Motivational speaker?

Charlotte Observer | 11/09/2006 | Don’t blame the kids, blame the grown-ups — People want to blame one thing or another. I blame an educational system that is lax about educating kids about Nazis and WWII. I wonder how many of these kids, for example know that an estimated 62 million (yes, million) people died in that war.

On a high school soccer field in Gastonia, where teenage boys were set to rumble on a recent night, strange-sounding words blared from the speakers.

It was Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s minister of propaganda, brought back to life on the school’s public address system.

The soccer team for Forestview High School, playing Charlotte Catholic that night, had chosen “on to victory” as a slogan for the season, perhaps in deference to a teammate who was a German exchange student.

How that bit of cultural mixing morphed into Goebbels’ voice greeting fans in German defies thoughtful explanation. It appears a couple of the Forestview players were looking to pep up the team by playing its slogan as authentically as possible.

related links:
End season now editorial
Forestview School Homepage

  1. tallwookie says:


    thats bad…

  2. joe says:

    i heard that iwas a hitler speech. well either way the other team was from a catholic school & catholic’s weren’t really high on hitlers list either

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 — Hitler was a Roman Catholic. He was an Alter Boy. He extolled the virtue of being Roman Catholic in Mein Kampf.

  4. RTaylor says:

    As an adult Heir Hitler was an devote atheist. I don’t think it’s correct to paint him as a Roman Catholic.

  5. ECA says:

    A good speach is a good speach…

    It could have been delivered in a better way.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    It could be worse, check and see how North Korea twists the diary if Anne Frank.

  7. Roger M says:

    It makes me sick. Don’t know any other way to put it…..

  8. Jägermeister says:


    Hitler was not an atheist.

  9. James Hill says:

    Just plain sad, and more proof that the smartest person from N. C. is Ric Flair. He wouldn’t stand for this shit.

  10. Roger M says:

    As I remember, one of Hitler’s slogans was “Gott mit uns”. As in “God with us”.
    (And the church pretty much followed. Including his popeness).

  11. joshua says:

    #10…Roger M…..The verdict is still out on what the Catholic Church did or didn’t do during WWII….but it is coming to light in a big way that Pius was hiding Jews in the Vatican and other churchs around Italy.
    Priest were arrested and sent to the concentration camps, a lot of them, some shot as enimies of the state. Large groups of Protistant ministers were killed by the Nazi’s…..but larger groups cooperated happily with Hitler.

    Another one of those pesky situations where mankind showed his best and his worst. No all black or all white there.

  12. ECA says:

    This is Goeballs, NOT hitler…
    The BEST, propaganist of the time…

    A good speach is a GOOD speach…It just should NOT have been GOEBALLS speaking it.

  13. DeLeMa says:

    I like the gooey goeballs best… (ouch..sorry ECA)
    I sorta agree a good speech is a good speech but, I tend more towards my own personal guru of spech-a-fying : Vincent Lombardi.
    The only real coach in football history..imho..(as I duck gracefully back into obscurity)

  14. Roger M says:

    Thanks Joshua
    “No all black or all white there”
    And in my point of view, it tells me that religious belief doesn’t have any impact on ethical choices when it comes down to it. Ethics come from elsewhere.

  15. Joe Ramsey says:

    I think it’s a shame that it happened but it seems to me it wasn’t done intentionally to hurt or offend anyone. According to the linked editorial a German exchange student had taught them not of Gobbels but rather just how to say the phrase – which was already a team phrase – in German. Some other kids were looking for an audio version of it and unfortuately found it in a speech that was given by Gobbels and some of the speech played along with the phrase before the game. I think it’s a bit reactionary to go from that to saying that they should end their soccer season over it. I did think it was a good idea though to have them watch Schindler’s List, read some passages from Night or one of Elle Wessel’s other books on the Holocaust or have a survivor come in and speak but that probabaly true for all high schools – not just this one in particular. Never forget…

  16. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    To paraphrase someone who lives in that area…the public school kids played the speech…they clearly (and unfortunately) didn’t’ understand how it would go over. The Catholic school kids (and parents I presume) recognized it for what it was, and went ape sh!t.

    The World/U.S. history teachers at that school have some work to do.

  17. Rich says:

    This is an awesome way to destroy folks’ complacency- put the fear of God in them. Bravo.

  18. Billabong says:

    If they had played that speech in Germany someone would have been arrested.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The evidence of Hitler’s faith is irrefutable. He was a Roman Catholic to his deathbed, and as throughout most of history, the Roman Catholic church was steeped in corruption and graft and stood idly by while Hitler murdered over 6 million innocent Jews.

    That said, niether the cruelty of Hitler nor the spineless tacit approval of the church should be construed as an indictment of modern or contemporary Catholics at large.

    Jim Jones was a mass murderer. That doesn’t mean all evangelical preachers are mass murderers. Christians have such a amazing ability to be consumed by shame that it leads them to the sin of revising history.

    No athiest denies that Stalin was an athiest, but no athiest will let anyone else deny that Hitler was a Catholic.

  20. Mark says:

    OFTLO- I was born and raised Catholic, and went to Catholic school all my life. What youve said is essentially true. It was hard for me to accept that a Pope would stand idly by during this period, but yet it did happen. I have since turned my back on the church. The church is still steeped in corruption and graft, and there are certainly evil elements ensconced in the Vatican. Witness the complacency in the way they deal with pedophile priests.

    Still, I dont believe Hitler was a practicing Catholic. True he was baptized in the church, but I have never seen any evidence that he espoused any religious beliefs, unless of course it furthered his goal. He was also 1/4 Jew (is that a religion, or a race Ive often wondered).

    15. Elie Wiesels’ Night, should be required reading in High School (as it was in my Catholic High School), an extremely powerful book that is pertinent today. It wasnt so long ago, the Holocaust, still happens in third world countries,and could happen in this country.

    Lets just hope all those FEMA camps are meant for another purpose.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    When I was a kid, the Diary of Ann Frank was required reading. It still should be today, along with the other books and movies that give a good representation of life under the Nazis.

    As far as the Pope goes, remember Stalin who sarcastically asked “How many divisions does the Pope have?”

  22. Tori says:

    Uh I happen to go to Fhs and i also happen to be black and I
    ABSOLUTLELY LOVE my school!!! I think its crazy how people are
    blowing this WAY out of porportion! Yeah they made a mistake , but
    its over its done with, GET OVER IT!!!

  23. T.D says:

    Uh I happen to go to Fhs and i also happen to be black and I
    ABSOLUTLELY LOVE my school!!! I think its crazy how people are
    blowing this WAY out of porportion! Yeah they made a mistake , but
    its over its done with, GET OVER IT!!!


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