Area man charged with bestiality — This sort of thing makes you wonder. This is one of those situations where having a picture of this guy just to see what he looks like might be revealing. YUK.

I wonder if this has anything to do with the elections? I heard the phrase “screwed the pooch,” but this is ridiculous.

Before officers could arrive, the man showed up and began engaging in sexual acts with the dog, police said. The animal control officer also reported seeing Kuch involved in the sex act and as he approached him, Kuch shoved him away and ran off.

State troopers searched the area and found the man hiding in the attic of a nearby house.

Officers determined that the house belonged to the man’s girlfriend and later learned that the dog, a black Labrador retriever, also belonged to the girlfriend. The dog had been dead for four or five days.

found by the ever watchful Al Cole

  1. Trimble Epic says:

    Um… uh…

    That LAST sentence took the whole thing to an entirely new level.


  2. Dead for days apparently. Gak.

  3. Mark says:

    Man, this blog is certainly diverse/perverse.

  4. Al Cole says:

    PS – the Dog was male

  5. Venom Monger says:

    PS – the Dog was male

    And Republican.

    har har. Sorry.

  6. Mark says:

    4. As if that really makes a difference. Nothing worse than a practitioner of homosexual *necro-bestiality.

    *It think thats a made up word, for shizzle.

  7. Mike Voice says:

    When you say disgusting, you mean disgusting!

  8. Raff says:

    Dare I ask what the dog died of?

  9. Mark says:

    8. Yes, he died of “ruff” sex.


  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I gotta agree with one of the common complaints about this site. It does focus too much on Republican senators and representatives.

  11. Sundog says:

    I guess I kinda feel sorry for the girlfriend, and uh, the dog too of course.

  12. Hey, I have mixed feelings about these stories and I do not want the site to go to the dogs. Er, I mean I hate being hounded about this sort of topic. Although a lot of readers lap this stuff up. I personally thought it was a howler but something of a bitch to make readable.

    You should all note that I once entered a national pun contest. I sent in ten different puns, in the hope that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

  13. John Paradox says:

    Reminds me of a sick joke:
    Guy comes home early and cries “No, my wife and my best friend! How could you, Mary? How could you, Spot?”


  14. tallwookie says:

    Nice, I know of a graveyard close by this guy could violate and move a bit further up the food chain…

    ps: I wonder what they did with the dog… since it was already dead, and he had likely poked some holes in it (think about that for a sec) – did the cops take it as evidence? If so, what does the evidence locker smell like right now? Or perhaps did they dispose of it?

  15. ECA says:

    What you think we AVOID what the democrates do on purpose??
    Out of respeat??
    If anyone finds Dirt on them, they WILL be on the front page.
    I just figure that they Dont do it in public, They would have dragged the dog HOME first, and buried it AFTER, to cover the evidence

  16. ty says:

    that should be more like “disgusting news item of the month”

  17. Mark says:

    Guess you could say he gave that ole dog a bone.

  18. norm says:

    says a lot about the girlfriend doesn’t it, more pleasure out sex with a dead dog than with her

  19. RBG says:

    So it was dead? Okay, now that’s sick.


  20. Jägermeister says:

    Almost baked a pizza on the keyboard… 🙁

  21. James Hill says:

    I’m sure the liberals support his right to marry the dog, however.

    (That’s how it’s done, kids.)

  22. Jägermeister says:


    Right to marry? He should be forced to marry that poor dead dog…

  23. prophet says:

    Look at the way the dog was dressed…it was asking for it…4 days ago…. but it was asking for it, none the less.

  24. DeLeMa says:

    First we get this story then, I just had to read JCDs’ entry all the way to the end.. and I knew better ! gads, what a day this turned out to be…

  25. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    The guy is a now unemployed Republican politician. Since he can’t do it people anymore, well, you fill in the ending.

    John, old joke but still a good one.

  26. Kevin says:

    wow what an ignorant statement from the comment above mine, especially since we know Bill Clinton screws anything that moves, he would have to to screw Hillary. That story is freakin’ sick man, they shouldn’t even publicize it, just lock him up on an island somewere.

  27. B. Dog says:

    Some of this is beyond racist.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #21 – I’m sure the liberals support his right to marry the dog, however.

    (That’s how it’s done, kids.)

    Comment by James Hill — 11/9/2006 @ 6:39 pm

    You are like Bill O-Reilly with a bow tie and a seltzer bottle.

    Wakka wakka wakka

  29. ECA says:

    WITH his dead dog..

  30. Raff says:

    The official charge of crimes against nature carries a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison. If the person is a repeat offender, the maximum is life in prison.

    Crimes against nature? Is that what they call this? I’d think bestiality would be a better charge. Or Necrophelia.

    dead labrador = nature? Doesn’t quite add up.


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