Riotous. Not far from the reality.

found by Phil Parker

  1. Brendan says:

    Now, what about that Bush guy?

  2. Roger M says:

    I knew he was into origami, but I’d never thought he smoked 8)

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Everyone smoked… How else can you explain the past 6 years?

  4. Mike Voice says:

    I love technology. 🙂

    Too bad he was always standing in front of a podium – else they could have had him grabbing his crotch!

  5. Roger M says:

    What do you mean; technology? It’s video dude. Can’t fake that.

  6. glenn says:

    My stomach hurts from laughing…..

  7. Roger M says:

    I feel an obligation to inform you all:
    Penn Jilette’s radioshow – Nov. 8, was dedicated to absolutely true, Swear to God, Rumsfeld stories. It’s a must hear show.
    Man, my admiration for Rummy went straight up in the roof after hearing all the qualities this Person of Power has.
    Listen to this documentary jewel at

  8. Mark T. says:

    Yes, its funny, but “not far from reality”?!? Rumsfeld solving a Rubik’s Cube puzzle, making origami & paper dolls, and rolling a joint? The only thing that could be construed as being not far from reality is him giving the finger to the press. I wish he really had done that one.

  9. KB says:

    Fantastisch !

  10. joshua says:

    My sides hurt from laughing.

  11. By not far from the reality I meant his general disdain when responding to questions.

  12. Max Bell says:

    Um, I’m still not understanding this one. He fell on his sword after the election instead of before it, when it would have done some good to look a little more moderate than Foley and DeLay did with their resignations, so the R’s are pissed off about it.

    We’re supposed to laugh at this, right? Won’t have more people delete their DU bookmarks?

    I know Dean hasn’t sent out the “stop gloating” memo, yet, but I already feeling guilty for giving my new springer puppy a stuffed elephant and teaching her “sic republican”. I suppose I should be a more gracious punching bag, but I don’t remember being this hostile in `04. Landslide, yeah, whatever, we picked out some people we liked and some of them even got into office. But as flipped out as people are, if DeLay was just a victim of a partisan smear campaign when he resigned, is Rummy funny because he’s suddenly out of office even when he was gonna keep his job a week before the election? Probably not.

    Of course, given that Al Qaeda declared mission accomplished in Iraq after the election, maybe these guys are better off spontaneously combusting since the terrorists should finally get around to doing something any day, now. Since I’m extinct and just don’t know it given everything I’d heard back then, they probably wouldn’t mind being a sooty grease stain on a charred couch. Extinction feels about the same as it did before the election.

  13. Murdoch says:

    RogerM, #7 – Look! Just stop wasting my time, I’m busy!

    Loved the splendidly surrealist, “Bush’s whole presidency was a Rumsfeld acid trip”. TVM!

  14. Hans Friedman says:

    Most here think its fun to poke at the Republican’s mistakes, now that some Democrats get a crack at it, the best is yet to come! Keep your eyes focused on a blog where the people’s vote brings the stories… Digg!

  15. Venom Monger says:

    Max…. Max…. DECAF!!!

  16. ken says:

    #12 — sounds like someone needs to take off the tinfoil hat and start taking their lithium again.

  17. Roc Rizzo says:


  18. Scott Tobkes says:

    I hate to kick someone when they are down, but that WAS funny!

  19. WokTiny says:

    I’m amused, though, I have to admit, as an informed citizen, I really don’t remember him doing any of that

  20. Roger M says:

    #18 and others
    I call it political satire, and it’s supposed to be fun.

    Those who can’t laugh of it, should just move on.

    It’s the kind of fun you can make of people who have offered their service to the public for, eh, political satire 😀

    I have no hard feelings about it, and I don’t feel any worse, nor better about Rumsfeld after the laughs.

    And that’s my take.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, hilarious. This is a must hear for any historian.

  22. I know there are a few put-ons in here, but I swear there must be a lot of readers who watch this and think it’s actual footage. Cripes. DOes not bode well for the electorate or the society.


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