Clever marketing or just utter ignorance?

Found on the always hilarious BBSpot.

  1. Dan says:


  2. Mike Abundo says:

    Obviously not big Internet users.

  3. Krash Coarse says:

    OMFG!! LOL!!
    They are so NOT “l337″….
    god save us 🙂

  4. WokTiny says:

    “utter ignorance” all one has to miss to miss that is chatrooms and forums… plenty of people avoid these like the plague… for good reason.

  5. Timbo says:

    Every culture has their own taboos and manias. Every culture is inherently ethnocentric, thinking “everyone thinks and feels like me.”

    Since I have Asperger’s and have been persecuted by all cultures, I can be objective toward them all. Normals have a belief filter for their senses. If what they see or hear doesn’t fit their beliefs, it is automatically filtered out before they can even think about it. This leads to overweaning arrogance on their part; everything they see and hear agrees with what they believe. Truth is more complicated than that.

  6. Peter Rodwell says:

    I find it refreshing to see that the age of innocence has not entirely vanished!

  7. Gregory says:

    I did once work near two company’s who’s name plates (on doors right next to each other) just had their initials. They read OMG LOL

  8. SN says:

    #7, if that story is true you have to go and take a picture. Please!

  9. Liunam says:

    #8. My Dansguradian filter at home at one point prevented me from going to some Philippine news sites because of this.

  10. sirfelix says:

    What came first, cell texting shorthand or internet forum shorthand?

    I tried cell texting once but when it took me 5 mins to tap out 4 words I gave up. I called the person instead, said 100+ words and got some useful social interactions in at the same time, all under 1 minute.

    I can type “oh my god” faster then hitting “Shift-O, Shift-M, Shift G”

  11. tallwookie says:

    i feel really bad for these people for not realizing they are a laughingstock – dont people research to see if there are others who use the same acronym – or did they just pick a popular one?

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Wasn’t there an article on this blog a while back about a tree nursury in Ohio whose ownder was denied License plates because the companies initials were WTF…?

  13. SN says:

    #13 I think you were thinking about this one.

  14. DeLeMa says:

    #5. So you know, I don’t want to start a long dialogue in here, regarding Aspergers but, I googled it and I will say that i tend to agree with your comment on ethnocity but, I do not believe all members of a society are either born with filters or use them for everything that happens to them. As someone diagnosed with Aspergers’ you should know that by now.

  15. TJGeezer says:


    and so forth

  16. JimS says:

    #15 DeLeMa – “I do not believe all members of a society are either born with filters or use them for everything that happens to them.”

    Unfortunately, you should watch people a little closer. Far and away most people, are deaf and blind to anything that contradicts what they believe, and only recognize the things that they feel support their beliefs. It’s sad I know, but it is very true.

    FWIW – I don’t think that we are born with these filters, they are an unfortunate byproduct of acquired knowledge. I think it is a very similar mechanism as the one that keeps adult native English speakers from being able to distinguishing the difference between the different clicks found in some African languages. Another example would be that native Chinese speakers can’t distinguishing the difference between the English “L” and “R” sounds.

    The more we know, or think we know, the more filters we erect. For an exercise in futility, find yourself a senior citizen and try to change their mind about anything.

    Sorry to be so off topic to the thread.


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