More Britons are turning to terror, says MI5 director – Britain – Times Online — In the USA our Pakistani population tends to be high-level professionals. Not so in the UK. Now it’s becoming a problem.

# 1,600 suspects under surveillance
# 30 plots to kill, maim, damage
# 200 terror groups or networks
Hundreds of young British Muslims are being radicalised, groomed and set on a path to mass murder, the head of MI5 said yesterday.

In a stark public warning, Dame Eliza Manningham Buller, the Director-General of MI5, revealed that the Security Service’s caseload had risen by 80 per cent since January and now involved about 30 “Priority 1” plots.

It has identified 200 terrorist networks involving at least 1,600 people, many under the direct control of al-Qaeda leaders in Pakistan.

  1. Cognito says:

    First; this is hardly new, we had the IRA for 30 years. Another cause another bomber.
    Second; what did our government expect once the Iraq invasion went wrong (or as I might have said once Iraq was invaded?)
    Third; how much would we expect the security services to downplay terror? If there were no plots we wouldn’t need so many of them and we wouldn’t give them the expensive toys.

  2. ghm101 says:

    This is either scaremongering because it is in the funding interests of Mi5,

    Or, in a good way, we are just being informed of reality, open source security if you like, we are made aware of the extent of the problem so we can all take steps to deal with it, to correctly asses he risk we live under. (More likely I get killed by a bus)

    Much better than an alternative approach of nonsensical airport security restrictions, crappy and secretive no fly lists etc etc, but unfortunately usually this type of information is used to justify such lame measures.

  3. tallwookie says:

    Bad food, worse weather, mary-fucking-poppins…. is it any surprise that your average Brit is turning to the “dark side”? Give the people something besides trumped-up facts and figures, and they might care a little more…

  4. gquaglia says:

    what did our government expect once the Iraq invasion went wrong (or as I might have said once Iraq was invaded?)

    If it wasn’t the Iraq war it would have been something else. Radical Islam is at war with anyone who doesn’t not believe as they do. Ever minor difference, such as Sunni vs Shiite are cause for killing. This is and will be a continuing problem, especially for Europe with all their touchy, feely ways.

  5. Gregory says:

    “If it wasn’t the Iraq war it would have been something else. Radical Islam is at war with anyone who doesn’t not believe as they do.”

    True gquaglia, but Iraq is a mobilizing cry for the radicals. They couldn’t reasonably complain about Afganistan (some did, but looked like tools) but Iraq is a different kettle of fish.

    Plus “Europe” is closer than the US, and easier to travel to.

  6. doug says:

    #4 & #5. No, see since “we are fighting them over there, so we don’t have to fight them here.” This article is obviously inaccurate, since the war in Iraq is keeping every single jihadist in the world too busy to attack the West in their home countries. And a consensus of intelligence experts to the contrary notwithstanding (the US National Intelligence Estimates), the war in Iraq has NOT become a cause celebre, energizing jihandists to attack the West.

    These weak facts about the world being more dangerous cannot survive a collision with my powerful ideological assertions.

  7. ECA says:


    Can I suggest a few things…
    1. Start educating them..With a 30% literacy rate they only believe what they are told by their religious leaders.
    2. teach them THEIR OWN religion, get them to read it, and understand it.
    3. I have seen articles about racism in Britain. START FIXING the laws. get them employed, so they have LESS time to think of ways to HURT the nation. Get the unemplyed, WORKING, anyplace..
    4. DONT, EVER place them in a single race SLUM. MIX them up. To many like minded persons tend to THINK the same, and not question ANYTHING.

  8. AB CD says:

    >They couldn’t reasonably complain about Afganistan

    Sure they could, and they did. This invasion had an effect on Muslims in other countries and in America. And if it weren’t Afghanistan, there’s also Israel.

  9. doug says:

    #8. Given the comparatively small number of foreign troops in Afghanistan, the fact that there aren’t tens of thousands of them holding down Kabul like Baghdad, the fact that the invasion was largely accomplished by Muslim forces (Northern Alliance), that there was a civil war going on there already, that the grounds for the invasion were not fraudulent, and that the current fighting is in the hinterlands, not the core of the country, Afghanistan alone would be much less of an islamist propaganda tool than Afghanistan and Iraq.

    And as far as Israel goes, the Palestinians saw the US having a pro-Israel bias, but could still be counted on to mediate and try to resolve the situation. Up until the current Administration gave the Sharon government a blank check to do whatever it wanted. The rest of the Arab world saw the US’s pro-Israel bias and disliked it, but note that the US had been supporting Israel for 40 odd years before al-Queda was formed and that support alone was not enough to be used to encourage the sort of massive attack on the US proper that occurred on 9/11.

  10. joshua says:

    #7…ECA….most of the young men they are watching are working. And they attend the Mosques on a regular basis. And the kids go to school.
    And most immigrant groups tend to huddle together for cultural reasons for a generation or so.

    The difference is this….In Britian they allowed the Muslims to set up a system of Muslim schools that teach the fundie version of Islam. They allowed just about anyone from Pakistan to come in and claim they were Mullahs(most are turing out to be terror instructors from Madrassa’s in Pakistan), only just recently requiring them to learn English and know some British history and goverment.
    The 7/11 bombers were all from nice, upstanding middle class British families, they were secon generation kids(young men), and everyone of them had been to Pakistan and attended the radical Madrassa’s there.

    It really makes no difference why they hate us to these young men and their Mullahs. It wouldn’t matter, they are taught a form of Islam that does not allow for any opposing viewpoint. Afganistan, or Iraq or even Palistine are just excuses for the media and the leftists, to keep them as allies…..until they don’t need them anymore, then they will blow them to bits just like anyone else who opposes them, and their families, kids and all.

  11. ECA says:

    And what does there religion say about Lies?

    Why dont the other Mulahhs STOMP on those radical ones, or Correct them.
    It just makes the rest of them look as BAD as says ALL whites are Catholic.

  12. Moral Volcano says:

    You’ve got to understand that there are “good terrorists” and there are “bad terrorists.” Good terrorists become bad when they turn back and shoot at their masters.

    In Afghanistan, the Mujahideen (for beating the Soviets) and later the Taliban (for the oil & gas pipeline) were composed of good terrorists. Hekmatyar and Osama became bad only when they turned back against the United States.

    The Afghanistan strategy was formulated by former National Security Council chief Zbigniew Brzezinski. The strategy was succesfful because Soviets were drawn into Afghanistan, made to suffer a lot of casualities, lose a war, and then withdraw – all for Vietnam. However, the strategy backfired because unemployed terrorists struck back with 9/11.

    Even after 9/11, the strategy of using new terrorists outfits to achieve geostrategic objective continues. Despite all the fuss about terror plots in the UK, the British government continues to encourage quasi-terror networks such as that of Hizbut-Tehrir (HT). HT has offices all over London.

    Interestingly enough John since you mention it, the HT is headed by a IT consultant called Jalaluddin Patel.

    Parallel to the “promotion of democracy” by USAID and shadowy NGOs such as Freedom House in in oil- and gas-rich Central Asian countries, Britain is raisign a third column with the likes of HT.

    HT’s stated objective to create a pan-Central Asian Islamic caliphate.

    In the UK, they involve in Human Resources – fundamentalist indoctrination and recruitment. The UK government seems to think that if terrorists are only going to fight somewhere else then there is no problem.

  13. Moral Volcano says:

    10. The difference is this….In Britian they allowed the Muslims to set up a system of Muslim schools that teach the fundie version of Islam.

    Allowed? Christians can set up crazy doomsday cults and supremacist organisations but Muslims should be ALLOWED to do what they want?

    Despite all the talk of freedom in the wake of the cartoon controversy, many EU countries still prevent Muslims from setting up mosques while Christians have no problem building churches.

    UK must stop immigration and quit complaining – same for all Western countries that are finding themselves at odds with Muslims.

    In France, they were very worried about Polish plumbers pouring in and said no to the EU constitution. People are willing but politicians are acting like pussies.

    Sometimes a homogenous cultural makeup provides a certain stability. Outside confluences can upset that balance.

    Muslims should live in their own countries and kill each other as much as they want..

    If they have oil, well the West should buy it only if they are willing to sell.

    Setting up Islamic monarchies such as in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain etc and client states such as Jordan and Egypt to protect Israel is not the way to go. You can’t have the cake and eat it too.

  14. adityawarman says:

    Beware of the increasing number of Muslim people in Brits. It is showing an upward trends.

    Just look at circumcision rates in britain. If its get higher for no clear reason, then it is a good reason to start worries.

  15. MV says:

    14. adityawarman. Circumcision is done by both Muslims and Jews. Many non-Muslim Indians also do it for religious reasons


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