Al-Muhajir. Something fake about this guy. A true Islamist of his supposed dedication would have a full beard not some nightclub owner clip job. Also he’d never wear a headscarf with that black egal. It’s considered vain adornment amongst the true believers.

IOL: Al-Qaida: We’ll blow up the White House

Al Qaida’s leader in Iraq today vowed his fighters will never rest until they have blown up the White House and reached Jerusalem.

In an audio tape made available on militant websites, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir claimed to be winning the war in Iraq and said the US President was “stupid”.

They may think Bush is stupid but they are the ones who somehow think the White House is between their locale and Jerusalem. Check a map Abu.

  1. mandarin says:

    Just send them a clip of Independence day.

  2. moss says:

    You are so right, John. This dude looks like a Second Life clip.

  3. Mark T. says:

    Um, John, are we now to judge terrorists’ intents based on their attire in their passport photos? I wouldn’t be so quick to write this off as fake. Do you have any other reason to doubt that this guy is for real or the threat as valid?

  4. doug says:

    AQ should keep in mind that the last foreign enemy to trash the White House now does our bidding in Iraq …

  5. Mark says:

    “Abu Hamza al-Muhajir claimed to be winning the war in Iraq and said the US President was “stupid”.

    Stupid, damn he said THAT! I am Shocked, Shocked I tell you.

  6. apeguero says:

    Are you sure he doesn’t work for That comment about the president being stupid has all over it…

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:



  8. Tom says:

    Nightclub owner clip job!!! Hilarious. Yes it is a fake, i think this guy is Karl Roves lover, and is just doing him a favor.

    Everyone thinks that the everything will be better now that the Democrats are in power, and to a certain extent I think that is true, but now the republicans have a chance to go into their caves and hatch another evil plot to divert the constitution and make their dream totalitarian regime.

    While getting people to create propaganda like this and the so called 30 terrorist plots active in the UK. Give me a break. Expect to see alot more of this BS in the coming days.

  9. Moral Volcano says:

    Osama is someone who craves for attention.

    4. the last foreign enemy to trash the White House now does our bidding in Iraq …

    You may have forgotten the dramatic getaway that U.S diplomatic staff and their families made from the roof of the U.S. embassy on a helicopter in Saigon, April 29, 1975.

    … irrational exhuberance?

  10. RBG says:

    You tell’em, John.

    I’d say the Wahabby’s of Saudi Arabia are about as fundamental and strict as you can get, yet they all wear an egal. By the way, it’s my understanding that that bit of rope on their headdress has its origins as a camel hobble, so the camels won’t stray off.

    I’m sure Hamza al-Muhajir’s son, Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, will back off from his stance once the Democrats have brought all the troops home. Not.


  11. Zargon says:

    It’s one of those pictures that you look at and think, ” That just ain’t right”

  12. RBG says:

    0. You tell’em, John.

    8. Yes, those terrorists… they’re really a bunch of swell kidders when they get going. They get that from their 5-times-a-day lifetime prayer sessions.

    I’m sure as soon as the Democrats bring our troops home shortly, the whole thing will be forgotten. Not.

    BTW, the Wahhabis of Saudi Arabia – perhaps the most fundamental and strict of all Muslims – all wear an egal. If I’m not mistaken, it has it’s origins as a camel hobble to keep their camels from wandering off. So it comes from a very practical tradition.


    (PS: Sorry if this double posts. Some text said it went through, but it never showed up,)

  13. joshua says:

    Glad you mentioned that White House to Jerusalem trip John…..I was thinking the same, this guys needs an education in geography. He probably just found out he was in Iraq, after thinking he had got off the train in Damascus.

  14. Thomas says:

    Am I the only one that finds it frightening that a terrorist group was praising the election of Democratic leaders?

  15. Offtopic says:


    How much would it cost to give all the heat-stroked brain-damaged inhabitants of these countries an air conditioner or two for their mud huts?

    After that, we could build a few schools in their countries.

    Last, but not least: we could teach them, in these schools, that there is no invisible man in the sky that will grant them 666 virgins if they die martyrs.

    Main problems in modern society: ignorance due to lack of schools, too much importance on entertainment (sports and whatever), and greedy people stepping on the rest of us for their own perceived need.

    It’s not like this stuff is some way-out perception…

  16. Tom 2 says:

    Like a said, this video has not been verified and it is republican propaganda. So am i surprised that they bash democrats no.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – No you aren’t. There are lots a paranoid kooks in America who get rattled and let the terrorists win by cowering in fear when the party with the clearly superior ideas takes power.

  18. rctaylor says:

    If they were smart we would be up to our knees in blood. These jokers are puppets on a string, worked by someone with a real political agenda, augmented by threats and occasional violence. Who are the puppet masters?

  19. Thomas says:

    >…when the party with the clearly superior ideas takes power.

    I thought the Democrats won.

    With the Democrats and Republicans there is just the party of different but mostly crappy ideas.

  20. AB CD says:

    I didn’t hear too many ideas during the election, except moving troops in IRaq to a rapid-deployment zone…in Okinawa. I guess it’s all a secret plan.

  21. The Wahhabist (who should be properly called Salafists) are like any other religious group. So do all Jews wear a Yarmulke? No, only some. Do all Catholics go to church?

    Here I’m talking about the serious true-believers. They do not wear the egal. You can see them in a crowd. It serves as a code to fool guys like you readers and the mass media. RBG, have you ever been to the Middle East and been given the lectures on attire? Or are you just blowing smoke? (Need I ask?)

  22. Johns cranky today!

  23. Bob says:

    Al-Qaida / Democrats all agree. How strange is that?

  24. joshua says:

    I’m not a-feared of al Qaida praising the Democrats. That just makes it official…..there are now 3 groups in the world that have no plan….Rep’s, Dem’s and al-qaida in Iraq.

  25. RBG says:

    21. As scholars of Islam and Saudi Arabia, you and I know that the Saudis follow the teachings of Mohammed Bin Abdul Wahhab of the 18th century who together with Muhammad bin Saud founded the First Saudi State. We both know the Saudis really don’t like the description “Wahhabi” because it appears to exalt the individual man. We know that strict Wahhabis would rather be referred to as “muwahidin” – translated means unitarian – because they profess only the unity of God. Nevertheless, “Wahhabi” is a term that is a little more specific than “Salafist” for the Saudis and provides historical context for those like you and I who are not Saudi. (How’s my smoke blowing so far?)

    My comments were specifically referenced to Saudis – perhaps the most rigid in all Islam. There, even the pious of the pious – the Saudi’s religious police, the Muttawa, wear the headdress – though I recall it being white. See, I’ve been there a half dozen times and have been privileged to produce – for the Saudis themselves – about two dozen video programs on their natural history, political history, religious history, and their cultural history. Even so, I’m far from being any kind of expert.

    Besides, smoking is bad for your health, John. Don’t you think?


  26. RBG says:

    One thought I should add for completeness is that I am referring to Saudis actually in Saudi Arabia. I’m saying, they all wear the headdress there. I can’t imagine what else they would wear with their white Thobes. Certainly I never saw any dressed thobe minus headdress. Am I to understand none of the Saudis I encountered are “true believers?” Not the clerics. Not the Mutawa? Not each citizen – who are all considered to be ministers in their own right?

    That said, I’m pretty sure the costume is not even part of the Islamic doctrine. While we have all seen the occasional Muslim women (and sometimes men) decked out in full costume, when Saudis go overseas, they are more likely to do so dressed in Western business attire – no headdress at all. So it’s not like a religious requirement like a turban. But then the Saudis do a lot of things different outside of the homeland.


  27. AB CD says:

    The Pres. said the US would not allow Israel to be crushed. Of course they blame the US for blocking their war to eliminate Jews from the world.

  28. tallwookie says:


  29. tallwookie says:

    ok that was weird – i totally typed stuff and it didnt show up

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, maybe your computer is using that new fangled invisible ink. If you’re going to use it, may I suggest you also try that new invisible correction fluid.


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