I guess we have a clue as to why he is a former professor.

  1. ryan says:

    big ups to da fizuhrer

  2. markus says:

    possibly I don’t get it cause I’m German, but why does this guy want to kill white people like Michael Jackson?

  3. AB CD says:

    >have the same attitudes and many of the cultural attributes they brought with them when they were brought over here as slaves.

    Not true. Actually most of ‘black culture’ comes from English rednecks, things like saying ‘aks.’

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, traax,

    You are so far out of the loop it would be worthless to respond to more then a few pieces of your garbage.

    First, as you should know by now, this was posted by one of the Editors, not by John Dvorak.

    Second, suggesting that another racial group (African Americans and / or Hispanics) are superior is racist. You tried to justify your abhorrent claim by using culture. Culture is separate from race.

    Third, no one is bringing Hispanics over as slaves. Yes, there are slavery rings bringing aliens into the US. These rings are usually composed of foreigners and smuggle their own nationalities to work in slavery to pay off the debt of their transport. Yes, there are many people that hire and keep others under “slavery” type conditions, but they face prosecution when they are found out.

    I think #21, Jägermeister , said it well enough. This just proves that all races have racists, even the trolls.

  5. JimR says:

    Ok, you are not going to like this but I think he almost has it right.

    I call for the extermination of all white dreadocks with roots in North Carolina.

  6. SN says:

    There is plenty to find funny about this.

    First, the guy is highly educated and a published author. Exactly where would he be and what would he be doing if no white people existed?! In other words, how has he been held back?

    It’s also funny because it assumes that only white people are racist, ignoring all of the other overtly racists countries and peoples throughout the world. (Like in Japan for instance, where Korean families who have lived there for over four generations are still considered foreigners, can legally be discriminated against, and are forced to carry cards where ever they go.)

    But the really funny thing is how powerful he thinks white people are. It’s not enough to destroy the white power base. Nope, every single white person has to be exterminated. Thus, even if I were the sole white person on the planet, I and I alone would have the power to oppress the remaining 5 or 6 billion people. Wow, that’s pretty amazing! I had no idea I was a super-villain!

  7. Sundog says:

    “At least we know that the Hispanic, Asians and African American aren’t racist against each other.”

    I spent the last 15 years running a business in the Virgin Islands. (US), the local West Indian from VI looked down on and was prejudiced towards West Indians from the surrounding islands or down island such as Dominica, Montserratt, Grenada. The level of prejudice was extreme and in some cases violent. It was well known amongst employers of all ethnic groups (Muslim, White, West Indian, Hispanic, Texan, ha ha) that the down island workers had a superior work ethic. This was especiall true for the workers from the Dominican Republic and Cuba. Perhaps it was because these groups didnt grow up with a sense of entitlement (welfare state) that the locals had. That was the common wisdon of the islands, anyway. To say that the Blacks werent prejudiced against Blacks is naive and wrong.

  8. TJGeezer says:

    #37 – you didn’t know? Hell, I knew it by the end of the second post I read from you. Stand up, be proud!

  9. SN says:

    “Hell, I knew it by the end of the second post I read from you”

    Damn, I guess I’d better grow a goatee start wearing a monocle.

  10. Ben Drinkin says:

    You should take this very seriously. All over Africa, black people are proving they are good at extermination. They just haven’t left their own alone long enough to concentrate on white folk.

  11. ezma says:

    Angel Wong Spoke, Mr. Fusion did too.. Where is Mike Voice?

  12. Real says:

    All racism is rooted in ignorance. So, you educate people, and build a civilization built upon rules and laws.

    Then the ignorant kill the educated, ’cause they don’t know the laws, but they do understand violence.

    The educated blame the ignorant, but the educated hadn’t bothered to teach the ignorant.

    The ignorant blame the educated, ’cause they see civilization as a better life that they cannot attain.

    Then, you throw religion in the mix…

  13. Roc Rizzo says:

    Personally, I believe that the Human Race is a disease on the planet, and should be exterminated. Not just white people… EVERYONE!
    The planet would be much better off.

  14. jimcrow says:

    it would be nice if we could get rid of all these fucking jiggaboos, though

  15. Rob Levin says:

    But people are educated stupid. Singularity god is EVIL as Creation reigns as Opposites. Educators, and You – ought to be killed for ignoring the fact that “Earth is Cubed”.

  16. Howard Beale says:

    It’s interesting how this didn’t get nearly as much press as Michael Richards’ outburst. I’m not defending what Richards said, but yelling at hecklers doesn’t seem as bad to me as proposing the extermination of a race.

  17. Bubba says:

    This makes what Kramer said seem minor,but i guess we wont see this video all over the press,i think we should give him the same treatment they gave Kramer,threaten him with a law suit,where is the “NAACP” when you need them,HA!!!!!

  18. KLN says:

    First, these comments were made last year. Why is is suddenly in the news.

    Second, when speaking about his advanced degrees, see if any of the schools are real, or acredited.

    Third, ANYBODY can publish a book. There are lots of small vanity presses which will publish anything.

  19. gary beal says:

    this is proof,there are racist niggers

  20. brani says:

    this idiot needs to be exterminated! This is something you would expect to have heard Hitler saying about the jews in the early 1940’s, not allowed from an african american in 2006! I believe in free speech, but not when it allows an idiot that influences young minds to teach kids its fair to kill the white race!


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