Why are these men smiling?

Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP) has passed a bill setting up a Taliban-style department under a cleric to enforce Islamic morality.

It gives the new department the power to use the police and media for the promotion of Islamic values.

The NWFP is governed by an alliance of religious parties, the MMA, that is sympathetic to the Taliban.

It has already introduced measures such as the banning of music on public transport.

Opposition MPs wore black armbands and staged a walkout from the assembly, saying their proposed changes to the law had been ignored.

The Hisba (Accountability) bill was passed in the NWFP assembly by a majority of 66 to 30.

The department will not now have its own police force. It will, however, be able to requisition police “to promote virtue and prevent vice”.

Does anyone have a boatload of confidence in Morality Police? Aren’t these the same a-holes who were throwing acid in women’s faces if they were uncovered? Apparently this sort of thing is not uncommon even in Bangladesh.

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  1. Improbus says:

    This could be titled, “Cavemen with cameras.”

  2. ECA says:

    religion is for the individual.
    It is MY failing that will bring me to my own end.

    governement, to be Fair, should have Very little religious controls.
    the Gov, is for the interaction of more then 1 person.

  3. ken ehrman says:

    they’re smiling because they have what conservative americans wish they could have — a theocracy with police power!

  4. Roc Rizzo says:

    Back to the Future, Part Dubya.

  5. Steve S says:

    Thats just great. First president Bush announces he is open to new ideas and then this comes along. What timing.


  6. WokTiny says:

    bah, all gov’t’s have their set of rules, what’s it to you which book they get their rules from? “But that book has DIETY!!!” *gasp*

    the rules will come from somewhere, and there will always be people who oppose.

  7. Mark says:

    Friggin hopeless. THIS is why we need alternative fuel.

  8. Brian says:

    And this in a country that has nukes! Great

  9. WokTiny says:

    #7 #8 speaking of alternative fuel and nukes, couldn’t just just power the country on nuclear power, houses, cars and all?

  10. B. Dog says:

    Yeah, they have to behave at home. Flying to Bangkok for some sex is real popular for those who can afford it.

  11. tallwookie says:

    Thought Police Unite!!

  12. Mark says:

    9. Its crazy, but it could work. What if a nuclear powered airplane crashed into a city?

  13. ECA says:

    only 1 drawback to nuke power..
    The waste…You find a way to dispose of it, or to neutralize it, and you will make MORE money then GOD ever thought.
    You would have more money then the TOP 10 world Richest.

  14. Angel H. Wong says:

    I’m sure there is an equivalent in the USA, they’re called Republicans.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – …couldn’t just just power the country on nuclear power, houses, cars and all?

    Just a minor catch… Shielding. Perhaps you would be better off converting it to electricity and make electric cars… But there has to be a will.

  16. moss says:

    ECA — the sort of nuclear reactors most often used in Europe [or Iran for that matter] are popular for exactly the reason you bring up. They produce much less waste than the GE/Westinghouse pork-based models.

    Another reason they’ll never be considered in the U.S.. All the ancillary porklets need their percentage.

  17. ECA says:

    Even a Nuke powered Home or Car, in a fire you would loose containment.
    Lead shielding MELTS at low temps.
    And in 20-50 years you STILL have the problem of disposal.

  18. joshua says:

    #3…Ken…..I’m a proud Conservative, I’m not the least bit religious, and I believe in what our Constitution says….all of it.
    Get an education, then maybe you will learn the difference between Conservative and Liberal, and how both are different than the far left and the far right. If your going to smear a group, at least know which group your smearing.

  19. ECA says:

    I would like a choice, between EACh level, insted of trying to GUESS during an election.


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