I mentioned this on this week’s Twit podcast. Always a winner. This resulted in this girl becoming a mini-celebrity although I don’t think her parents cared much for her being regarded as the “stoner girl.”

related link
Ellen Feiss fan site

  1. Mark says:

    I know what your doing John, OK I’ll bite.

    Oh yeah, like that would NEVER happen on a Mac. Cant Apple come up with anything but negative ads, thay are as bad as politicians.

  2. Mike says:

    Yep, I’m sure her parents were proud.

  3. one says:

    mentioned on this week’s twit?? you weren’t on this week’s, and last week’s was a rerun

  4. syngensmyth@hotmail.com says:

    I don’t buy all this Apple Greatness crap. The adds are cute, I like them. But I left Apple IIe mid 80’s when I tried to buy a proprietary hard drive and had to mortgage my car to afford it. Then I discovered the rapidly growing software base of PC vs Apple’s. Then they abandoned each OS. It was adios Apple, hello compatible. I have never looked back. Happy am I. And richer without having to purchase Apple software, orphaned at every turn.

    While visiting a friend lately, he offered me a treat and he booted up his fancy Apple for some “quick” surfing. The thing was a pig or more appropriately a turtle. Sure it was because the guy knew nothing about computers, like most PC users. The moral is, if you are computer challenged, neither system will work well for long.

    But the adds are great, clever, and even have an occasionally valid point.

  5. alex says:

    I don’t recall hearing JCD mentioning this on the podcast.

    Go figure.

  6. Tom says:

    Yes. Also and apples interface is the most annoying interface ever conceived.

  7. Zargon says:

    Gotta love the stoner girl. It’s a classic no matter what.

  8. Don says:

    And like, i had my boyfriend like totally……..

    How stoned can you be and still be able to emit semi intelligent noises from your lips?

    Let me guess, and like DUDE, are you telling me that I can get free pot from a Nigerian web site? Hmmm, now what happened to my homework?


  9. ECA says:

    and she didnt know HOW to setup suto SAVE??

  10. V says:

    I once lost 10,000 word document because a Mac decided that when I saved, it should condense the whole file into 2KB, and that the best way to do this would be to make it empty.

  11. Stu Mulne says:

    Cute kid…. The Apple is designed for stoners….

    OTOH, my daughter – about the same age – has had and IBM-Compatible since before she could read. She would react in the same way….

    Her new notebook (the one she poured water into the keyboard of – don’t ask) came with a trial version of Word. She did a school paper and ran into the time-out. Instead of using WordPerfect, which was already on the machine and paid for, she spent $200-ish to buy Word….

    This ad really bothers me – I DO believe that some technical expertise is necessary with the IBM clones, but….


  12. Donald says:

    Hahaha geeks. My Mac’s the shizzles yo.

  13. João PT says:

    By the rate this is going we need even simpler interfaces to computing than OSx…

    Hmmmm….Nah! we just need a browser booting directly on top of the console…that’s what we need…and writely in myspace.

  14. Max Bell says:

    There. Now they can get in his clapped out, green van, drive to Jack in the Box, and order 67 tacos them the 99 cent value menu together.

  15. Max Bell says:

    ARRRGH! Stupid, jpeg-eating wordpress!!!

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #11 – I’m sorry she got ripped off on the price of Word… But at least she didn’t have to lower herself to using WordPerfect.

  17. chuck says:

    Hi, I’m a Mac – and I’m so stoned…

    Hi, I’m a PC – and I do heroin, crack and meth…

    – see: PCs do way more than Macs…

  18. Bob says:

    I’ll bet she’s a Democrat.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    She’s young… She’s cute… She’s natural… and do you guys really think Apple is making commercials to appeal to the stoner market? Give it a rest.

    And yes Bob, if she’s smart, she’s a Democrat.

  20. Jim says:

    i stopped adjuncting a few months ago because a) the money stunk and b) this above type student wasn’t unusual

  21. James Hill says:

    Personally, I’ve moved to OS X and my wife is running XP on a MacBook Pro. We both have iPods, and I’ll be getting two iTVs when they come out. On the flip side, as I get older, I find myself playing fewer games… and as such am selling my X-Box 360. The only major pieces of non-Apple technology in my house are DirecTV tuners and Motorola cell phones.

    Don’t know how big of a market segment I represent, but Steve Jobs has me pegged.

    (#19 – If she’s smart she has Democrats working for her, because they only take shit and can’t do anything about it. That being said, your trolling skills are improving, and I’m impressed.)

  22. Mark says:

    Good, your name from now on is iJames.

  23. iJames says:

    If it gets me stock options, I’m game.

  24. tallwookie says:

    #19 – yes i believe they are – fortunately for the market, stoners often forget rather quickly – with any luck, we’ll all forget this rather quickely.

  25. ryan says:

    I’d hit it.

  26. tnels says:

    Is she Steve’s (the Dell Guy’s) little sister?


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