt to increase book sales so OJ and his slimy publisher Judith Regan (who should be shunned if ever seen in public) can make even more money from a gullible public, then the level of revulsion amongst normal thinking people will top the charts. I know that I’m sickened by this bullcrap. What normal person isn’t?

Even people like Bill O’Reilly, who makes millions from FOX, is distancing himself from this carnival. Many FOX affiliates are not going to air the interview. But the damage has been done. By damage I mean free publicity for the book.

Perhaps people will not buy this piece of shit from this jerk Simpson. If you have to read it, then go to the library. Borrow a copy. As much as I find boycotts offensive something needs to be done to send the creeps who made all these decisions a message. O’Reilly came up with an interesting proposal. See who advertises during the interview and never buy any of their products ever, for the rest of your life. Show your revulsion at this sort of slime ball corporate irresponsibility.

Show your personal disgust with anyone who buys this book!

We collectively, as a nation, put up with too much of this. It’s getting old.

  1. Mark says:

    gquaglia: OK I reread your post and I see what you mean about the interview. But Huffingtons article in my mind clearly shows their conservative agenda.

  2. joshua says:

    #31…Mark….Fox news has never claimed to not look at the news from the **other** side. And to be honest, on real news stories, they can and do present a view not always seen on the **other side**. But in editorial content, they make no bones about being Conservative, just as MSNBC or CNN makes no bones about being Liberal.

    In the real world, there ARE more than one side to most stories, and it’s nice to be able to read or see as many as possible.

    Now, when it comes to O.J. Simpson…the bastard should be struck by lightening while golfing one afternoon. If he didn’t kill his wife, then I’m Britney Spears, and I can tell you, I’m NOT married to some funky ass, white bubba boy, wannabe rapper.

  3. meetsy says:

    BW, re: post #8..scr*w you. That is way out of line, and I think I can arrange an OJ visit to YOUR house. (Perhaps with gloves that fit this time.)

  4. Podesta says:

    John Henri, I never doubted that the evidence suppported O.J. Simpson being the murderer. Still don’t. But, there is a racist angle to all this. One rarely hears Robert Blake being disdained for killing his wife, though the evidence of his guilt is just as compelling. There’s a double standard, and never do those favor black Americans.

  5. doug says:

    #4. Apples and oranges. while I don’t doubt there is a racial aspect to the whole OJ thing, but Robert Blake was washed up for 20 years at least before he was charged. And before that, he was a marginal TV actor. OJ was a great football player who kept himself in the public eye after he retired from football.

    In other words, OJ was A List, Blake was C List.

  6. traaxx says:

    Uh, no your the one with a new low point. OJ is innocent, he went to trial and was aquited. And it was because of a white racist cop, or at least one accused of being a white racist cop, that he was aquited.

    Now you’re just judging him, and for what. Is he guilty, was Clinton, was Al Gore, do thousands of illegals use tax payer service illegally everyday, do employers hire knowingly individuals with false ID that can’t speak english everyday, yes but who’s the governing authority. The rule of law has broken down and doesn’t really exist anymore, and it did start under the Democrats and has continued ever since, but it’s for a good cause Globalization.

  7. Podesta says:

    Traaxx, my heart aches for you — NOT! Your racist diatribes on this and other threads are not endearing. You could not care less about the issues. Your only interest is to attack people because of their ethnicity, religion or race.

    Both the Simpson case and the Blake case were miscarriages of justice. There is no such thing as a ‘better’ killer.

    As for the publisher, Regan has been featured in so many scandals over the years it is remarkable. She is a consumate publicity hound who will do anything to get attention.

  8. bw says:

    re: #33 – I think that my suggestion that people research for themselves the media monopoly and the moral code of this special interest group and how it allows them to decend to the depths of depravity for the sole purpose of making money hardly deserves a death threat.

    A belief system that allows it’s members to lie, cheat, steal and kill from those who are not members of this privilaged elite, the self appointed chosen ones of God, is a subject ripe for discussion. The network of true believers bent of stiffling this discussion in order to set themselves aloof from criticism using thinly veiled threats and shameful name calling tends to affirm rather than deny the suggestion that it is the belief system itself responsible for the reprehensible moral behavior of a number of it’s members.

    Your post is characteristic of the intimidation leveled towards those who would question the nature of the problems presented by this lopsided control.

    If the glove fits, wear it.

  9. ky says:

    don’t buy it ? borrow it, lend it if you want to read it?

    i can go a little further Steal it, steal as many as you can , deface them in the bookstore go and fill the bookstores front door locks with epoxy putty every day before they open !

  10. RBG says:

    Sorry, haven’t had a chance to read the other comments yet, on the run.

    When DU first mentioned this show, what, months ago – I truly thought it was a joke. I’m now just dumbfounded. It all has to do with the fact that there simply is no such thing as outrage anymore in America.

    My first nano-second thought upon learning it was all real was to have everyone boycott the sponsor’s products. I would hope and expect someone will post this info so no one actually has to watch this crap.


  11. RBG says:

    36. “OJ is innocent, he went to trial and was aquited.”

    Yes he was and that’s why he didn’t go to jail. But he has not been acquitted in the hearts and minds of ordinary people. They got to see things the jury didn’t. Ordinary people got to ask why he was wearing the rare and expensive shoes he says so emphatically he didn’t own but were known to be at the murder. They got to hear his early confessions and see his flight in the Bronco. Over the years, they got to become familiar with, and judge the character of, the police officers involved. And experience the subsequent actions of a supposedly innocent man. And now they get to judge for themselves, speak out and take whatever actions, however they feel like. The laws that set OJ free are the same ones that protect our right to do so, regardless of the trial.


  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, Ascii, well said and mirror my thoughts.

    We either respect the decision of the criminal court, or fall into anarchy. This is why I disagree with the civil trial where emotions over rule the actual dictates of the criminal law. Civil law is about the recovery of loss, not punishment, yet this case involved the punishment of Simpson.

    Many on this post are saying they “know” he is guilty and even give the odd suggestion why. The fact remains that there was enough evidence that was sufficiently questioned as being tainted to establish a veracity doubt on the other evidence. If the jury believed that the evidence was fraudulent, as they said they did, then they are obligated to acquit.

    If it was you on the trial under the same circumstance, wouldn’t you also want the jury to question the validity of the evidence?

    BTW, JimR, there is no such thing as a technicality in getting someone off. Even in Canada, there are Constitutional Rights which the police and courts must follow. The sanction against the state for ignoring someone’s right may be up to the dismissal of the charge.

  13. tallwookie says:

    ya know – i’m gonna go get one just to have on the table – like a conversation starter…

    Besides, we ALL know that OJ is innocent, thats why he ran away from the cops – he was running to “protect” his innocence

  14. joshua says:

    You know Podesta and others……it’s not a racial thing about OJ. It’s the fact that to many people just believe he is guilty on the basis of the evidence that wasn’t tainted.
    But to compare him with your example….Robert Blake. Blake was found Not Guilty….he was duly elated and made the news for a few days, then quietly went his own way and has basically avoided publicity since. OJ, on the other hand has made a profession out of being in the public eye since his aquittal. Not only that, but he enjoys rubbing peoples faces in the fact that he was aquitted.

    I would have an easier time believeing it was racist if OJ had been black, but he was only black in his skin colour, in everyother way, the man was white, and a lot of Americans and OJ thought so to. He only became Black when it could be used to save his ass.

  15. It doesn’t matter if he did it or not, or if he is black, white or asian. The way I think about it, he is trying (by writing the book) to “cash in” on the death of his wife. THAT makes him a sick, sick man. Whether he murdered her or not.

  16. Ascii King says:

    #38 you are wrong. Almost every religion I can think of says it’s OK to treat people not of that religion poorly. Christianity classified North American Indians as animals without souls so they could justify their treatment of them. If you only look at the extreme examples in any religion, every religion you examine will seem kooky. You are using poor logic to justify your racism.

    To everyone else who knows that OJ is guilty regardless of what the trial said, I have one question, where did you get your information from? Did you get your info from FOX News at the time? If you got your info from the media, then you should bear in mind that all the stations were playing the same stuff. ABC, NBC and FOX were all showing the same info. So basically, your opinion is the opinion of the media.

    So, if you think you know better about what happened in OJ’s house than the jury and are better able to judge than them then you are not being honest with yourself. Your information is tainted.

    So some of the evidence was tainted, but there was enough non-tainted evidence to convince you he was guilty. How do you know the rest of the evidence wasn’t tainted? You assume that all of the evidence that was tainted was discovered to have been tampered with or concocted. Maybe all of the evidence was concocted, but they did a good job on some of it so we can’t tell.

    There are always two trials, the one in the courts and the one in the media.

  17. 46 do you seriously believe that ALL the evidence was tainted? Come on man don’t be a sheep think for yourself. You’re accusing people here of having their opinions based on media outlets?

    Who was the cheif proponent in claiming the evidence was tainted. Idiot wanna be black right activists and lawyers. So you in turn are guilty of what you’re accusing other people of.

    Did the spot of Nicoles blood found on a sock in O.J’s vehicle magically shoot through the glass window that was closed into Ojs car as well. Oh wait let me guess that was planted. Okay right.

    And O.J’s domestic violence history, yes that was planted as well. When you hear Nicole Simpson frantically calling 9-1-1 and O.J ranting and raving in the background, that was all the L.A.P.D setting him up for the future frame.

    Cato Caylen seeing O.J walk into the house from the yard and O.J taking a shower noticably late for his meeting. That was father time and Cato Caylen helping set O.J up.

    And when O.J went unaccounted for in the white bronco and had to be chased, that was a set up too. The police must have told him to go his way to make him appear guilty when they pulled him over later.

    And O.J failing the polygraph, that was a frame job too.

    Someone super strong overpowering Ron Goldman and Nicole with a knife when no one else has motive to kill them, yes that was a frame job as well.

    The glove fitting O.D’s hand perfectly, it was obviously altered to match his hand by a leather worker in on the elaborate entorage of the cia, fbi, president, l.a.p.d, fox news, and white people everywhere.

    They managed to cooperate flawlessly and would not have been discovered had it not been for Johnny Cochran repeating the secret phrase “If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit!”

    Oh yeah and moving to florida to evade the civil judgement and now releasing this kind of book.

    Yes that just screams innocent to me.

    Get off it man he is guilty as sin.

  18. jim says:

    I am not going to buy the book or watch the show.

    I disagreed with the finding of the jury. I didn’t see how it was a racial issue; it was a murder of two people. When they aquitted hm I didn’t assume that “blacks stick together and protect one another from whitey.” I try to identify people by who they are not by the color of their skin.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #47 – Get off it man he is guilty as sin.

    Comment by John Henri Allyn — 11/20/2006 @ 8:27 am

    No one would disagree. He did it. OJ is a big bad killer. This was a shame.

    The issue is, however, if any evidence is tainted, it’s all tainted. The defense convinced the jury that the LAPD was untrustworthy and that racists like Mark Furman wanted to frame OJ.

    The saddest thing is that OJ killed his wife and the waiter AND the LAPD was untrustworthy and Furman is a racist. This was an unholy clusterfuck. But it works that way…

    I’m glad that it does though. After all, tis far better than 10 guilty men walk free than 1 innocent man be jailed…

  20. Ascii King says:

    Don’t be a sheep? Why….you’re right! Thanks, John Henri Allyn, you’ve changed my life!

    OhForTheLoveOfThoseLittleChocolateMints sums it up nicely. If the LAPD is untrustworthy, then you can’t trust the evidence they control.

  21. RBG says:

    49, 50.

    Baloney. It’s a ridiculous concept that in a case where there might be a million pieces of evidence or facts or human foibles to deal with, that if you can find fault in one or two items, the rest of the evidence automatically gets negated. What an easy job it would then be to defend any crime. And what a travesty it would make of any justice system. Try instead: “based upon a preponderance of the evidence.” This then accounts for all the relatively unimportant points… like Furman saying the N word for a book or movie script and then forgetting he said it. What was that? Somebody looking for an excuse to exonerate, that’s what. Somebody looking to stick it to da Man. The real Madison Avenue slogan is actually, “If a twit missed a whit, you must acquit.”

    The beauty of the “Human System” over “The Justice System” is that OJ now takes his place alongside some the most reviled people in the history of the world. And all he did was dodge the murder of two people.


  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    It isn’t a case of one or two peices of evidence looked funny… It was bungled from top to bottom. It was mass incompetence. It was a sham. As I said in another thread, “Never try to frame a guilty man.”

    But honestly… How agast are you? I got over this case years ago. And I’m not even disagreeing with you. I wish OJ were rotting away in prison right now. It was a travesty. So I’m not sure why we’d argue over this… OJ is a murderer in my mind.

    But I still believe the system worked, as screwed up as that seems.

    And also, this was a double homicide. The standard is higher than a preponderance of the evidence.

  23. RBG says:

    No, this is a double homicide featuring the “Dancing Itos.”

    That’s a good philosophy, Oh. We can use it again and again until we can think of some way to shut him up.


  24. John Henri Allyn says:

    Yes 51 way to support your opinion with fact.

    lol seriously come on

  25. Philip D says:

    OJ was subjected to an electronic news media lynching and the White press trashed him but Black people love his courage in standing up to white trash such as Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reily. Furman was a Jewish detective who hated Blacks and used the N word openly. Ron Goldman was gay and his father used his death to enrich himself. The only victims other than OJ was his wife Nicole Simpson Brown and Ron Goldman who were cut with two different knives. The whole purpose of this year long trial and circus is to divert people’s minds from the rise of right wing Fascism and to split the Jewish Black vote.


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