Elton John’s comments have been hitting the news the last couple of days. Here’s the entire text of the interview.

Jake Shears meets Elton John

From my point of view I would ban religion completely, even though there are some wonderful things about it. I love the idea of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the beautiful stories about it, which I loved in Sunday school and I collected all the little stickers and put them in my book. But the reality is that organised religion doesn’t seem to work. It turns people into hateful lemmings and it’s not really compassionate.

The world is near escalating to World War Three and where are the leaders of each religion? Why aren’t they having a conclave; why aren’t they coming together? I said this after 9/11 and people thought I was nuts: instead of more violence why isn’t there a [meeting of religious leaders]. It’s all got to be dialogue – that’s the only way. Get everybody from each religion together and say ‘Listen, this can’t go on. Why do we have all this hatred?’

  1. WokTiny says:

    #23 .. i can’t help myself … I find etymology too interesting

    [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin mrlis, from ms, mr-, custom. See m-1 in Indo-European Roots.]

    What does it mean? It means our word ‘moral’ essentially means the customs of the people, it means that morals are cultural, and not personal. It means you cannot have your own morals, it makes no sense. Now, the other side of that coin is this: morality and religion are not tied together, but disparate concepts.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Religion promotes hatred

    No kidding. Here are a few more things it promotes: War, death, torture, corruption, genocide, and finnally, ignorance.

    Yup, good old religion has sure done us humans a lot of good over the years. Belief in God or supreme being is good, being fanatical about it and pretending to speak in his name, bad.

  3. WokTiny says:

    #32… do you read any comments before posting?

  4. Eideard says:

    #31 — now, consider the contradictions in foundation between morals and ethics. We should be capable of stepping aside from — and ahead of — cultural leftovers accepted as morality.

  5. Roger M says:

    #29 OFTLO
    Right on. It is ridiculous that we just can’t let go of the foul mixture of good and bad scriptures of religions.
    Look around the world, what do you see? War, terror and unrest. And what do all the disgust have in common? Almost without exception: Religion. Religion is the number one preventer from peace on Earth. No doubt about it. The numbers are in. From the Philippines, the Middle East and to the US. The wars are fought with holy scriptures in hand. Our own GWB was probably guided in the “right” (yeah right) direction after some prayers to the higher powers before the Iraq “mission”.
    And locally? Needless to say, there are a lot of crappy attitudes, laws and judgments taken based on religion.
    Heck, can’t even run for office here in the state I’m living if you’re an atheist. So much for tolerance in the real world.
    And progress, medical as well as other science, are slowed down due to some old frozen literature some claim is the only way.
    Some say “But it’s all Love!” Yeah, right. I guess it is love when you are convinced your next door neighbor is evil and will go to hell.
    And you love your enemy to death, right?
    So much that you start to hate Elton John’s music just because he had the balls to speak up against your holiness. Can you spell Ridiculous?

    So: Way to go Sir Elton 😀

    OK, I’ll go fix my dinner now. And if I thank anybody for it, it will be myself.

  6. tallwookie says:

    how about: Sitting around with nothing to do breeds religion

  7. John S says:

    I like people like commenter #21. They love music by an artist as long as that artist agrees with everything they believe. Like all those swell country music fans. Just who is going to be hurt by you deleting mp3’s and getting rid of cd’s you like aside from yourself. Oh and a religious person making an extreme and rash decision is quite a shock I must say. Yep I am going to cut off my nose to spite my face and that ought to teach those who say things I do not unserstand and thus do not want to here. After I post this message I am going to smash in my computer because it made me read words I did not like. that ‘el show ’em


  8. WokTiny says:

    #29 why are you so angry?
    I am glad you can at least admit that you don’t understand, but if you do not why do you speak so harshly? You come as one attacking that which he does not understand, much like an intolerant theist. A fear that leads to anger, to hate, to suffering.

    #35 You list many of the reasons we have religion. While some say religion causes these things, and some even use religion as an excuse to do these things, others find religion because of these things. For example, a take-care-of-each-other religion like the Judeo-christian tradition is appealing to people suffering the pains of war and oppression.

  9. RBG says:

    Elton John took the words right out of my mouth – except about atheists.

    But you have to give the guy credit, he knows how to hate something without apparently being, uh, hateful about it(?)

    I see how this works. If I don’t believe in homosexuality, he’ll go away?


  10. BertDawg says:

    It was first pointed out to me by a very wise old Episcopal minister almost 40 years ago, and pointed observation since then has unfailingly proven him to have been correct: those folks who are the most vocal about proclaiming their faith are the very ones on whom it is most risky to turn your back.

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 – #29 why are you so angry?
    I am glad you can at least admit that you don’t understand, but if you do not why do you speak so harshly? You come as one attacking that which he does not understand, much like an intolerant theist. A fear that leads to anger, to hate, to suffering.

    I understand religion. Psychology 101 is offered to all incoming freshmen. Mommy said i would go to Hell if I didn’t love the baby Jesus, so I love the baby Jesus. You weren’t around my whole life, so I’ll cut you some slack. I used to not have a care in the world. As a child, I think I even believed in God. Once I realized (by the 7th grade) that God was a fraud, I still didn’t mind walking among the thiests….

    But since then I’ve come face to face with the hatred that (fundamentalist) thiests have for all things that aren’t them. Fred Phelps is just a less cultured version of Jerry Falwell. I myself have been the victim of violence aimed at me. I was jumped in Wal mart parking lot by some over zealous Bible thumper who waited on me after seeing the very small bumber sticker on my car that said “Keep Abortion Safe and Legal”. Of course, this is Indiana, the Right To Life State so maybe its my fault?

    There are Luddites who want to hijack my son’s schoolboard and teach him that God created the Earth in science class…

    Over my dead body.

    Ever wonder why a soldier scowls and howls when he’s attacking in the heat of combat? Of course you haven’t. It’s obvious. For many of us, we feel that Xians have brought a war to our doorsteps and we are defending ourselves. I take my nation and my culture very seriously and I will protect it against the viscious assualt of Christianity upon our American values…

    I’m not angry. To create an analogy you might understand, and rightfully fear, I’m like a Holy Warrior…

    By the way, the notion that I really don’t understand Christians is silly. Everyone knows that if you have a question about religion, The Bible, Chrisianity, or faith in general… ask an athiest. Most athiests know the “Good Book” better than most Christians do. Hell, I know one athiest who took the time to learn Aramaic because he didn’t trust the king James translation. Good thing he did… The Bible doesn’t actually say many of the things Christians think it says…

  12. ezma says:

    WOW !..So, show of hands, how many churchgoers here ?

  13. Gregory says:

    “It means our word ‘moral’ essentially means the customs of the people, it means that morals are cultural, and not personal.”

    Nooo.. not exactly. It means the word that describes the concept that we call “morals” comes from that root. Once applied however words can change meanings – or become more flexible in meaning.

    In fact there are some words that mean the exact opposite of their root constructs! 🙂 See if you can find them – some are quite common! 🙂

    Isn’t language fun? 😉

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – Touchy… 😀

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #42 – …how many churchgoers here ?

    Me, me, me… I like the architecture… Oh… you mean to listen to the story about Jesus and the gang… ahem… then I must say No…

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #31,It means our word ‘moral’ essentially means the customs of the people, it means that morals are cultural, and not personal.

    If you enjoy etymology so much, PLEASE check with the dictionary for the translation and definition of a word.

    1. Of or concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character: moral scrutiny; a moral quandary.
    2. Teaching or exhibiting goodness or correctness of character and behavior: a moral lesson.
    3. Conforming to standards of what is right or just in behavior; virtuous: a moral life.
    4. Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong: a moral obligation.
    5. Having psychological rather than physical or tangible effects: a moral victory; moral support.
    6. Based on strong likelihood or firm conviction, rather than on the actual evidence: a moral certainty.
    1. The lesson or principle contained in or taught by a fable, a story, or an event.
    2. A concisely expressed precept or general truth; a maxim.
    3. morals Rules or habits of conduct, especially of sexual conduct, with reference to standards of right and wrong: a person of loose morals; a decline in the public morals.

    [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin mrlis, from ms, mr-, custom; see m-1 in Indo-European roots.]

    moral·ly adv.
    Synonyms: moral, ethical, virtuous, righteous
    These adjectives mean in accord with right or good conduct. Moral applies to personal character and behavior, especially sexual conduct:


    Not once is community or customs of the people mentioned. So, quite to the contrary, morals may very well be personal and one have their own morals.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #21, I am sure Sir Elton feels very badly that you prefer to blow your tin whistle instead of listening to Your Song. But hate speech? The only hate came from your post. I note that you intend to sell them as they do have value.

  18. WokTiny says:

    #46 … yeah, I’m familiar with the definitions. I’m also familiar with the concept of language evolving. I suspect this has a lot to do with people misusing words until people forget what the words meant to begin with.

  19. WokTiny says:

    #41 thank you.

  20. WokTiny says:

    #41 Thank you. Your explaination helps me. I feel shame for theists who act shamefully, unlovingly, in, or not in, the name of their diety. Theists aren’t all bad, which is good. What is bad, is that theists often aren’t any better than anyone else; its bad because theology calls them to be. One of my favorite people in the world is an atheist, and I have plenty more respect for her than many theists I know. There is not a line in the sand so clear between theists and atheists. This pains me because theology ought to make people different, and also because no one seems to notice there is no line, but keep trying to draw one, from both sides.

    Why must people make sides where there need be no war?

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46 … yeah, I’m familiar with the definitions. I’m also familiar with the concept of language evolving. I suspect this has a lot to do with people misusing words until people forget what the words meant to begin with.
    Comment by WokTiny — 11/15/2006 @ 6:04 pm

    sort of like what you wrote in #31, defining the word MORAL

    What does it mean? It means our word ‘moral’ essentially means the customs of the people, it means that morals are cultural, and not personal. It means you cannot have your own morals, …

    It means you tried to invent a definition and decide that that was the only definition allowed.

  22. WokTiny says:

    #51 Does it make you feel better to think that way? … to aggressively disregard the point? … to presume my thoughts? … to narrow the idea?

    No, the definition does not use the word community, but it talks about rules and leaves the reader to think about where those rules come from.

    Tell me, from where do you draw your personal moral standards?

  23. WokTiny says:

    #41 wait, you said 7th grade… 7th grade was hell for me and just about everyone else I know… as a side note, was 7th grade miserable for you, too?

  24. RBG says:

    Worst 3 years of my life. ;^)



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