“Don’t hurt me, Mr. Baker!”

Why couldn’t Baker have done this years ago?

Crazy Web Claims Pretty Much Confirmed By Newsweek

We found this insane story last week about James Baker III shouting down Cheney and Bush 43 (in a fetal position) in some Godfather-style Oval Office takeover meeting right before the election. It was allegedly told by Newsweek’s Richard Wolffe to Chris Matthews during Election Night coverage, live on MSNBC at 4:30 a.m. — of course there are no transcripts, no YouTube evidence, etc.

But now that Newsweek has pretty much confirmed the whole story, we might as well repeat it here, after the jump.
Here’s the original claim, which appeared on the world’s greatest lunatic website (Godlike Productions) on Thursday:

Wolffe relates that he and a few select Senior media were there when Junior bush received this 1’ thick report/recommendations.

1) Baker informed Junior bush First of all – “EVERYBODY HATES YOU.” This amazed & humbled Junior bush. Baker was NOT alone with Junior bush was confronted with the above issues. Baker – “The people HATE YOU.” Junior bush turned white, the blood leaving his face, turning White – visible drawing up as in FETAL with his hands clasped in his lap.

2)Baker – ” you KNOW your not a leader – Your a Cheerleader.” Those in the room gave a silent – YA you got that right – it’s about time he was told the TRUTH!!!


  1. Frank Baird says:

    The “corroborating” article doesn’t really corroborate much. The claims that Baker said “The people HATE YOU.” or that Bush went into a fetal position are completely unsubstantiated by the “confirming” article, yet it winds up in the headline. John always claims that he never sees liberal media bias, yet here it is. The sensational claims in this blog entry appear to have been made up. If you are going to offer proof, make sure it actually proves something.

  2. Venom Monger says:

    If you are going to offer proof, make sure it actually proves something.

    I suspect that there IS no actual “proof” that you would accept. A network news video would be dismissed as “out of context” or an outright fabrication.

    It’s time to try to un-program yourself. It can be done. We’ll help.

  3. gmknobl says:

    Probably not true but we should see if the predictions made here end up being true.

    Of course, the well known dynamic of father and son here is upheld too. We know it’s time father rescue son and with Baker involved as has happened a few times in the past. But don’t read too much into the story, just laugh your head off at Shrub and enjoy.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    Is this post why DU was unavailable earlier today?? 🙂

  5. rctaylor says:

    The best proof you’ll get is a sudden change in foreign policy. If you see what appears as mature statesmanship something changed. He has gone a way to destroy his own party. I wouldn’t doubt it if one of the senior members delivered a wake up call.

  6. bill says:

    Dude, hou have no clothes!

  7. Jimbo says:

    #1, actually it’s not a liberal bias. It’s a spectacular bias. I love it!

  8. meetsy says:

    Hey poster #1, Frank…that post was put up by Uncle Dave. Please try and figure out how this blog works. (HINT: on the left side of the screen it says “about us”)
    And, as for the “liberal bias”…uhhh, sure, whatever. Nice labels..now please explain what “conservative” means and what “liberal means”. Then explain why the “conservatives” are not fiscally so, and why there are blue collar Republicans, and white collar Democrats, and why NO ONE CAN TELL THEM APART because the bullshit is so thick.
    Please explain it…because I’m sick of the sorry lot of YOU NAME CALLERS.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Did it happen? Probably, but not to the extreme suggested. I have little doubt Baker laid down the law in such a manner as he would have been thrown out of the Oval Office by the SS if he indeed shouted like that. Second, so far, only Rumsfeld is gone. So the part about the advisors doesn’t appear true. Then today, with the picking of Trent Lott as Senate Minority Leader, I am really having second thoughts.

    I think the story is most likely blown way out of proportion. Too bad though, Bush needs a good explanation of the facts.

  10. z3kracer says:

    Should I take this source seriously if the author of the article/blog entry can’t even differentiate between “your” and “you’re” ??? The “editors” over at Wonkette must be really working hard.

  11. RBG says:

    What makes you think the story is “likely” to be overblown? Was it the link to the story source with its banner:
    Conspiracy Theorists
    Lunatic Fringe

    Ok, likely they have the last one correct.


  12. BgScryAnml says:

    This is just an Uncle Dave wet dream. In less than a month the public will be crying to have the Republicans back in control.

    The 2006 midterms will assure the Republicans a sweeping victory in 2008.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This is just an Uncle Dave wet dream. In less than a month
    >>the public will be crying to have the Republicans back in control.

    Hardy har har! After eight years of spawn-of-Satan Bill Clinton, Dumbya had to steal the election from Cardboard Cutout Al Gore. And less than a month later, the public (with the exception of Fox “news” addicts and hatemongers like the Dittoheads) was crying to have the Democrats back in control.

    After the bollixing Dumbya and his clown brigade have made of everything having to do with America over the past six years, it’s possible that the dems COULD get caught in bed with a live boy or a dead woman, and STILL sweep the ’08 elections. Wow. Thank God for the marching on of time.

  14. Mike Voice says:

    Love the quivering lower lip… 🙂

    I don’t care if him in a fetal position is a fantasy, I’m just glad someone slapped some sense into him…

    …and what else – besides a slap up-side the head – would explain his sudden “flip-flop” from pre-election speeches about Democratic victories being dangerous for America, to post-election speeches about looking forward to working together????

  15. gquaglia says:

    I call bullshit on this story. Baker is too much of a Washington professional to speak that way to a sitting President in the oval office with an audience present. It just doesn’t happen.

  16. RBG says:

    Already headlining CNN, the top general asking to maintain the status quo in Iraq.

    “The commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East tells a panel of senators that he is optimistic that “we can stabilize Iraq.” Gen. John Abizaid, head of the U.S. Central Command, rejects a call from some U.S. Democrats for a phased redeployment of forces beginning in four to six months.”

    So much for the “Night of the Generals” and all the other armchair QBs. Can we do the election over again? It was stolen! Yak, yak and other similar rhetoric employed by liberals in the previous election.


  17. flyingelvis says:

    WTF? This has to be most retarded post on this blog, ever. The fact that this was even posted makes me wonder if Dvorak isn’t the one rolling around in the fetal postion wondering where ability to read has gone. Dumb. Dvorak needs to stick to what he does best; writing about technology. Shut up and write Dvorak.

  18. bill says:

    So why are we still there? Why do we really care that they want to kill each other? Why is it worth western civilization to play around with Islam? If they want to blow up the White House I say let’s do it to their house first. like at 2AM. Remember Napalm? how about some on one of their ‘rallys’? Invite their local nightly news..

  19. Mark T. says:

    Give me a break. There are typos in this supposed account.

    “Junior bush told Cheney VERY FIRLMY to “sit down and be quiet.”

    This is a crock and flame bait. I am on the verge of deleting Dvorak Uncensored from my bookmarks.

    Sorry, John. This blog is going “FIRLMY” off the end.

  20. Geez..you guys sound like cheerleaders..Does this pic below in an earlier post somehow cast Pelosi and the Dems in a positive light? I think we bash everyone. It may not be equal bashing, but that is only because some targets are easier than others to bash.

    Sorry to disappoint you.

    That said I do think that gquaglia has a point. Although I can imagine him saying “they hate you” in a jocular way — as a light-hearted joke with meaning.

    As for being down all day..the data center blew up a router.

  21. Pmitchell says:

    I will defend you on the fact that you will pick on all sides, but it does seem that the conservatives get more than a heaping portion of ridicule on this site.
    The truth will be found out in the next few months with the lunatics controlling the asylum there should be an untold bounty of liberal goodies for the blog

    time will tell

  22. Jim says:

    this is junior’s life story:
    1. another screw-up
    2. call daddy’s friends to bail him out
    doesn’t matter if it’s drunk driving, drug arrests, draft dodging, military desertion, insider trading, etc, etc,etc. Just one long history of incompetence with daddy’s friends fixing his screw-ups.

  23. RBG says:

    “I will defend you on the fact that you will pick on all sides”

    “Does this pic below in an earlier post somehow cast Pelosi and the Dems in a positive light? I think we bash everyone.”

    Are you guys just trying to be funny? That said, I don’t really care that the dems are never picked on in the headlines around here – except in a benign way. And then rarely. If there is some entertainment value. That’s the draw, like flies to sh!t. Did I just dis myself?


  24. Uncle Dave says:

    As perhaps the chief ” political basher” of the editors, I have no problem doling it out to anyone and everyone who screws with this country. Conservatives have gotten the majority of it because:

    1) they’ve been in power for the last six years

    2) they have royally fucked up pretty much everything they’ve touched (don’t anyone dare trying to say the economy is improving — for the wealthy it has, but not for the average worker who may have a job which he may not have had a few years ago, but it ain’t a job to brag about, or support a family on.)

    3) the shear volume of scandals and corruption the right has spewed forth is simply astounding to even jaded political watchers. Clinton got a blow job, but the Republicans have treated our collective butts as… Well, you can imagine where I’m going with that.

    4) the total inability to listen to anything but their own rhetoric, even from friends and their experts who came to realize and told Bush & Co they were doing everything wrong.

    5) they have allowed religious fervor to cloud their judgments over what is right for the country which, for the vast majority, don’t want religion intruding into government.

    6) and on and on and…

    For those who, as usual, were unable to think other than linearly, the article I posted was quoting from a site even it thinks is wacko and who had created the crazy scenario from the the basic story which was quite sedate. The point is, Baker has taken the reigns from an out of control White House in an effort to wrest control from the idiot who’s been running the asylum. That’s the important, bottom line. And please at least try to understand and recognize satire when you see it. Please?

  25. RBG says:

    24. Sounds like you can hardly wait for Daddy’s friends to take power.


  26. RBG says:

    26 Re that website: “Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.” -Somebody.

    Or Bush’s version: “Lie down with dogs… it is a duck.”


  27. joshua says:

    I’ve read versions of this story on several sites. Not all Liberal ones either. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if Baker is there to bail sonny out. I can’t however in any way believe what this post says, it’s just not reality.
    But I could see Baker pointing to the door for Rummy and possibly even telling Cheney to butt out. Daddy Bush has a deep dislike of Rumsfield, and Baker is Daddy Bush’s top guy.
    Yesterday Bush felt it nessesary to say again that he would not talk to Iran or Syria. But the telling thing is that Cheney hasn’t been in public since the day before the election and Rice has been very quiet.

    I wouldn’t put to much into Lott being back in the Senate leadership. Lott is McCains man, it’s why Bush didn’t offer him any support and pushed him out the door over that dumb remark 4 years ago. Lott backed McCain in 2000, and is working with him for 2008. 2 Senators from Texas, Croyin and Hutchinson were also elected to leadership roles and both are McCain backers. I’m not sure where McConnel is, but I hear he’s a Bush guy. The next 2 years will be interesting to say the least.

  28. DeLeMa says:

    To Uncle Dave : AMEN brudda !! No matter how much spin any political party puts on life today versus life before DU I can vouch in an upclose and personal way regarding the major differences. I live them every freakin’ day. Nice thing about that ? Every one of you are in the same boat.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, joshua,

    Very interesting take. I see Lott as part of the old school and carrying political baggage. Though I don’t think he meant to sound racist; I also thought Kerry meant to tell a joke on Bush.

    If McConnell is a Bush man today, he won’t be for the next two years. For the most part, siding with Bush is almost political suicide. Mind you, if something totally unexpected happens, then all bets are off.

    Now, are we better off if Cheney and Rice stay home for a vacation?

  30. traaxx says:

    I went to the Newsweek article and couldn’t find any confirming news other than that James Baker III has been looked to for assistance, in what’s an obvious political defeat. It sounds more like wishful faith in their great God of Karl Marx. It rank up there with all the other reporters that have been caught making up stories in the major news sources, why not a irreverent blog of gossip. Wonkette, you might as well as say Willy Wonka-tte, it seems to be based upon the same type of fiction.

    I don’t’ think Bush is that upset, now he can get the immigration bill he wants. Suddenly there won’t be any illegal immigrants, at the pass of pen they will be legal.

    I think it’s much more interesting that none of the corporate media systems have connected the immigration issue with the Iraq issue. They are connected, how can someone be encouraged to support a war overseas when the same government won’t defend our own borders. I, and many others as well, see the immigration issue to be as important as any terrorist issue. If you look at the polls, you can see that the Iraq war lost popularity as the immigration issue became more prominent.

    No most of the posts on this blog don’t pick on the Democrats, though they show a great deal of hate towards the Republicans and the Neocommies (Neocons). But like most people they probably see themselves as misunderstood and righteous for their stand. Why do they hate them, they didn’t pass any type of law that Democrats haven’t passed in earlier Administrations. It’s the classic example bigoted behavior, it’s almost a waste time to try show them any alternatives in World Views.


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