This is just out-and-out pathetic.

found by Scott Gant

  1. Scott Gant says:

    Comedy gold!

    Anyone else see bad things coming when he was getting up on the ladder?

  2. jtoso says:

    That was so funny I thought it was fake.

  3. Vince says:

    Reminds me of the squirrels trying to get the birdseed from my birdfeeder, except the squirrels did a far better job.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    Trapped inside a convenience store…

    Did he call 911?

  5. Dave says:

    Karma is kicking that guys ass!

  6. Juan Cardona says:

    Ok… the second I saw the guy plummet headfirst into the floor from a, like 2 and a half meters high ceiling I thought that would’ve broken his neck, but I’m surprised to discover that complete fools seem to be as tough as dull are their brains. For sure after a fall like that I wouldn’t be preening around the way the guy does. I’ll give that to him: most stubborn fool I’ve ever seen.

  7. Stu Mulne says:

    Darwin Awards candidate….

  8. JimR says:

    It’s amazing that he’s lived so long.

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I guess people that stupid have no idea how easy it is to break tempered glass.

  10. tallwookie says:


    That was easily the funniest clip i’ve seen in a LONG time…

    #7 – Isnt the darwin awards something thats is awarded when the person get killed doing something stupid?

  11. UnaKRon says:

    The glass was probably coated with a security lament as well. It makes it much harder to break/shatter and then will stay in the frame when the tempered finally breaks….’is good times, you like?’…

    I was suprised he didnt have glass in his back from the second fall…and it looked like he was holding onto something and couldnt support himself and tried to swing over?

    You can’t write comedy like that…

    First move should be destroying security tapes….on both recorders…. 😛 or atleast hit the security camera when you throw something at it….

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    #10: Just a matter of time for this clown.

  13. RBG says:

    I wonder if the store owners have ever heard of motion detectors connected to a very loud alarm?


  14. Rand al'Thor says:

    That guy sure was persistent. I agree, with that the second fall looked like it would have left glass in his back.

  15. FRAGaLOT says:

    Best Video Ever!

  16. ryan says:

    note to self: consume forty of OE only AFTER successfully completing burglary

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    Just hope he doesn’t get busted by that cop that got the crap kicked out of him.

  18. Jägermeister says:


    I’ve not been on the chat scene for many years, but let me guess…
    Oh My God Rolling On the Floor Laughing With Two Fat Bald Baltimore Queers

    May God strike my Wiener if I’m wrong… OUCH!!!….

  19. KarmaBaby says:

    This video needs a soundtrack (Looney Tunes springs to mind) . Priceless.

  20. RBG says:

    17. “Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.” – Anon.


  21. Zuke says:


    In the words of Napoleon D., “IDIOT!”

    p.s. Still wanna see that Britney vid.

  22. Joe Smyth says:

    Nice to see the DIVERSITY doing a bit of shopping.

    After Hillary-care arrives, this guy will be sitting next to you in the doctor’s waiting room, since you’ll have the same doctor.


  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, I see your racist attitudes haven’t affected your judgment any. So what does DIVERSITY have to do with this? Admittedly I only looked at your linked site long enough to recognize the racist nature, but tell me, how does one become so hateful towards minorities? Can you possibly sleep well with so much hate in your mind? Really, I have no idea how old you are, but how long does it take to become such a slimeball?

  24. joshua says:

    The cops should turn this video over to the prison where this guy is going and let them show it every Friday at rec time.

    I really haven’t laughed so hard for a long time.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, I like the idea. However, you would then have all the professionals using this as a lesson in how to break into a store.

    For example, you want to break tempered glass? Hit it as close to the corner as possible with a sharp, solid metal object.

    If you know you’re going down, drink all the booze you can before the cops get there, it’ll be the last you’ll have for a few years.

    If you look into a security camera, at least make a funny face. It might impress the judge enough to knock some time off.


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