I guess we have a clue as to why he is a former professor.

  1. Sean says:

    For the sake of argument, lets say white people are the king of the hill in the world. What happens when you knock off the king? Someone takes their place.
    So sure, exterminate all the white people. Then someone else will come along and take their place, and be equally evil. Then you’ll see race has nothing to do with it.

  2. This guy needs to check himself in to a clinic.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Look bird lovers… The rare Chocolate City Loon…

  4. bill says:

    He needs to study his genes… Since everyone evolved from Eurasian Adam… There is only a ‘human race’ and some very small genetic differences…

  5. Jeff says:

    #3 I laughed out loud at that one… thanks for the pick-me-up…

  6. Gregg says:

    He reminds me of that Eddie Murphy but he did on Saturday Night Live where he sang “kill all the white people, kill all the white people!”

    As a member of the aforementioned white people, I’d just like to say….WTF?!?

  7. Tom says:

    Yep thats pretty damn scary, only in North Carolina i guess….

  8. Prevention > Cure says:

    Sounds like all us evil white people need to start making plans for a preemptive strike to kill off all the black people before they kill us for wanting to kill them because they have found the “solution”.

    I love crazy people!

  9. BgScryAnml says:

    Wonder which party he voted for in the last election?

  10. Tom says:

    I’m thinking the Hitleratarian party.

  11. matt says:

    Considering the video is about Hurricane Katrina and issues affecting African Americans:
    perhaps looting stores and shooting at aid helicopters [piloted by whites] that were trying to help the actual victims was the beginning of this guy’s solution to the problem of “white retina scanning racial profiling DNA bank creating black people monitoring trash”…

  12. CottonPicker says:

    if we’d known it’d be this much trouble, we would’ve picked our own damn cotton.

  13. stew says:

    Well you can not say he did not have a solution for the problem he percieved. So many people just want to complain.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    The only ones to blame are the Brittish and the Catholics for wiping out entire civilizations.

  15. Mark says:

    “Yep thats pretty damn scary, only in North Carolina i guess”


    Apparently he has company with the Reconquista movment.



    The words above were spoken by Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of the La Raza Unida political party. His full comment was: “We have an aging white America … They are dying …We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him.”

    Lovely huh. I’d boycott burritos. But I really like burritos.

  16. Gary Marks says:

    One of the worst things about idiots like this isn’t so much that they’ll ever attract much of a following, but that they can become the excuse for others to unleash their own racism. On the other hand, people so inclined never seem to need much of an excuse, do they?

  17. Tom says:

    16. I agree.
    Violence begets violence, and this is another reason for violence and ignorance to be pointed their way.

    These are the kind of people who make me appreciate the Minute Men.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:


    I find old gringos sexy.

  19. Mark says:

    18. Ah, but do you find them tasty? I say eat the tasty Canadian Gringos first, they are lower in fat.

  20. James Hill says:

    He stold this idea from the movie Bulworth. Not creative at all.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    Just proves that all races have racists.

  22. Anand says:

    With all the hate in this world, I’m planning to move to Mars. I’m sure g-reen-aliens-from-the-movies would be much better than all of us.

    Wait they’ll be green.. hmmm :p

  23. Awake says:

    Two words:

    The black race is just sooooo united, eliminating the white race would solve all their problems. Rwanda is a great example of their unity.

  24. Ron Larson says:

    Rwanda is a great example of their unity.

    Heck… just took at Liberia, the west Africa country that is founded by ex-American slaves. That place went to hell in a hand-basket.

  25. Podesta says:

    There’s actually someone who believes this:

    “He needs to study his genes… Since everyone evolved from Eurasian Adam… There is only a ‘human race’ and some very small genetic differences…”

    I thought that every reasonably educated person knew the human race originated in Africa, possibly in the region of Ethiopia, by now.

    I do question Dvorak’s motive for posting this entry. It looks an awfully lot like the ‘blacks are the real racists’ projection white supremacists are so fond of engaging in.

  26. traaxx says:

    Nothing here that isn’t being taught in the colleges and high school inside the cities. How many liberal professors say almost the same thing. Today’s entire education system is built upon the idea that white people have destroyed the world with industry and the use of chemicals to farm. You really should listen to what these people really end up saying and follow through with the logical conclusions that would be necessary to implement their ideas.

    I don’t know what he’s complaining about. I’m basically a second class citizen today. If your job want to lay you off to adjust their racial percentage they can, and you can’t do anything about it. You can’t touch them at the workplace, no matter what they do or don’t do. I won’t get into the out sourcing issue since whenever you do someone almost immediately calls you a racist.

    For myself, I think the black African Americans, or the Hispanic, are quite a bit superior to the white European. I know that living under a cultural influence of either one of those cultures most white would crumble and dissimulate, not the African Americans. They pretty much have the same attitudes and many of the cultural attributes they brought with them when they were brought over here as slaves. It’s been interesting to see our children conform to them where bussing is in place, both in culture and violence.

    Now think about the future, since we are basically bringing the Hispanics over here as slaves, think of what that’s going to do. Whatever happens you can bet that whites will not be in the future, we’re to busy attacking each other and calling each other racist, etc. or whatever makes you look as the more righteous individual. At least we know that the Hispanic, Asians and African American aren’t racist against each other.

    I really like Dvorak’s view on business and technology, but as far as culture and politics goes he’s really off. If you want to know why someone like this has supporters and funding, just look into the mirror and call yourself a racist for even criticizing him because if you don’t some liberal or neo-con will.

  27. tkane says:

    Whatever the motive for the posting, it *is* further proof of flaws of the open nature of the Internet – garbage has equal footing to grace. The best way to combat the tendency is to drown out the garbage with grace,. (taking out the trash would be regarded as despotic).

  28. tkane says:

    which is rather difficult when this stupid kinda-captcha system keeps accusing me of posting more frequently than every 15 seconds – sheesh, it been more than 15 hours! I am NOT a cowboy either…

  29. Aric says:

    Fuck whitey.
    “Kill, kill, kill the white man”. – Eugene Mamalookaboobooday

    I recommend starting with DC.

    Does he have a newletter I can subscribe too, or possibly a podcast?

  30. John Paradox says:

    Reading: Farnham’s Freehold by Robert A. Heinlein.



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