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Oh, yeah. Right. Coke’s fault for her drinking so much.

Woman sues after beverage binge

A Russian woman who drank up to 5 000 litres of Coca Cola has successfully sued the company for making her ill.

Natalya Kashuba, 27, the owner of an upmarket clothes shop, drank up to three litres of the soft drink every day for five years.

She took legal action against the soft drinks giant after claiming that she had suffered insomnia and heartburn, reports the Telegraph.

Miss Kashuba said she had become addicted to the drink as a result of a promotional offer that allowed consumers to swap Coca Cola caps for prizes.

Dozens of inflatable mattresses and radios she won were used as key evidence in the case.

“In October 2005, as a result of an examination by a gastroenterologist, she was diagnosed with a chronic condition whose main symptom is heart burn,” her lawyer, Alexey Monakhov, said.

In a landmark ruling, two Russian courts agreed that Coca Cola had failed to warn of the potential health risks of drinking too much Coke and awarded Miss Kashuba £62.

Though the sum in itself is derisory, Miss Kashuba’s victory is unprecedented and could, lawyers predict, prompt an avalanche of similar suits.

Miss Kashuba herself is seeking a further £59,000 from Coca Cola in “moral damages”

  1. YeahRight says:

    Yeah, she was “forced” to drink all that cola. Right !

    And I’m suing Hustler magazine for giving my wrist carpal tunnel …

    Hello McFly…hello …

  2. ECA says:

    do I have to say it???


  3. Peter Rodwell says:

    Why would anyone want dozens of inflatable mattresses?

  4. tallwookie says:

    “”…Natalya Kashuba, 27, the owner of an upmarket clothes shop…”

    I bet she doesnt show up at the store after drinking that much soda, theres gotta be some manson-esque crazy person out there who is going to listen to the foo fighters and take up a machette and hack her to pieces in front of said boutique

  5. Big Dubyah! says:

    LOL, I thought frivolous lawsuits were strictly a US thing! It’s good news, the American way of life is now in Russia!

  6. KB says:

    Watch for Julia Havey to claim some sort of moral victory. ROFL!!!

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Am I the only one who’s noticed that the lowest, filthiest abuses of capitalism, those that benefit a small, corrupt super-elite at the expense of the populace (and inflicted on America by the Republican Party) are the ones that Russians (masters of corruption and cold-blooded inhumanity themselves) quickly adopt as their own? Now they’ve even got their very own homegrown ambulance chasers. Is called ‘progress,’ tovarich. Soon is be just like America!

    However, as they will eventually learn, once it’s too late to do any good, when scum-sucking lawyers get their cloven hooves in the door, they lose all target discrimination.

  8. Jim says:

    wow! i’m going to drink water until i get sick, and then sue all of the companies that bottle and sell it!

  9. Pekuliar says:

    The only winners here were the blood sucking lawyers who perpetrate these ridiculous claims and clog our courts with this bullshit. Interesting what foreigners have learned about how to now get rich in this country. It sure isn’t hard work and capital risk anymore.

  10. FRAGaLOT says:

    Russia of all places.. sounds like a typical lawsuit in the US. Sue over heartburn!

  11. James Hatsis says:


    I think that that is real justice and a very fair settlement.

  12. sdoc says:

    Read fast food nation, or watch the upcoming movie. Watch one of Morgan Spurlocks documentaries on fast food. Read up on neurotoxins, aspartame, look at obesity rates worldwide, including diabetes, asthma, depression, etc. Seriously do you know what you put into your body? Have you researched each and every chemical that is in soft drinks? I think you would be amazed at the individual chemicals and the side effects they have in our bodies, not to mention the cumulative side effects both short and long term, and no it’s not a conspiracy you are free to look up the information, it’s all out there. Oh wait, you are too busy eating your genetically engineered, over antiobioticed, mad cow disease, super steroided, neurotoxin spiked slab of meat and drinking your aspartame and chemical spiked coke.

    There has to come a time when we realize that it’s not a conspiracy anymore. Just

  13. Thomas says:

    It has nothing to do with conspiracy. If you feel those chemicals used in a given product are unhealthy, then stop consuming them. Is that really that tough? We aren’t talking about crack or heroin here. We are talking about soda whose main ingredients can be found in other forms. Suing someone because of gluttonous use or consumption of their product is ridiculous.

  14. tallwookie says:

    #12 – thanks for stopping there, cuz nobody wants to hear your conservative bleeding-heart help the animals vegetarian useless diabtribe of hate and angst.

    Now, go play hopscotch in moving traffic you useless waste of organic matter

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    While I don’t agree totally with #12, I will say that the vast majority of people have no idea what is in their food. Sure, read the label, but it sure won’t tell you what something like disodium metabisulphate is or what effects it will have on you.

  16. patty brown says:

    i am trying to convince a good friend of mine of the side effects of soft drinks. maybe soda companies will wake up to their hazzard they have created.


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