Revolting at FOX
by John C. Dvorak

The decision to publish the OJ Simpson book, If I did it, was a decision that brings Rupert Murdoch and his operations into a new light in terms of exploiting the public, but to then produce a two hour long infomercial for the book in the form of an interview with OJ on FOX makes us wonder exactly what has gone wrong with the Murdoch empire. This repulsive action does nothing more than line Simpson’s pockets with additional book sales beyond the $3.5 million he has already been paid for this ersatz confession. Crime does pay apparently.

Ladies and gentlemen, the American publishing industry has reached a new low-point in its history.

The fact is, titans of industry must show that they deserve the public trust to be allowed to exist carefree in these positions. They are not supposed to sicken us with what is nothing more than moral depravity. Does Murdoch not know this?

Perhaps there is an element of naiveté in all this. At least I hope so, because if this is all an orchestrated publicity stunt to increase book sales so OJ and his slimy publisher Judith Regan (who should be shunned if ever seen in public) can make even more money from a gullible public, then the level of revulsion amongst normal thinking people will top the charts. I know that I’m sickened by this bullcrap. What normal person isn’t?

Even people like Bill O’Reilly, who makes millions from FOX, is distancing himself from this carnival. Many FOX affiliates are not going to air the interview. But the damage has been done. By damage I mean free publicity for the book.

Perhaps people will not buy this piece of shit from this jerk Simpson. If you have to read it, then go to the library. Borrow a copy. As much as I find boycotts offensive something needs to be done to send the creeps who made all these decisions a message. O’Reilly came up with an interesting proposal. See who advertises during the interview and never buy any of their products ever, for the rest of your life. Show your revulsion at this sort of slime ball corporate irresponsibility.

Show your personal disgust with anyone who buys this book!

We collectively, as a nation, put up with too much of this. It’s getting old.

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    “I stabbed her because the doctor said that my Wife was anemic, so I gave her some iron.”

  2. gquaglia says:

    The whole OJ thing has always bothered me. Sure he was acquitted (wink, wink) but I think most people believe he was indeed the murderer. I get sick every time I see this wacko on TV smiling, like nothing ever happened. Now his book, If I did it. It should be titled, How I did it and how playing the race card got me off with the help of a slick lawyer. This scum bag should be in jail, not making more money off this travesty of justice. One can only hope the court send this profit to the Goldman family to satisfy the wrongful death judgement against OJ.

  3. Mark says:

    Wheres a good vigilante when you need him. We need Dirty Harry.

  4. James Hill says:

    Does this mean you agree with O’Reilly’s comments on a “Culture War” as a whole, or only with this example?

  5. Tom says:

    I think that OJ simpson still owes the family from the civil law suit that they placed a while back, so i think that they can take the money he gets as fast as he makes it.

  6. doug says:

    #4. I am in favor of boycotting anyone sponsoring this travesty. And as far as O’Reilley goes – even a stopped clock is right twice a day …

  7. paddler says:

    Maybe they will make a FOX movie out of the book. OJ can play himself and Judith Regan can play Nichole. I’d watch that…

  8. BW says:

    You keep swinging the hammer but you’re not hitting the nail on the head. Do some research.

    1. Who owns/controls the various media.
    2. Read the Torah.
    3. 1+1=2

  9. Max Bell says:

    Is anyone here actually going to read the thing? Interesting that this is a point everyone here is likely to agree on.

    Maybe we all have a bit more in common than gadgets?

  10. andrew says:

    So if OJ’s book is successful can we look forward to other celebrity pseudo-confession books?

    Michael Jackson’s: I’m not a molester, but if I was this is who I blew.

    Robert Blake’s: I didn’t shoot anyone, but this is how I would have pulled the trigger.

    I hate to say I agree with anything Bill O’Reilly says, but I think I agree with him on the OJ thing

  11. ghm101 says:

    When I saw the headline I thought this was about Homer and Bart.

  12. Fabrizio Marana says:

    I would add to Johns comments:

    1/ If you’re a librarian, do not buy the book… Put a cardboard box in it’s place on the bookshelf with the title on the side and ‘This Library does not support buying books from OJ Simpson'”

    2/ If you’re a journalist, talk to the procurement department to not have anyone buy the book.

    3/ If you’re a procurer, put the book on the “unorderable” items list

    Etc, etc…

    The only thing we can do is NOT BUY THE BOOK!

  13. John Scott says:

    #7 – I’d watch that too, but only if it was a reality show.

  14. Ascii King says:

    I’ve always had a hard time with this issue. If OJ was acquitted then he is a free man. If you think someone should block him in his endeavors because he was actually guilty, then do you also support shunning anyone who has been acquitted of a crime? Perhaps we should only shun the ones you think are guilty, judge Dvorak.

    If that’s the case, why do we need the courts?

    Like many people, I think a murderer walked free that day. That creates a concern about how to treat him. If a man is accused of being a child molester, but proven innocent, then is it OK to let him babysit your kids? If it isn’t OK, then anyone who is accused of any crime, regardless of guilt should be shunned.

    I’ve always struggled with this issue.

  15. BobH says:

    From a positive perspective, this interview and book may be the ‘evidence’ any remaining doubters require to help understand why so many reviled the criminal acquittal.

    The depravity of Simpson’s conduct in “writing” this book surely can’t be perceived as the act of an innocent man. The mind reels at what manner of sordid soul stoops to tell a tale of how they could have murdered their spouse.

    I’ve always believed killing in anything other than self defense is sick; but there is a point beyond which the illness is so apparent by subsequent actions the perpetrator should be truly shunned by society.

  16. TJGeezer says:

    The only thing we can do is NOT BUY THE BOOK!

    Well… we could also not watch Fox or, especially, Faux News. As for the TV show, maybe someone with a strong stomach will watch in order to publish a list of its sponsors under a “They Sponsored OJ’s Kill-and-Tell” banner.

    But that’s all just variations on saying – don’t let yourself be exploited. Simply refuse. Sometimes refusal works, if enough people agree.

  17. rctaylor says:

    We wouldn’t have to if it was remotely possible to convict a celebrity in SoCal. Even on the rare occasion they do it’s a wrist slap.

  18. doug says:

    #14. I think it is certainly a good idea to give some thought to this sort of thing. this is the way I look at it:

    If someone is acquitted after a criminal trial, that does not mean that they did not commit the act in question. It means that the State could not prove them guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. My standard for who I would trust is substantially lower than that – if I believed there was a reasonable likelihood that someone committed embezzlement, I would not trust them near my checkbook.

  19. Mark says:

    I heard Mancow and Glenn Beck frothing about how they couldnt wait to watch this “special” even though they thought OJ was guilty and the whole thing dispicable. What hypocritical tools. They said after all, it makes for good TV!

    Fox News makes my skin crawl. I am surprised you guys havent posted the article exposing Fox News fair and balanced memos from the election.

  20. TJGeezer says:

    #19 – Huffington Post has the memo at if anyone wants to look.

    It’s all about fair and balanced reporting, provided they can dig up some terrorist quote that favored the Democrats. (This despite qualified intelligence assessments that bin Laden et al. wanted more Republicans in US Congress to help them raise more money and recruit more terrorists.)

  21. gquaglia says:

    Fox News makes my skin crawl. I am surprised you guys havent posted the article exposing Fox News fair and balanced memos from the election.

    I don’t think this interview is for Foxnews, but for Fox TV. Also that memo seems to be directing the news staff to get the most out of the election as far as news stories go. Most miles per gallon, so to speak. Nothing different then any other news service. Good attempt in trying to villainize Foxnews, but no cigar.

  22. Chris says: Once the interview does air, file a complaint online citing Fox for their indecency. Use their own weapon against them.

  23. Joe says:



    Man, Even I don’t Believe that bullshit

  24. AB CD says:

    Why are you supporting censorship and boycotts? This would be a threat to the First Amendment, and have a chilling effect on the news media.

  25. JimR says:

    #14, Ascii King,“then anyone who is accused of any crime, regardless of guilt should be shunned.”

    Why does an issue have to be black and white? Many that are guilty go free on technicalities. You still have the right to your own opinion and your own discretion and acquittal does not equal innocent.

  26. #14 quit with the “I can’t understand this” drama. Its very easy to understand.

    I was one of those back when I was 15 that was happy to see O.J get off and was convinced that he was innocent and framed. Then I grew up and realized the amount of evidence against him which the jurors seems to ignore for Cochrans stupid mini rap phrases is quite irrefutable.

    Whats really sad is O.J was never a “Black person” He never once did things for the black community from the kindness of his heart. Only when he was on trial did he reach out and single handedly set race relations back untold decades.

    An innocent man wouldn’t even entertain thoughts about coming up with let alone writing and reading and publishing a book like this.

    Its just sick its make me sick to my stomach he could even disrespect the two people he murdered and their families like this.

    We even have some moron activist named eddie Jones (Not the basketball player) who is DEFENDING O.J’s right to do this and calling anyone who thinks he shouldn’t racists. This is how fucked up society is, he is calling the victims families racists.

    Even if by some unknown reason the man was innocent, you don’t do this. Normal people don’t do this.

    I tell you man when this guy dies in some horrible way “Hoping for Alzheimers” I will do nothing but be glad.

  27. doug says:

    #24. A boycott by viewers does not implicate government censorship and thus does not threaten the First Amendment. People, whether it be Fox TV, Mel Gibson or the Dixie Chicks, need to understand that the things they say have consequences, and it is not censorship to express outrage at outrageous things.

    #25. Just as being acquitted does not mean you are innocent, being convicted does not mean you are guilty. Guilty men go free and innocent ones are convicted. Every person should render his or her own opinion. The verdict of any trial should be given some weight, but for me it is not conclusive one way or the other.

  28. Mike Voice says:

    14 If you think someone should block him in his endeavours because he was actually guilty, then do you also support shunning anyone who has been aquitted of a crime?

    Why are we not allowed to decide this on a case-by-case basis?

    Just because I think OJ is a murderous scumbag – and I actually wasn’t convinced until I read about his “book” – that doesn’t mean I think everyone ever aquitted of murder charges in the past – and who will ever be aquitted of murder charges in the future – is a murderous scumbag.

  29. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Why does an issue have to be black and white?

    It has been since the first day…I recall that something like 95% of blacks thought he was innocent and 95% of whites thought he was guilty. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays in the black community, where this book could be a big seller.

    What I hope is that the publisher screwed up and left in some detail that was not revealed at the time, potentially justifying a new trial. That would be cool.

  30. Mark says:

    gquaglia: I want that cigar.

    “I don’t think this interview is for Foxnews, but for Fox TV. Also that memo seems to be directing the news staff to get the most out of the election as far as news stories go. Most miles per gallon, so to speak. Nothing different then any other news service. Good attempt in trying to villainize Foxnews, but no cigar.”

    From the source:

    Huffington Post has obtained an internal Fox News memo written by the network’s Vice President of news. The memo details Fox’s game plan the day Democrats won control of both the Senate and the House.

    Read it again, and send me the cigar.


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