Mmmm… Britney Spears completely in the nude. Now that should increase our Google results!

CBS News – Nov. 14, 2006:

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline made a four-hour sex tape early in their marriage that he is now threatening to sell unless she gives in to his demands in their divorce case, according to a British tabloid, The News of the World.

It says Federline wants more than $30 million from Spears, along with custody of the couple’s two young children, Sean Preston, 1, and Jayden James, 8 weeks. The newspaper also reports that Federline has been offered $50 million for the tape by one film company that wants to put the video online.

The tabloid says Spears fears release of the tape would short-circuit the comeback she’s attempting to stage.

Oh yeah, I want to see this guy naked!

  1. Keith Bailey says:

    4 hours! So what does he do for the remaining 3 hrs and 58 minutes?

  2. ECA says:

    Who Cares??

  3. gquaglia says:

    And I thought this guy was an idiot.

  4. MikeT says:

    You’re right — they never learn. What is the big deal about making the tape anyway? Don’t they know what they look like?

    It’s something they all do.

    I think it’s more for publicity than anything else. They saw how well it worked out for Pam and Tommy and Paris and now everyone has to get into the act.

    On second though — maybe they did learn.

  5. The other Tom says:

    It might not be too bad if she still looked like she did in that picture.

    Sex tape with Britney from ~2003… Definitely!

    Sex tape with Britney plus heaping helping of baby fat… not so much.

    So who is the guy you DO want to see naked?

  6. Mark says:

    Just proves you can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you cant take the trailer park out of the girl.

  7. Mike Voice says:

    early in their marriage

    Hmmm… when he was still in shape from dancing, and before she put the baby-weight on?

    Nah…. It might be aerobic, but it wouldn’t be erotic. 😉

    Spears fears release of the tape would short-circuit the comeback she’s attempting to stage.

    Heiress Hilton must laugh out loud whenever she reads stuff like that…

  8. rctaylor says:

    I doubt Paris Hilton ever lived in a trailer park.

  9. Mucous says:


  10. jtoso says:

    SN, can you just post a bunch of Britney photos without the distractions of words and things?

  11. joe says:

    its gonna get out either way. the only concern should be for fedex. if he doesn’t have a large tool, or lasts only a few min then hes gonna look more like the fool then britney.

    As for britney, come on, who doesn’t want to see her body in all of gods wonderful glory. it would only be better if it was a school girl outfit like the one from her first music video ever

  12. WokTiny says:

    He’d still be rich.

    “gods wonderful glory” ? as I recall, she’s taken some modifications …

  13. SN says:

    “SN, can you just post a bunch of Britney photos without the distractions of words and things?”

    I’ll talk to John about it. 😉

    “if he doesn’t have a large tool…. then hes gonna look more like the fool then britney.”

    I highly doubt he’s as well hung as Tommy Lee.

  14. Max Bell says:

    Is it just me, or is anyone incapable of contemplating this without getting “Valley Girl” stuck in their head?

    I can just see Brit and K-Fed watching themselves at some point and Brittany whispering “God, do you believe her shoes?”

  15. I honestly think that, in order to save her career, she needs to short circuit this threat. She needs to be proactive and beat him to the punch. In other words, she needs to put out a sex tape featuring her BEFORE K-Fed can sell his.

    It is the only way.

  16. SN says:

    “It is the only way.”

    There is another way. She should make a new sex tape with Christine Aguilera and Puffy AmiYumi and release that immediately. I’m willing to direct.

  17. sdf says:

    Is this the trailer-park heffer incarnation of Spears? She aint the Oops girl anymore, gents.

  18. SN says:

    “So who is the guy you DO want to see naked?”

    See #17.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #19, OK, I’m convinced. There just might be a celebratory sex video I want to see.

  20. Dale Huber says:

    Britney in a sex tape, it might be interesting. But I’ll pay good money if K-Fed has any more videos like this one

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – “gods wonderful glory” ? as I recall, she’s taken some modifications …

    Comment by WokTiny — 11/14/2006 @ 12:50 pm

    Because God isn’t perfect?

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 So who is the guy you DO want to see naked?

    Natali Del Conte
    Gina Hughes
    Molly Wood

    But more importantly, since Britney is a talentless hack with no actual artistic value, and her fans are philistines who deserve to be parted from their money… Maybe Brit should sell the video to the firm that is offering Fed Ex the 50mil and just keep the kids… She can live out her largely useless life in comfort, and if she blows her wad on useless crap, she can still do a reality show on E!

  23. jbellies says:

    Rumour has it that they also played chess during the 4 hours of tape.

    $12.5 million per hour for an unrehearsed performance sounds pretty smart to me. So–if they don’t sell the tape, do they still have to pay income tax on the $50 million?

  24. Zuke says:

    After this comes out, I have one word:


  25. AB CD says:

    Does anyone care about the blackmail involved?

  26. SN says:

    “Does anyone care about the blackmail involved?”

    The whole thing is sick. The only reason K-Fed wants custody of the kids is so that Spears will have to pay him child support for the next 18 years. Luckily, he’ll never get them. Although I’m not entirely sure she’d make a better mother than he’d make a father.

  27. catbeller says:

    It’s called “extortion”. It’s a crime.

  28. catbeller says:

    And none of you know this woman. You get all your news about her from articles in supermarket tabloids written by jealous women and gay men, FOR jealous women and gay men. Oh, and men who hate her ’cause they’ll never do her.

    She’s a singer, and she was/is pretty good at singing some tunes. That’s the extent of the intersection of her life and yours. At this point, you’re a pack of stalkers. Get lives.

  29. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #29 – Whats your point?

  30. SN says:

    “#29 – Whats your point?”

    Apparently, he’s spending his life telling others to get lives.


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