British Women Lament Sex-Starved Lives

HUGE numbers of British women admit to feeling sex-starved — and they blame the grind of doing the housework for their lack of nookie.

Researchers found 35 per cent said they were too tired to enjoy sex because they were expected to do all the cooking, washing and cleaning.

Nearly half of the women surveyed revealed that in an average week they spend six hours doing chores but less than 15 minutes having sex.

There must be something we can do to help. Let’s pray on this.

  1. WokTiny says:

    Six hours a week? that’s less than on hour a day.

    explain to me how that’s disabling…

  2. Improbus says:

    Maybe they should give their men some testosterone.

  3. Roger M says:

    I’m all in. And may I suggest creating a Salivating Army 😀

  4. GregA says:

    Sheesh they are having sex 8-9 times a week and they are complaining???

  5. Mike Voice says:

    They just need to vacation in Japan, and hope “iku iku byo” is contagious. 🙂

  6. tallwookie says:

    What Are We Going To Do with All These Sex-Starved Women?

    Move em to America, we’ll fix em up proper.

  7. James Hill says:

    Their first problem is fucking British men.

  8. Gyro Gearloose says:

    All of the references to sex recently triggered our corporate IT folks to block the web site because of “nudity.” Had to ask them to open it back up. Maybe the guy who blocked your site was a sex-starved husband?

    Oh, and I do all the housework, all of the laundry, and a good bit of the cooking, cut the grass, shovel the snow, work a regular job, and I’m never too tired to have sex. Maybe these women should try some vitamins?

  9. Pekuliar says:

    Screw em!

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe you should ask yourselves, “Would you screw a woman with horribly crooked teeth?”

  11. Gregory says:

    yes, because all British have bad teeth, just like all Americans are fat, stupid, and lazy…

  12. I can’t believe in this day and age Woman are
    expected to do all the cooking, washing and cleaning. especially if they don’t have an active sex life.
    They married the wrong man and should divorce.
    On the other hand the woman should look like sex pistols for their man if they want any action.

  13. DeLeMa says:

    I agree with #4. I mean, 15 minutes of sex per week ? That’s an easy 8 to 9 times a week…..a minute and a half at lessee….yup, easy 12 or 13 times a week…

  14. Moral Volcano says:

    As one French Minister claimed half of Britain is homosexual and now it seems the rest of them are sex starved.

  15. They should be glad they get some. Some people are to ugly to get some ever (and before any one else tries to jump on the joke I will, like me)

    Also as with #8 the same thing happen where I work, I came here this morning and got the same blocked because it was listed as “nudity” But unlike him it was not that imported to me to see if I could get it unblocked. I just read it 2 less times a day.

  16. joshua says:

    #7…james hill….Sorry dude, I’m NOT fucking ANY British man just to help out the sex starved woman of Britain.

  17. JimS says:

    The British women are just being selfish. Sounds like they expect a guy to perform at the drop of a hat. They need to realize a man needs to be warmed up a little first. Sitting on the couch, watching a woman spend an hour washing and cleaning is foreplay for a guy.

    I suppose that if she’s a hot looking gal, she could get away with just taking out the garbage, and folding a couple baskets of laundry. That might be enough foreplay to get me going.

  18. James Hill says:

    #16 – LOL!

    As #14 hinted, it would help if most British men didn’t come off as queer, or were as defensive as #11.

  19. KB says:

    The British women are just being selfish. Sounds like they expect a guy to perform at the drop of a hat. They need to realize a man needs to be warmed up a little first. Sitting on the couch, watching a woman spend an hour washing and cleaning is foreplay for a guy.–JimS

    ROFL !!

  20. ChrisMac says:

    nothing makes me happier than to see americans learning
    cept candians


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