“I’m a little windbag, yes sirree…”

O’Reilly Opera Much Better Than Cats

While the sexual harassment allegations levied against Bill O’Reilly by former Fox News producer Andrea Mackris might seem like fodder for a made-for-TV movie, some have decided to elevate the he-said/she-said back-and-forth to a more refined art form. Enter Igor Keller, a tenor saxophone player from Belltown, Washington, who has re-imagined the O’Reilly saga as a 31-part, concert-length baroque oratorio titled, rather theatrically, Mackris v. O’Reilly. Keller’s opus doesn’t cut any corners: The libretto opens with a reading of the original complaint filed by Mackris and runs through seven chorales, four recitatives, and numerous arias before the denouement, which features a dramatic reading of the settlement O’Reilly (played by Charles Robert Stephens, once hailed by the New York Times as a “baritone of smooth distinction”) reached with Mackris.

Those who aren’t quite sure they can stomach two hours of O’Reilly opera might be better advised to come in for the recitative and aria that comprise part 27, when the infamous loofah-as-falafel finally makes an appearance.

  1. Pekuliar says:

    Why are you liberals so dam sex obsessed? Get over it. Move on. It is none of your business. This is old news. She was nothing but trailer court trash. This happens to all famous people…

    Couldn’t you put all this creativity to some other use?

  2. Pete says:

    They might drop it the same day all the conservatives stop bringing back Bill and Monica in their comments. Can’t believe that after almost 9 years they still talk about that.

  3. Roger M says:

    Oh well, his sex drive might be overrated. But so is his “Fair and balanced” also.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    First Opera isn’t my choice in music. Second, Bill O’Really isn’t my choice in entertainment. Third, Pekuliar is just another Fox Spews troll, defending the only ones to get it right.

  5. sdf says:

    I wonder how #1 feels about the whole Lewinski thing — I thought so.

  6. Sundog says:

    1. Sex is good, mmmmkay?

  7. James Hill says:

    A guy like O’Reilly takes this stuff as worship.

    After all, he has to have something to get off over.

  8. Roc Rizzo says:

    Why are you liberals so dam sex obsessed? Get over it. Move on. It is none of your business. This is old news. She was nothing but trailer court trash. This happens to all famous people…

    Couldn’t you put all this creativity to some other use?

    Gee I dunno, maybe since the conservatives got all over Clinton for having an extra-marital affair. I think that not only is SHE trailer trash, but so is O’Reilly.

  9. Tom says:

    Because Bill Orally is sucks, and the more we humiliate him, maybe he will quit and everyone at faux news will join him.


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