

Irish Examiner> Breaking News> Sport — This post is not really about K-Fed and poor Britney breaking up and the fact that Federline actually wants full custody despite the fact that he is Kevin Federline, crummy rapper (crapper?).

No. The post is about celebrity and the story that follows about Kylie.

A day after Britney Spears asked for a divorce, her husband Kevin Federline filed court papers seeking sole custody of the couple’s two children.

The former back-up dancer and aspiring rapper is also seeking spousal support. He says the couple’s community assets are “uncertain”, although Spears said in her divorce papers there were none to speak of.

“Kevin is prepared to go the distance in order to do what he feels is necessary to protect and safeguard the children and will not be intimidated or dissuaded from pursuit of those goals,” Michael Sands, spokesman for Federline’s lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, said yesterday.

OK, so I run into this story about Kylie Minogue who is apparently a superstar of some sort in Australia and perhaps elsewhere. I never heard of her, but then again things do get by me once in a while. Usually it is not to this degree and I have to assume I am not alone. She’s a good-looking yet-another female singer and she apparently had a bout of breast cancer, which is never good. So I read this article about her and realized that the media everywhere is the same. It’s the media that extols and thumps the tub for celebrity. It’s global, not just USA. Geez, it’s pathetic.

Then again.

  1. ZeOverMind says:

    From the ‘net news I’ve read, I’d say the Brits are the most celeb obsessed nation in the English speaking world. The Aussies on the other hand seem to be the most sports/athlete obsessed. We can thank Rupert Murdoch for pushing a lot of this media garbage –

  2. Peter Dulimov says:

    Kylie Minogue was a minor tv soap star in Australia who went on to become a pop diva icon for gay men in the 90s, (except in the UK, where she was huge). So don’t worry about missing her John.

  3. rctaylor says:

    Most people live the proverbial life of quiet desperation. These celebrities are just a distraction. I imagine it’s a result of modern times. Eighty years ago it took the whole day and piece of the night just to survive. Nobody had the free time then.

  4. Tom 2 says:

    God i cant even describe how much i dont care about britney whatserface, i mean seriously she is used to the point of no return, she is fat, 2 kids, I mean it doesnt get much worse then that.

  5. The media wouldn’t cover celebrities so much if it wasn’t what the people want.

  6. Named says:


    I’d say it’s all based on their history of Royal watching. Not much different from tracking what the Prince poops and any A-list celebrity.

  7. Max says:

    I remember Kylie when she remade “The Locomotion”. She’s much much sexier now…

  8. Allan frisby says:

    Hi – I’m not the biggest fan but Kylie is one of the more likeable diva’s.
    She’s actually been around for nearly 20 years now and managed to get her bum insured for some million dollar figure in the UK.
    Neighbours is renowned for employing actresses and giving them recording contracts.

    The others to look out for (or not) are Holly valance, Delta Goodrem (also had cancer), Natalie Unbruglia (who actually was a good actress), Natalie Bassingthwaighte and Stephanie McIntosh.
    Stephanie McIntosh had a promotional faux-fly-on-the-wall doco where viewers were able to see how bad she really is at singing and performing without the aid of studio magic.

    Neighbours is a huge stepping stone for actors and singers, Guy Pearce and Russell Crowe also started off on Neighbours.
    I might add that Neighbours and Home and Away is one of Australia’s biggest exports. Home and Away is to Neighbours what Raymond is to Seinfeld – shmaltsy and cheap entertainment.

  9. James Hill says:

    Best part about the Britney/K-Fed story is that Federline’s involvement with the WWE was supposedly the “final straw”.

    And here I thought all white trash liked wrestling?

  10. Kylie is the shit, despite not having big popularity here in the states. I really like her, not because she had cancer, but because she’s been doing this almost as long as Madonna, and continues to be a worthwhile artist. Yeah, it’s dance pop stuff, but it’s better than most.

    There’s hope for Britney if she ever truly grows up. Here’s hoping motherhood helps her along, for the sake of her children.

  11. Zuke says:

    #6 Tom 2 -> Britney fat? You obviously didn’t watch David Letterman this week! Yikes, either she got lipo or went on a major crash diet. Pretty much has the body of old Britney now, plus mommy boobies. Wow.

    p.s. Fat and 2 kids, you just described how many million women in the U.S…….?

  12. Ballenger says:

    I have CNN on, and I shit you not, they just broke to a Fed-Ex commercial directly from a story about BritandKevgate, in which they refered to Kev as Fed-Ex. I’m sure if questioned about this they would claim thier advertizing and news departments were just N SYNC, for a fee of course..

  13. You always learn something new on Dvorak Uncensored.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 I remember Kylie when she remade “The Locomotion”. She’s much much sexier now…

    Comment by Max — 11/9/2006 @ 6:08 am

    But her talent is still just a pedestrian as it was then.

  15. Mike Voice says:

    8 It’s well worth your time to do research into Ms Minogue’s videos, JC. WELL worth your time.

    And don’t forget her advertisement for Agent Provocateur lingerie. Kylie riding a mechanical bull, while wearing [almost] lingerie.

    Why it wasn’t shown during the SuperBowl, I’ll never know…. 🙂

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 p.s. Fat and 2 kids, you just described how many million women in the U.S…….?

    Comment by Zuke — 11/9/2006 @ 10:09 am

    Spears should be despised for being such a miserable talent, an idiot, and for supporting Republican politics***, which sets such a poor role model for the 12 year olds who buy her tasteless crap.

    ***”I think we should just trust our president in every decision he makes.” — Britney Spears, 2003

    But the statement about her being “fat” and “having two kids” is really just part of that bizzare hatred that young men seem to harbor for their mothers and/or women in general.

    Obviously, I really like this site… but it is remarkably mysogenistic – a trait I never actually expected from Dvorak, and one that would be contemptable were it not such a common trait. It seems to be part of the core human experience.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    For those of you wanting to research Kylie’s videos, I suggest the following equipment.

    1. a comfortable chair
    2. a nice video screen
    3. a DVD player
    4. a DVD of Kylie’s videos
    5. a bottle of baby oil
    6. a towel
    7. a CD player and some good music to listen to so you won’t have to listen to Kylie’s videos.

  18. WokTiny says:

    remind me why anyone cares.

  19. tallwookie says:

    Jebus – its really fucking sad that people are so used to being thwaped upside the head with this useless garbage that its part of our society now. Its all dumb. Yes they look good – so what, theres a lot of other good looking people out there that dont have millions of vacant-eyed morons watching their every move – its all so pointless.

    And people wonder where America fucked up…

  20. moss says:

    If I didn’t hate linking to youtube — I would.

    It turns out FedEx was dumped by a text message from his wifey. It was caught on camera where he was rehearsing for something dumb > his phone rang > he peeped it and turned pale > had to leave for a half-hour when presumably he rang her back to beg, plead, threaten and pout.

    He returned too shaken to complete the rehearsal.


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