Al-Muhajir. Something fake about this guy. A true Islamist of his supposed dedication would have a full beard not some nightclub owner clip job. Also he’d never wear a headscarf with that black egal. It’s considered vain adornment amongst the true believers.

IOL: Al-Qaida: We’ll blow up the White House

Al Qaida’s leader in Iraq today vowed his fighters will never rest until they have blown up the White House and reached Jerusalem.

In an audio tape made available on militant websites, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir claimed to be winning the war in Iraq and said the US President was “stupid”.

They may think Bush is stupid but they are the ones who somehow think the White House is between their locale and Jerusalem. Check a map Abu.

  1. Moral Volcano says:

    Saudi Arabian royal family is strict because stricter Islamists in their country would take power off their hands.

    Incidentally, the last Saudi King (the one that died recently) spent most of the year in Spain.

  2. shelby says:

    yeah i dunno. he does look rather fake. he should hav a lonr beard and ur rite it does look lk a nit club guy. lol. yeah well i totally agree.

  3. I’m for destroying the white house.
    Who else but a pompose ass-hole would live there. Go Al Qaida


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