Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

Pelosi backs Murtha as House Democratic leader — It begins. This is going to be a fun time if you like humor. This woman is going to be the Republican’s worst nightmare. And ironically she is richer than all of them.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Nancy Pelosi, who unified fellow Democrats to win control of the U.S. House of Representatives last week, stirred division on Monday by backing John Murtha, a key foe of the Iraq War, as House majority leader over her current deputy.

Rep. Steny Hoyer, now the No. 2 Democrat in the House, brushed off the surprise endorsement by Pelosi, who is in line to be elected by the full House in January as speaker, the chamber’s top job that helps set its legislative agenda.

Hoyer said he had the votes to be elected majority leader when his Democratic colleagues cast secret ballots on Thursday. The majority leader is one of the party’s most influential positions, and serves as the spokesman during House debate as well as the party’s chief negotiator with the Republicans.

Art courtesy Linda Eddy

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attack dogs

  1. tallwookie says:

    thats a rather disturbing anim-pic

  2. Max Bell says:

    And just think, all of this is thanks to the 2004 Republican Revolution.

    Either that, or Howard Dean kicked Karl Rove’s ass.

    Pick one.

    Otherwise, great pic, John.

  3. David says:

    Richer than George Bush and Dick Cheney? That’s a good one.

  4. Podesta says:

    The Repubs are already hyperventilating over Pelosi. The funniest thing I’ve read lately was the Wall Street Journal’s hysterical editorial blaming her for the upcoming increase in the minimum wage. It is hard to believe that even they can take themselves seriously.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    who unified fellow Democrats to win control of the U.S. House of Representatives last week,


  6. syngensmyth says:

    Of course she is richer than most Republicans. Only gullible people buy this rich Republican vs poor, socially conscious Democrat crap. I know a boat load of grass roots and locally political Republicans. Few of them are what left leaning Davorakians would consider rich. What rock did you people crawl out from under?

    Oh, and this all important minimum wage issue. Who is working for minimum wage in the real world? The day after minimum wage goes up,, Big Macs go up. There is no competitive resistance because Whoopers and Spicy Italian Subs go up also. Then we’re back to political minimum wage whining again when politicians want to make you think they really care so please vote for them.

  7. doug says:

    #6. So, nobody is working for minimum wage, but when it goes up, the price of Whoppers and Big Macs goes up? So perhaps the increase in the minimum wage just a pretext for raising prices …

  8. syngensmyth says:

    Good idea, wish I had thought of it.

    Should have said “if people working fast food” are working minimum wage. This is ofter the big example.

    I can see you are not in business. Probably unemployed.

  9. doug says:

    #8. wow, the usual witty repartee one expects from those who backed the losing horse.

  10. RTaylor says:

    If she can’t keep the far left on a short leash two years is all they’ll get. That will take some impressive political wrangling.

  11. syngensmyth says:

    [removed for violation of posting guidelines]

  12. bill says:

    Did you see Saturday Night Live last Saturday? This is going to be as much fun as the Clinton years. I just hope the rest of the world doesn’t find out how screwed up our politicians really are and decidee to do us in for good. Make that maybe we all are a little crazy… But I like it.

  13. Daniel says:

    So why is this a nightmare for the Republicans? It seems to me like the Republicans would want an extremist like Murtha as the 2nd in charge.

  14. Billabong says:

    The election was about the war and if Dems don’t do something about it they will be out also.Murtha came out against the war early and Pelosi is showing where she stands.Sure the corruption was part of it but if Bush had fired Rummy a week before the election they would not have lost the Senate.

  15. Curmudgen says:


    “yes I am removing Dvorak.org from my reading list”

    Cut and run!!

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 and #9
    I can see you are not in business. Probably unemployed.

    Stupid Comment by syngensmyth — 11/13/2006 @ 6:49 pm

    #8. wow, the usual witty repartee one expects from those who backed the losing horse.

    Comment by doug — 11/13/2006 @ 6:57 pm

    But notice the second half of his comment Doug… He’s says “unemployeed” like its a value judgement. It’s an insult to you, thinks he, that you may be without a job at the moment…

    I wonder why that is? I wonder sort of dysfunction would lead one to think that way about employment status? If he has a job and you don’t, is he a better person than you? Is it the fault of the unemployed that they are unemployed?

    This rank and file Republican attitude has been screwing over working class Americans since Reagan took office in 1980 and started us on the spiralling descent into fiscal doom. These assholes think a good economy is one where stockholders make money… but did you ever notice how stocks blossum when layoffs occur? I know people with Master’s degrees who can’t find jobs. The unemployment figures are down in this country, not becayse the victims of the Bush economy are enjoying the fruits of Right wing goodness… but because they’ve been out of work so long that they aren’t being counted anymore…

    But syngensmyth thinks the unemployed deserve their lot in life. He’s not a racist. He’s a classist. If you ain’t carrying a wad of cash in your clip, you ain’t quite human to him. The hardworking American who put their back and sweat into building this nation are not a group to be admired, but rather a group to be exploited… and once the work is down, sell them out to a third world nation who will sew tennis shoes together with their teeth for pennies on the dollar.

    There are many reasons that so many are unemployed. But we just voted them out of office.

  17. Mark says:

    From here:


    Intel raises investment in VietNam to $1 billion


    Any questions?

  18. Mark says:

    From here:


    To here:

    Intel raises investment in VietNam to $1 billion


    I have about 5 more years in the computer support business. Its a race against the clock. I used to tell younger people that this was a great industry to be in. I no longer do.

    One day people will get tired of talking to Borat for tech support.

  19. noname says:

    It’s a change. Is it a good change, only time will tell? But the change was inevitable given
    1.) How mismanaged and misguided the IRAQ war is
    2.) How our National Security is now worse and not better, now that South Korea and soon IRAN have nukes
    3.) How blatantly corrupt so many Republicans have been
    4.) Extensive support of corporate welfare
    5.) Neither compassionate nor conservative as originally promised
    6.) How so demonstrably not morally superior then the Democrats are
    7.) How more concerned with Republican power the good of the country.
    8.) Republicans and GW just being Karl Rove evil.

    Where does it end or even begin with the Republicans???

    It’s a change, people are just fed up with the on going evil and politics. It’s got to stop. Will the Democrats be better, God I hope so; but, only time will tell.

  20. Max Bell says:

    16. Yeah, the republican party’s always been real blue collar. I bet all those guys lost on purpose, so they could go on unemployment and sit around drinking 40s all day.

    If George and Dick had been more about the ideals, we’d be electing another republican next term and moving into a period of prosperity like we did when McKinley won the 1896 election. You know, when the republican party meant something. Great time for the common man.

    Fifty cents for every day in the mine and credit at the company store.

    It’s not too late to go back. There’s still a lot of coal just waiting to be strip mined, and you’ve heard those kids on TV talk about how safe it is these days. Reduce dependence on foreign oil, give us an energy policy that’d grow business by providing tax incentives for new business, and help clean up the environment, too!

    And besides, it really costs a lot of money to keep lower income people voting republican or out of the polls. They’d have to raise prices, just to make up the cost if the minimum wage goes up.

    Now that they’ve got something to laugh about, the right needs to get better comedians. I’m not sure many people realize Rush even IS a comedian; but Miller didn’t lose both his shows because he didn’t have the right audience in the studio. Stewart did this bit and had Pelosi changing the pledge of allegiance to a passage from Vagina Monologs.

    Pelosi and Mrs. I-never-had-relations-with-that-woman don’t worry me as much moving into an election where McCain and Guilianni still seem likely nominees. We get a real GOP true believer with a shot at office, though, and that’s gonna be a problem. At least the middle class wasn’t stuck in a holding pattern when Reagan was running up the national debt. Two wars and a tab that would do Ronny proud and we aren’t telling ourselves we’re better off than we were six years ago?

    Well, DUH. We reelected Bush to bring about a successful Iraqi democracy and keep us safe from terror; who can put a price on that?

    If only he would have really believed in the dream, man, it’d have been beautiful… Pass the Old English, dude.

  21. Tom says:

    Jack Murtha is should and is going to win. He is a great spokesman for the democratic cause, he is a honorated war vetereran, and brings the party to the middle. John “who the hell is that” Hoyer should give up becuase I think he is probably republican, and not a known voice, like Murtha.

    Its common sense, he is one of the most legitimate people to protest the war, and we don’t need some F****ing suit to mess this up for us.

  22. Pekuliar says:

    Yea Nancy Pelosi, is going to do a great job. Hours after saying she was going head the most honest and ethical congressional in history she endorses Jack “I’ll be back to pick up my money” Murtha to be her second in command. A key figure in one of the worst congressional scandals in history. (He never did report the bribe attempt.)

    By the time these two years are over the American people will be clamoring for a third party movement.

  23. Jetfire says:

    On the GOP side it wasn’t about the war. It was about the Republicans not acting like Republicans. The Republican base got tired of being taking for granted. The two main issues were Spending and Immigration. Their use of the war on terror also quick working on why we should keep them. Not that we think the Democrats are better but sometimes people need to be slapped across the face to get their attention.

  24. Max says:

    Ha! This is gonna be fun! Let’s see a party without any morals or platform to stand on run the country for awhile.

    Hey – all I have to say is if bin Laden was happy the Dems took over, this can not be good…

  25. GregA says:


    Yet it is somehow more fundamental than that. At the townie bar in town, they used to only play country music. I was in there the other night, and it was all 70’s rock and roll. No country.

    Also, all indications are the Republican base did show up and vote republican. Its just that the democratic base also showed up, and there is easily two democrats for each republican, its just that democrats dont show up. (remeber the key to republican electoral victory is suppressing voter turnout)

    Also, as recently as this year, I have encountered republicans still angry about a blow job that happened a decade ago. Republicans are now tarnished with the “party of corruption” label. That is going to take a lot longer than 2 years to wear off.

    Finally, it looks like the war will be effectively over in the next year. It will be painted as a Republican defeat, and Republicans will also wear the ‘poor on defense’ label for the forseeable future. It has take the Democratic party nearly 30 years to shake that label.

    Couple all that with the Republican parties total failure to accomplish ANYTHING on the social conservative front, despite a public that is firmly against social conservative and it is a movement conservative disaster.

    Nope, the next president will be a Democrat, and democratic congresses for as long as we can see. Your best bet to retake the senate is ’10, It looks grim for you in ’08. History shows, you will need to come up with some ginormous scandal to change the house. People tend to like their own representative.

    My suggestion is a concentrated effort to get rid of any remaing scandal plagued republicans, before Waxman starts issuing subpoenas, because from the looks of it, the democratic base is only getting started.

    P.S. You will have to do better than come up with 20 year old already delt with scandals, ie Murtha

  26. Mucous says:

    Hasn’t anyone else noticed that Pelosi kind of looks like Skeletor? The first press conference after the election, I swear she looked like she was working hard at holding back from jumping off the podium and eating people.

    Just watch as these idiots tax us into a coma to pay for Un-American social entitlement programs.

    What’s really frightening is that I’ve never seen one hint the she would actually drop a nuke on an inhabited city to save America. How can you not have faith in the 3rd in command?

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    I can live with Murtha as Majority Leader. He has earned the right.

    Just watch as these idiots tax us into a coma to pay for Un-American social entitlement programs.
    What’s really frightening is that I’ve never seen one hint the she would actually drop a nuke on an inhabited city to save America. How can you not have faith in the 3rd in command?

    So when my children are still, paying for your “dirty little war”, will you still claim taxes are all the Democrats fault? Not dropping a nuke is generally considered an admirable trait.

    People with attitudes similar to yours are generally better off in a coma.

  28. Mucous says:

    I’ve never understood those who think we should never nuke someone.

    We say “knock it off.” They don’t. We nuke. Problem solved.

  29. tallwookie says:

    #28 – I see irradiated burritos in your future

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #28 – We think we are the world’s cop. The world think’s we are the world’s bully. I wonder why.

    Now, sit quietly while better minds get down to governing and fixing all the damage your team has done.


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