The creator of this did it for his masters thesis in animation.

  1. Carole says:

    The kiwi had a dream. He worked at realizing his dream. Within the framework of his limitations, he realized his dream. Perhapa the tears were tears of joy….

  2. plankton says:

    Very profound. What better symbolism of freedom and accomplishment than a bird in flight, and a normally flightless bird at that. Also, it’s interesting to see how different people end the animation in their minds. I originally went with the “Pofft” sound as the brave little guy hitting the cold, hard ground, but I think I like the parachute idea a little better. Hey, he managed to pull a hammer and nails out of his butt, why not a parachute?

  3. Aqleem says:

    I think Kiwi tried to learn how to fly but could not figure out how to stop.

  4. Lisa says:

    When I first listened to it I missed the thud. I thought that he was crying tears of joy to realize his dream. After I read some of the comments, I watched again with the volume up. I hope that this creative and tenacious little guy wouldn’t kill himself. I like the parachute theory! I liked the look of total freedom on his face as he flew. Many kudos to the artist!

  5. Eyevy says:

    I had to watch it a couple times before I realized what was going on… but I enjoyed it thoroughly! Good job, mate

  6. capone_14 says:

    i really liked the animation but i like the idea of the parachute and i was thinking if u made kiwi 2 then maybe we could find out what happened to the poor litle guy i hope he survived!

  7. Chris says:

    Perhaps the tears were just because he was going so fast…ever go down a REALLY steep hill on a bike when you were a kid?

  8. joshua says:

    I think the tears were of joy……he had realized his dream…..a flightless bird got to fly.
    I know that sometimes I get overly emotional about animals, but I got a lot of great feelings and saddness as well joy from an ANIMATED animal.(bird)
    I don’t know if it was the animators intent, but there are just so many things in this that allow your mind to make of them what you will.

    Thats artistry.

  9. joshua says:

    I think the tears were of joy……he had realized his dream…..a flightless bird got to fly.
    I know that sometimes I get overly emotional about animals, but I got a lot of great feelings and saddness as well joy from an ANIMATED animal.(bird)
    I don’t know if it was the animators intent, but there are just so many things in this that allow your mind to make of them what you will.

    Thats artistry

  10. shaved_goat says:

    I can’t believe that this has effected me the way it has. I don’t think anything this small has ever had such a profound impact on my emotional state. A wonder. I must admit to being a bit of a mess..

    Thanks anyhow for it John. I love your Twit contributions, but this was something else…

  11. BgScryAnml says:

    Very symbolic of the democrats. The Kiwi should become the neo-donkey.

  12. tom says:

    It’s crying because flying is everything he dreamed it would be.

    This is a wonderful animation that really touches the heart.

  13. peter norrie says:

    if any of you had ever riden a motorbike youd know where those tears came from great little piece well done

  14. Rai says:

    I loved it. I can’t stop watching it, it has so much meaning. In three minutes I laughed and then cried for the kiwi you made me love! I think he cried tears of joy that he finally got to realize his dream, if only once. I think the real meaning comes from the kiwi not making it at the end. If he lived it wouldn’t be such a grand thing because he could just climb back up and do it all day.

  15. luke says:

    how is he gonna land?

  16. Taylor says:

    I am confused. Did little Kiwi die? Butttttt Whyyyyy? :'( did his rope brake or something if soo he should have noticed it before he jumped! I am confused did he land on a mattress? LONG LIVE KIWI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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