Revealed: where climate change is wiping out three million people

They are dubbed the ‘climate canaries’ – the people destined to become the first victims of world climate change. And as government ministers sit down in Nairobi at this weekend’s UN Climate Conference, the people most likely to be wiped out by devastating global warming will be only a few hundred miles away from their deliberations.

Those people, according to research commissioned by the charity Christian Aid, will be the three million pastoralists of northern Kenya, whose way of life has sustained them for thousands of years but who now face eradication. Hundreds of thousands of these seasonal herders have already been forced to forsake their traditional culture and settle in Kenya’s north eastern province following consecutive droughts that have decimated their livestock in recent years.

And in Canadian global warming news

  1. ECA says:

    And then you wonder why Many nations were No-Mads, wonderers, transient….Campers Wooo!

  2. Mike says:

    Reminds me of Djibouti when I spent 9 months there a few years back. Out in the country you would see these little stone huts scattered about randomly with people herding these little skinny goats or popping up from nowhere to sell geodes to anybody in a car (foreigners) who passed by. Then you would go to the city and see thousands of people just laying on the sidewalk because in a country with avg 120 degree temps and few natural resources except a big salt lake and a strategically located deep water port, there aren’t any jobs to be had.

    Pretty damned depressing actually. Glad my ancestors had the wherewithal to leave that god forsaken continent thousands of years ago. Actually that probably not fair, I’ve never been to west Africa; but if the heat and famine don’t kill you, the disease and civil wars probably will.

  3. Mucous says:

    I support Global Warming.

  4. BertDawg says:

    For those who don’t really know what to believe on the subject of global warming, I recommend the book State of Fear, by Michael Crichton.


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